- Количество слайдов: 43
中国与RHIC-STAR的国际合作 马余刚,陈宏芳,程建平 中国RHIC-STAR合作组: 中国科大,清华大学,上海应物所, 华中师大,高能所,近物所 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
outline FChinese RHIC-STAR Group FTOFr and Physics Results FImpact of Chinese RHIC-STAR Group FPhysics with Full TOF Project FConclusion 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Chinese RHIC-STAR Group -History and present organization 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
US-China Collaboration on STAR/ RHIC F A STAR-China collaboration has been established (Six Institutions from China) Ø Ø Ø University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (USTC) Tsinghua University Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) Central China Normal University, Wuhan (CCNU) Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou (IMP) Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing (IHEP) F Chinese collaborators are playing a major role in physics analyses involving open charm, Cronin effect, and elliptic flow as part of STAR’s focus on studies of a new state of matter (the quark-gluon plasma) at RHIC F Chinese groups are leading in prototyping and development for a large-area MRPC time-of-flight detector for STAR. F This is the first major US-China collaboration on high energy nuclear physics and we have had a very successful beginning. F The STAR-China Time-of-Flight Construction Project has been covered under the US-PRC HEP Agreement since 2001 to ensure smooth construction of the TOF detector and operation of the STAR-China collaboration. 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Major Milestones of STAR-China TOF Project F CCNU and IHEP joined STAR collaboration in 1999 for TOFp; SINAP, USTC, Tsinghua and IMP joined STAR collaboration in Oct. 2001. F USTC team began MRPC R&D in Aug. 2000 with the supports of NSFC, STAR and other Chinese collaboration institutions. F Joined in US/PRC Cooperative Agreement on High Energy Physics since 2001 (22 nd Meeting) F Prototype MRPC (multi-gap resistive plate) time-of-flight detectors, produced jointly between USTC and Rice Univ. and operated successfully in STAR (2002 -3 and 2003 -4 RHIC runs). Physics results on identified particle spectra and on semi-leptonic charm decays have been published. F Approval of "RHIC-STAR Physics and the Construction of Barrel STAR-TOF” by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Sept 10, 2004, Budget: 1. 5 M USD) F Approval of the STAR TOF upgrade proposal by BNL Technical Advisory Committee and Submission of the Proposal to DOE (July 2004) F Technical Review of proposal by DOE, planned Aug. 2005 F Suppose DOE approval in Oct. 2005, full construction start October 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
MRPC TOF Barrel R&D F RUN 2002 -3: TOF installed in STAR Ø 24 MRPC modules produced at University of Science Technology China Ø 6 -channel front-end cards, with amplifiers and discriminators, CAMAC read-out 2002 F Run 2003 -4: TOF installed in STAR Ø 5 new modules from USTC and 5 from Tsinghua University, Tsinghua developed automated techniques for manufacturing Ø 24 -channel front-end cards with amplifier and discriminator F RUN 2004 -5, TOF installed in STAR, Ø 16 new modules from Tsinghua Ø First time use of full on-board read-out electronics: digitization of data on-board Ø First use of ALICE PCI-PC based DAQ 2004 2005/6/28 -29 G. Eppley et al. 第 59届东方论坛,上海
The STAR Barrel TOF MRPC Prototype Tray Construction at Rice University MRPC design developed at CERN, built in USTC/China FEE 28 MRPC Detector s; 24 made at USTC Neighbor CTB Tray 70 ps, 2 meter path Strong team including 6 Chinese Institutions in place 2005/6/28 -29 EMC Rails Completed Prototype 28 module MRPC TOF Tray installed in STAR Oct. ‘ 02 in place of existing central 第 59届东方论坛,上海 trigger barrel tray
batch production 40 MRPC production, more than 80% of eligible rate , good performance in on-line testing at RHIC-STAR (Tsinghua) 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Chinese Proposal to NSFC Project Leader: Yu-Gang Ma (SINAP) Deputy Leaders: Hongfang Chen (USTC) Jian-Ping Cheng (Tsinghua) Liaison person: Huanzhong Huang (UCLA) l Studies of the strong interaction matter at high temperature/density and searching for QGP (Yu-Gang Ma, SINAP) (SINAP, CCNU, USTC, Tsinghua etc. ) focus on the collective dynamics of rare particles, heavy quark production, hadronic evolution dynamics and search for multi-quark state particles l Design and Mass production of MRPC modules for STAR-TOF (Jian-Ping Cheng, Tsinghua) (Tsinghua, USTC) 3840 MRPC for 120 tray, additional 6 tray (70% Tsinghua/30% USTC) l Quality control and calibration for STAR-TOF (Xiao-Lian Wang, USTC) (USTC, Tsinghua) 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
The Proposal of RHIC-STAR Full TOF Construction Proposed major construction responsibilities: F Chinese STAR Groups: MRPC Production and Quality Assurance – NSFC/CAS/Mo. ST (Approved in Sept, 2004) (Special thanks for Huanzhong, Nu, Zhangbu, Xinnian et al. for many important suggestions and helps) F US STAR Groups: Electronics and Integration etc – DOE Project Manager: G. Eppley (with DOE) FMonetary Contributions: China ~ US$2. 5 M (US$ 1. 5 M from NSFC/CAS/Mo. ST) US- DOE ~ US$4. 5 M 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
STAR TOFr and Physics Results TOF prototype: 1/120 coverage of Barrel STAR 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
PID TPC alone TOF “alone” k p TOF=110 ps TPC alone PID range: pi/k ~0. 6 Ge. V/c, (pi, k)/p ~1. 5 Ge. V/c; TOF “alone” PID range: pi/k ~1. 6 Ge. V/c, (pi, k)/p ~ 3. 0 Ge. V/c m 2 2005/6/28 -29 m 2 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Preliminary pion spectra till high p. T TPC+TOF: F TPC: § TOF: Ø Pion: 0. 2 -~1. 6 Ge. V/c Ø Pion: 0 -~0. 6 Ge. V/c Ø Kaon: 0. 2 -~1. 6 Ge. V/c Ø Proton: 0. 2 -~1 Ge. V/c Ø Proton: 0. 2 -~3 Ge. V/c 2005/6/28 -29 § TPC+TOF: Ø Pion: 0. -~10 Ge. V/c Ø Kaon: 0. 2 -~3 Ge. V/c Ø Proton: 0. 2 -~5 Ge. V/c 第 59届东方论坛,上海
2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Lepton decay from heavy quark Electron identification Electorns mixed with pions if only d. E/dx of TPC is used to identify particles Combined with TOF,electrons can be separated from pions cleanly X. Dong, Z. B. Xu, LJ Ruan, J Wu et al 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
RAu. Au and Rd. Au of _______ STAR Preliminary • Rd. Au of is closer to that of p and k than that of p • Particle production at intermediate p. T region is sorted by the particle’s type, not the mass 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Preliminary results v 2 1. the elliptic flow of Φ-meson gives similar behavior of Ks but distinguish from Λ 2. a NCQ-scaling has been observed in Φ-meson 3. error bars in higt pt range (2. 5 Ge. V, 5. 0 Ge. V) are still large 0 -80% STAR Preliminary data AMPT calc. 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Impact of Chinese RHIC-STAR Collaboration 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Organizing International workshop Host: F Aug 2002: 1 st International CCAST Summer School and Workshop on “QCD and RHIC Physics” in CCAST-WL, Beijing. Organized by Profs. X. L. Wang and P. F. Zhuang. There were ~15 foreign speakers invited, ~100 participants F Oct 2003, 1 st STAR Regional Collaboration Meeting, USTC; ~10 STAR speakers invited F Aug 2004: 2 nd International CCAST Summer School and Workshop on “QCD and RHIC Physics” in CCAST-WL, Beijing. Organized by Profs. Y. G. Ma, E. K. Wang and J. H. Fu. There were 19 foreign speakers and 22 domestic speakers, ~140 participants. F Oct 2004: International Workshop on “Collective Dynamics in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions” @ USTC, Organized by X. L. Wang and Nu Xu F 19-24 June 2005: 3 rd International Workshop on “QCD and RICH Physics” was organized by CCNU and CCAST et al. , , Wuhan; 20 foreign speakers, ~140 participants 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Talk @ Int. Conference QM 2006 in Shanghai: F The proposal to host “Quark Matter 2006” in Shanghai was accepted during QM 2004 in Oakland. Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics and Central China Normal University will co-organize the QM 2006 in Shanghai, preliminary date Nov 16 -22, 2006 Co-chairs: Zhiyuan Zhu (SINAP) & Xu Cai (CCNU) Honor Chair: T. D. Lee Taks in some international conferences: Conference Talks: QM 2004: one oral presentation (Ruan) SQM 2004: three oral presentations (Cai, Ruan, Ma) ICEHP 2004: one oral presentation (Wu) QM 2005: one Plenary Talk (Dong, from TOF phys results) one parallel talk (Cai) …… 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Our excellent students Ph. D Dissertations (incomplete statistics) : Jinghua FU (CCNU): 获二○○五年全国优秀博士学位论文 Shengli HHUANG (USTC), Lijuan RUAN (USTC),Zhixi LIU (CCNU) Xing DONG (USTC): 获二○○四年中国科学院院长奖学金特别奖 More Ph. D Students are involved in RHIC-STAR physics Chinese Principal authors of STAR Publications or works: Jinghua Fu et al. : Flow of Ks and for 130 Ge. V/c Au+Au (Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 132301 (2002). ) Xin Dong et al. : electron spectra fro open Charm (nucl-ex/0407006), PRL 94, 062301 (2005) Lijuan Run et al. : Cronin Effect (nucl-ex /0309012 ), Phys Lett B 616, 8 (2005) Lijuan Ruan (for the STAR Collaboration), π, K, p and production from Au+Au collisions at 62. 4 Ge. V, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 S 1029 -S 1033 (2005) Xiangzhou Cai (for the STAR Collaboration) Production of K 0 s, Λ and Ξ from 200 Ge. V d+Au collisions at RHIC, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 S 1015 -S 1018 (2005) Ming Shao, Pion, Kaon, and (Anti-) Proton Production in Au+Au Collisions at srt = 62. 4 Ge. V, J. Phys. G 31 (2005) S 85 -S 92 Shengli Huang et al. : azimuthal dependent fluctuation Zhixu Liu et al. : flow of Ks and for 63 Ge. V/c Au+Au Guoliang Ma et al. : flow and spectra of for 63 63 Ge. V/c Au+Au Jinhui Chen et al. , phi flow Jiaxu Zuo et al. , multi-strange partcile spactra, 2005/6/28 -29 ……………. 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Physics with the full coverage of TOF 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
STAR TPC + TOF (MC) Central (top 10%) collisions acceptance with TPC: : ~ 60% K: ~ 60% p: ~ 50% acceptance with TPC+TOF: > 95% for all particles S/N for reconstruction will increase by a factor of 5 -10 v 2 measurement possible Z. Liu, F. Liu, et al. 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
STAR TPC + TOF 1) TOF will increase V 0 reconstruction efficiency. In the case of , a factor of 5 – 10 increase expected in the region p. T ~ 3 -5 Ge. V/c! 2) TOF will also help future D meson reconstruction – increasing S/N ratios, same way for other resonances. (D 0 → K− +) (D 0 -bar → K+ −) 3) In the case for , a factor of 5 -10 increase in S/N ratio is expected. H. Long et al. 2005/6/28 -29 =>K + + K - (49. 1%) 第 59届东方论坛,上海
STAR TPC + TOF W v 2 measurements With TOF w/o TOF ideal For integrated v 2 : needs ~ few 106 Mini. Bias events. More events without TOF Multi-years running. p. T dependence v 2: for <20% around p. T ~ 5 Ge. V/c, needs ~ few 10 th 106 Mini. Bias events with TOF almost impossible without TOF in middle Pt STAR 200 Ge. V results: T = 0. 45 Ge. V d. N/dy = 0. 64, sum of W- and W+ < v 2 > ~ 8% all are usable events (1. 5 -3 factor) 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
TOF and Hyperon Embedded Data: reconstruction with and without PID information! A Factor of 3 !! 2005/6/28 -29 Input spectrum: T = 350 Me. V 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Chinese interests FCollective dynamics for rare particles FHeavy flavor quarks FSearch for multi-quark state particles FFluctuations FCorrelation of rare particles FHadronic evolution dynamics: resonance F……. 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Collective flow in partonic level: Does the Recombination model work for heavy particles or strange quark? how about flow of electron, , , D, J/ v 2(p ) ? Need Full TOF for good efficiency and statistics 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Heavy flavor quark • Initial condition • J/ suppression • Heavy quark energy loss D 0 Sensitivity in p. T Without TOF All p. T 2. 6 M 59 M 23 M 2>p. T>4. 85 M 42 M 4>p. T>6. 2005/6/28 -29 12 M p. T>2. Charm quark mostly produced from the initial fusion of partons (mostly gluons) With TOF 115 M Important Measurement: Open Charm TOF helps by a factor of ~5 (all PT) TOF + Active Pixel Sensitive: x 8 Other Open Charm States Possible only with TOF Full Coverage needed 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Hadron evolution dynamics:resonance Time scale of resonance state Resonance K*(892) Decay channel K Branching Ratio % ~100 Width [Me. V] 50. 7 Life time [fm/c] 4 (770) f 0(980) ~100 dominant 150 40 to 100 1. 3 (1020) K K ee 49. 2 0. 3 4. 46 40 (1232) p >99 ~120 ~1. 6 (1520) p. K 22. 5 15. 6 13 (1385) 88. 2 35. 8 5. 6 Increasing factor for statistical significance of the signal Resonance Parent PT(Ge. V/c) Kinetic Freeze-out --- Interaction ceases Chemical Freeze-out --- formation of hadrons 2005/6/28 -29 TPC+TOF K*0 0 -1 2. 0 K*0 1 -2 1. 85 K*0 2 -3 1. 74 K*0 3 -5 1. 39 ___________ (1020) 0 -2 5. 0 (1020) 2 -5 3. 42 ______________ (1520) 0 -1. 6 11. 4 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Discoveries from Unexpected Areas? ! RHIC -- Frontier for bulk partonic matter formation (quark clustering and rapid hadronization) -- Factory for exotic particles/phenomena Potential exotic particles/phenomena: penta-quark states (uudds, uudds!) di-baryons H – ( - , uuddss) [ - ] (ssssss) strange quark matter……. penta-quark states? 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Search for multi-quark state particles F Z. Y. Zhang et al. , Phys. Rev. C 61, 065204 (2000); Phys. Rev. C 66, 015205 (2002) F 3 body decay: 2 body decay: A chrial SU(3) model and analyses of the symmetry properties of two-baryon systems, some features: A deeply bound, Eb ~ 100 Me. V; A compact object, Rrms~0. 63 fm, <<Rd may be six strange quark state rather than a di-baryon configuration Phenomenological estimation (coalescence/statistical): yield 10 -4_10 -7/central Au-Au; Full barrel TOF ~ 100 M central Au. Au events needed. It is impossible to search di-omega in RHIC without STAR-TOF 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Conclusion F We have strong team to collaborate with RHIC-STAR, especially we have excellent young students and excellent overseas Chinese Americans F Chinese Proposal to make B 35 arrel TOF has been approved by NSFC, we are playing leading role in STAR TOF upgrade F We have great opportunity to do some new and important physics with full TOF 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Quark Confinement?
Recall Shanghai TOF meeting for Discussion of NSFC proposal draft, Jan 2003 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
别有洞天 We have a new scenery ! 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Hadron spectra and Cronin effect Traditional Cronin Effect is not the whole story at RHIC TPC With TOFr STAR d+Au from TOFr analysis (USTC+BNL+RICE ) Results on KS, and will reach higher p. T (SINAP+UCLA) 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
PID dependent Cronin effect PID Cronin Effect nucl-ex /0309012 ) With TOFr 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
recently. In order to know about the elliptic flow of , , D, J/ , Full TOF is necessary for good efficiency and statistics. FIn order to improve the measurements of Open Charm, TOF helps by a factor of ~5 (all PT) and Full Coverage needed FIn order to investigate the hadronic evolution dynamics, TOF increases important factor for statistical significance of the resonance production. FTOF will significantly enhance the hyperon detection efficiency. RHIC provides a unique environment for possible production of multiply strange di-baryons. 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Heavy flavor (D-->e+X) D meson and electron spectra : Dong, ZB, Ruan et al The total photonic backgrounds are shown as solid lines. Dashed lines depict the various contributing sources. The fractions were derived from simulations. Bottom: Ratios of the inclusive electrons over the total back-grounds. signal excesses are visible with p. T > 1 Ge. V/c. With TOF tray 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海
Rcp of for different collision system STAR Preliminary • yield suppression at intermediate PT in central Au+Au collisions • no clear suppression is showed in the 62. 4 Ge. V Au+Au collision. It become flat at PT>1 Ge. V/c 2 • RCP in d+Au collision is enhanced Low p. T, RCP <1 High p. T, RCP >1 It is difficult to draw some definite conclusion due to the large error bar 2005/6/28 -29 第 59届东方论坛,上海