Задания: 1. Перевести (письменно) 2. Озаглавить 3 текста 3. поставить вопросы к этим текстам
Переведите на англ. яз 1. 2. 3. 4. Флаг-символ страны. Это не в моих силах. Эта картина принадлежит Анн. «Королевский» означает принадлежащий королю или королеве. 5. Тед увидел бывших одноклассников вчера.
Озаглавьте текст The British way of ruling the country is difficult to understand. The queen is the head of state, but she doesn’t rule, she has power. The queen is the symbol of the country. She is very rich. What does she do? She travels about the country, meets different people, visits schools, hospitals. So do all the members of the royal family.
• At the beginning of the 20 th century Britain had a lot of colonies. India, Pakistan and Ceylon were part of Britain. Now they are independent countries.
• The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The members of the House of Commons re not elected, they are selected. The members of the House of Lords are elected.
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