Загадки о животных.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
Загадки о животных Английский язык Бондарева С. А. г. о. Тольятти
Ребята! Животные очень надеются, что вы правильно отгадаете про них загадки. Нажимайте на карточку и проверяйте свои ответы. Весёлый банан поможет вам перейти на следующий слайд. Удачи вам!
A lot of spots. A long, long neck. A funny scarf. It is a … GIRAFFE
Green and long With many teeth. Beautiful smile — It is a. CROCODILE …
As red as fire, With a fuzzy tale. He likes long walks. It is a … FOX
A very long nose. It grows and grows. Не is huge and likes fun. It is an … ELEPHANT
So colorful and bright, is fond of talking much. Likes eating carrot It is a … PARROT
Lives in seas and rivers. His hands are like two pincers. As round as a cab. Who is it? — It is a. CRAB …
It is a pet. It is soft and furry. It likes to sleep and drink milk. It says «Meow, meow» . It is a … CAT
Not a horseman, but wears spurs. Not a watchman, but wakes people up. It is a … COCK
It can go without food and water for a long time. It is a … CAMEL
It is grey, sometimes it is red. It has got a pushy tail. It likes nuts. It is a … SQUIRREL
It is small. It lives in the forest. It is afraid of everything. It is a … HARE
Спасибо, ребята!
Загадки о животных.pptx