- Количество слайдов: 20
外籍生 /僑生居留資 訊 THE INFORMATION OF RESIDENT CERTIFICATE FOREIGN STUDENT IN TAIWAN 內政部入出國及移民署花蓮縣服務站 專員 陳江奇 Hualien Service Center, NIA Kay Chen Executive Officer
大綱 OUTLINE 認識證件 To know your Resident Card 如何 延期 How to extend your Resident Card 如何辦理出入境 手續 How to apply Re-entry Permit
外籍學生類別 CATEGORIES OF FOREIGN STUDENTS 外僑居留證 Alien Resident Certificate 持外國入照 入境的僑生 0 verseas compatriot student. With foreign passport 外籍生 Foreign student 臺灣地區居留證 Long-Long Term Resident Certificate for Taiwan area 港澳學生 Hong Kong and Macao Residents 持中照入境的 僑生 0 verseas compatriot Student. With R. O. C. passport
認識外僑居留證 Alien Resident Certificate
如何辦理【外僑居留證】 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 護照與居留簽證(驗正本、收影本) 入學通知(驗正本、收影本)、學生證(驗正本、 收影本)或註冊收據 etc 證照費: 500元 (僑生 )、 1000元 (外籍生 ) -回郵信封:自取者免附 申請通過後, 證】 7個 作天後領取 【 外僑居留
HOW TO APPLY ARC?( FIRST TIME) Required document Application form 1 Photo(the head should be 3. 2 - 3. 6 CM) Passport and VISA(the photocopy and the original one) Enrollment Certificate, Student card, or Receipt of registration Fee: $500 (overseas compatriot student), $1, 000(Foreign student) NOTICES Apply ARC after entering Taiwan within 15 days. Apply ARC by yourself for the first time. Get ARC after 7 working days. (EX. 17/Sep---26/Sep)
【外僑居留證】如何延期? 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 護照(驗正本、收影本) 外僑居留證(直接收回舊證) 已蓋註冊章之學生證(驗正本、收影本)、學校公 文或在學證明文件 證照費: 500元 (僑生 )、 1000元 (外籍生 ) 每次核給 1年效期
HOW TO EXTEND ARC? Required document Application form 1 Photo(the head should be 3. 2 - 3. 6 CM) Passport(the photocopy and the original one) Used ARC Student card, official document from school or Receipt of registration Fee: $500 (overseas compatriot student), $1, 000(Foreign student) NOTICES You can authorize classmates to extend ARC. Get ARC after 7 working days. (EX. 17/Sep---26/Sep)
持【外僑居留證】的僑生入出境臺灣… 應申請 【 重入國許可 re-entry permit】 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 護照、居留證(驗正本、收影本) 畢僑組同意書或學校公文 學生證(驗正本、收影本) 證照費:免費 僑生出境前需申辦重入境許可,但外籍生不需要 寒暑假時核給 3個月效期,單次使用
HOW TO APPLY RE-ENTRY PERMIT? Required document Application form 1 Photo Passport and ARC(the photocopy and the original one) Student card Official document from school Fee: free NOTICES Overseas compatriot students have to apply reentry permit before back to your country , and foreign Students don’t. After getting Re-entry Permit, you can go abroad and come back to Taiwan within 3 months.
為何第一次申請ARC要付費 2次? 居留 1天 -1年,均是收費 2012. 9. 1 ( 入境日) 2012. 9. 30 1 年 2 9日 收 費 2 , 0 0 0元 1, 000元(僑生 500元)。 2013. 9. 30 1, 000元 2014. 9. 30 2015. 9. 30 ( 可居留至 2016. 9. 30) 1, 000元 2015. 9. 30 ( 如果只居留 至 2016. 9. 1) 1, 000元 0元,因為最後 一年的336天和 第 1年的29天併 計為 1年
WHY DO I NEED TO PAY TWICE FIRST TIME? Even just 1 day- the fee of ARC is NT$1, 000. 2012. 9. 1 (the entry day) 2012. 9. 30 1 y 29 dcharge. NT$2, 000 2012. 9. 1 (入境 日) 2012. 9. 30 1 y 29 dcharge. NT$2, 000 2013. 9. 30 NT$1, 000 2014. 9. 30 NT$1, 000 2015. 9. 30 ( stay in Taiwan before 2016. 9. 30) NT$1, 000 2015. 9. 30 (stay in Taiwan before 2016. 9. 1) NT$0, 2012. 9. 12016. 9. 1 is 4 Y
認識臺灣 地區 居留證 Long Term Resident certificate for Taiwan Area
如何辦理【臺灣地區居留證】 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 僑居地身分證明(驗正本、收影本)或中華民國護 照 入境許可證 健康檢查合格證明(乙表) 海外聯合招生分發通知書(驗正本、收影本) 僑居地警察紀錄證明書(未滿 20歲免附) 證照費:僑生 500元,無戶籍國民 1, 000元 申請通過後, 7個 作天領取 【 臺灣地區居留證 】
HOW TO APPLY LONG TERM RESIDENT CERTIFICATE FOR TAIWAN AREA ?( FIRST TIME) Required document Application form 1 Photo(the head should be 3. 2 - 3. 6 CM) ROC Passport or ID(the photocopy and the original one) Entry Permit Enrollment Certificate Noncriminal Record(more than 20 y/o) Fee: $500 (overseas compatriot student), $1, 000(Foreign student) NOTICES Get ARC after 7 working days. (EX. 17/Sep---26/Sep)
【臺灣地區居留證】如何延期 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 學生證 學校公文 證照費:僑生 150元,無戶籍國民 300元 申請通過後, 7個 作天領取
HOW TO EXTEND LONG TERM RESIDENT CERTIFICATE FOR TAIWAN AREA ? Required document Application form 1 Photo(the head should be 3. 2 - 3. 6 CM) Student card Official document from school Fee: $150 (overseas compatriot student), $300(HK or Macao Residents) NOTICES You can authorize classmates to extend it. Get ARC after 7 working days. (EX. 17/Sep---26/Sep)
持【臺灣地區居留證】的港澳橋生入出境臺灣… 應申請 【 逐次加簽入出境許可證 】 3年效期 應備文件 申請書(上貼 2吋相片:白底、頭 3. 2至 3. 6公分) 護照、居留證(驗正本、收影本) 畢僑組同意書或學校公文 已蓋註冊章之學生證(驗正本、收影本) 證照費: 600元
HOW TO APPLY RE-ENTRY PERMIT? Required document Application form 1 Photo Passport and Long Term Resident Certificate for Taiwan Area(the photocopy and the original one) Student card Official document from school Fee: 600 NOTICES Hong Kong and Macao students have to apply reentry permit before back to your HK or Macao, and overseas compatriot students don`t.
OFFICE TEL. 038 -329700 038 -332103 OFFICE HOUR M-F: 0800 -1700