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Z 39 Gate Digi. Tool Version 3. 0 Z 39 Gate Digi. Tool Version 3. 0

z 39 gate Introduction • Digi. Tool contains a program called z 39 gate z 39 gate Introduction • Digi. Tool contains a program called z 39 gate which communicates with remote z 39 targets/servers permitting search, scan, and retrieval of records from remote databases. • z 39 gate is one of a series of z 39. 50 -compatible applications which have been developed by Ex Libris Ltd. • The z 39 gate enables staff to search in other databases via the Meditor module. Z 39 Gate 2

z 39 gate Main Topics • z 39 gate logical flow • z 39 z 39 gate Main Topics • z 39 gate logical flow • z 39 gate architecture • z 39 gate overview • z 39 gate configuration • Universal Gateway • Running the z 39 gate_client • Digi. Tool as a z 39 Client Z 39 Gate 3

z 39 gate Logical flow The architecture is as follows: z 39 gate gets z 39 gate Logical flow The architecture is as follows: z 39 gate gets a request from Digi. Tool or z 39 gate_client. It sends the requests to a remote z 39 target and returns the response to the calling program. z 39 gate implements the following z 39 services: Init, Search, Sort, Present and Scan Z 39 Gate 4

z 39 gate architecture Digi. Tool Meditor Client Digi. Tool - z 39. 50 z 39 gate architecture Digi. Tool Meditor Client Digi. Tool - z 39. 50 Translation PC Server z 39 gateway z 39. 50 Protocol Non Digi. Tool collection Z 39 Gate 5

z 39 gate Overview Init Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program z 39 gate Overview Init Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program a target’s logical name (for example, DREWDB) and determines the host and port of the target. z 39 gate sends an Init. Request to the target and receives an Init. Response with connection status. z 39 gate returns the connection status to the calling program. Z 39 Gate 6

z 39 gate Overview Search Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program z 39 gate Overview Search Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program a target’s logical name and CCL (Digi. Tool Common Command Language) search query. (For example, WTI=(jerusalem AND israel) ). z 39 gate translates the CCL query into a z 39 query and sends a Search. Request to the target. The Search. Request contains this z 39 query and the result set number. z 39 gate receives Search. Response from the target. The Search. Response contains the number of hits. z 39 gate transfers the number of hits or the error indication (if error occurred) to the calling program. Z 39 Gate 7

z 39 gate Overview Sort Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program z 39 gate Overview Sort Service z 39 gate gets from the calling program the target’s logical name, set number and sort sequence. z 39 gate translates the sort sequence into z 39 sort sequence and sends a Sort. Request to the target. The Sort. Request contains the set number and the z 39 sort sequence. z 39 gate receives Sort. Response from the target. The Sort. Response contains a sort success/failure indication. Z 39 gate transfers the sort success/failure indication to the calling program. Z 39 Gate 8

z 39 gate Overview Present Service z 39 gate gets, from the calling program, z 39 gate Overview Present Service z 39 gate gets, from the calling program, the target’s logical name, set number and record number. z 39 gate sends a Present. Request to the target. The Present. Request contains the set number and the record number. z 39 gate receives a Present. Response from the target. The Present. Response contains the requested record. If an error occurs, it contains an error indication. z 39 gate transfers the record or error indication (if error occurred) to the calling program. Z 39 Gate 9

z 39 gate Overview Scan Service z 39 gate gets, from the calling program, z 39 gate Overview Scan Service z 39 gate gets, from the calling program, the target’s logical name and a CCL scan query (for example, TIT=jerusalem). z 39 gate translates the CCL query into a z 39 query and sends a Scan. Request to the target. The request contains the z 39 query. z 39 gate receives a Scan. Response from the target. The Scan. Response contains the scan entries. If an error occurs, it contains an error indication. z 39 gate passes the scan entries or error indication (if an error occurs) to the calling program. Z 39 Gate 10

z 39 gate Configuration The configuration files of z 39 gate are under the z 39 gate Configuration The configuration files of z 39 gate are under the $dtle_tab/z 39 gate directory. There are 2 types of files in the directory: z 39 gate. conf– a list of targets handled by z 39 gate_. conf – individual target configuration. Z 39 Gate 11

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. conf This file contains a list of z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. conf This file contains a list of targets handled by z 39 gate. For each target, there is a line with the target configuration reference. Z 39 Gate 12

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf For each target handled by z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf For each target handled by z 39 gate and listed in $dtle_tab/z 39 gate. conf, a z 39 gate_. conf file should be defined, where is the logical name of the target in uppercase. For example, z 39 gate_DREWDB. conf Z 39 Gate 13

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf The file contains different settings z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf The file contains different settings concerning work with this target. Each setting must be defined in a separate line. The file should contain the following settings: 1. Target’s general parameters. 2. Translation of CCL search/scan codes into z 39 attributes. 3. Translation of Digi. Tool sort codes to z 39 attributes. Z 39 Gate 14

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf 1. Targets general parameters: target z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf 1. Targets general parameters: target The logical name of the target to be used by z 39 gate. should be in upper case (for example, target DREWDB). The target configuration in z 39 gate_. conf must start from this parameter. Z 39 Gate 15

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf 1. Targets general parameters: hostname z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf 1. Targets general parameters: hostname Where the IP address is the IP address of this target, the port (if needed) is the port of this target (for example, hostname 192. 65. 218. 23). database Where the is the name of remote database to be searched (for example: database MRC 01) auth Where is the authentication for this target, usually in the form user/password. This line is supplied only if authentication is needed by target. Z 39 Gate 16

z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf 1. Targets general parameters: recordtype z 39 gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf 1. Targets general parameters: recordtype Where is the desired format of the retrieved record (for example, recordtype USMARC). If the line is not supplied, the format of retrieved record is defined by the target. elementsetname Where describes the z 39 element set name for record retrieval, and where is an element set name supported by target. If the line is not supplied, z 39 gate asks the target for a default element set name. Z 39 Gate 17

Z 39_gate Configuration z 39 gate. <target>. conf 2. Translation of CCL Search/Scan codes Z 39_gate Configuration z 39 gate. . conf 2. Translation of CCL Search/Scan codes into z 39 attributes. 3. Translation of of Digi. Tool sort codes to z 39 attributes. Z 39 Gate 18

z 39 gate Configuration How to add a new Target for Z 39_gate Enter z 39 gate Configuration How to add a new Target for Z 39_gate Enter any collection environment (For example, dlib GEN 01). Enter util/n/1 Use the menu options to edit z 39 gate configuration. To define new base, choose option ‘ 1. Add base’. Then enter base name. The name will be translated into upper case and the file dtle_tab/z 39 gate_. conf will be opened in vi. Edit this file. Z 39 Gate 19

UNIVERSAL GATEWAY OVERVIEW The Universal Gateway is the Digi. Tool module for accessing remote UNIVERSAL GATEWAY OVERVIEW The Universal Gateway is the Digi. Tool module for accessing remote collections via the z 39. 50 protocol. Z 39 Gate 20

UNIVERSAL GATEWAY Architecture Digi. Tool Meditor Search Workflow If a collection is local - UNIVERSAL GATEWAY Architecture Digi. Tool Meditor Search Workflow If a collection is local - pc_server works with the local database. If a collection is remote - pc_server calls the Universal Gateway module. Z 39 Gate 21

Universal Gateway Configuration For each remote collection accessed (i. e. any Z 39 target) Universal Gateway Configuration For each remote collection accessed (i. e. any Z 39 target) a Universal Gateway configuration file needs to be created in the $dtle_gate directory. File name: . conf (for example, mrc 01. conf), where the target is the logical name of this collection used in all levels of Digi. Tool configuration (for example, tab_base. , z 39 gate configuration, and so on). Z 39 Gate 22

Universal Gateway Configuration General Settings: The following files for this collection must also be Universal Gateway Configuration General Settings: The following files for this collection must also be defined: $dtle_gate/. conf - is in lowercase. For example: $dtle_gate/mrc 01. conf $dtle_tab/z 39 gate_. conf –the same is in uppercase. For example, $dtle_tab/z 39 gate_MRC 01. conf These files must be synchronized – find/scan/sort transformations must be identical in both files. Z 39 Gate 23

Z 39 target initiation Re-start Z 39 gate server: UTIL W-2 -6 followed by Z 39 target initiation Re-start Z 39 gate server: UTIL W-2 -6 followed by UTIL W-3 -5 Z 39 Gate 24

Digi. Tool as z 39 client The Digi. Tool Staff Meditor has built-in z Digi. Tool as z 39 client The Digi. Tool Staff Meditor has built-in z 39 (z 39. 50) client functionality. Any collection/database accessed via the z 39 protocol can be accessed from the Digi. Tool External Search module. The work is done in such a way that it appears the same to the user, whether he searches a local collection or a collection accessed via the z 39 protocol. Z 39 Gate 25

Digi. Tool as Z 39 client Overview Most of the actions which Digi. Tool Digi. Tool as Z 39 client Overview Most of the actions which Digi. Tool performs in the local collection unit can be performed with a collection catalog accessed via the z 39 protocol. Among them: Search Record display Sort result set Scan Z 39 Gate 26

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding a collection Accessed via the z 39. Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding a collection Accessed via the z 39. 50 Protocol to Digi. Tool Example: You want to add Oxford University collection to Digi. Tool. You are adding a new z 39 target to Digi. Tool and must carry out the following: Defining a Target Name Invent a logical target name for the new target (for example, OXFORD). Creating a z 39 gate configuration Create z 39 gate configuration for the new target (OXFORD). UTIL N/1. Z 39 Gate 27

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Note: after changing the z 39 gate configuration, Digi. Tool as z 39 client Note: after changing the z 39 gate configuration, rerun the z 39 gate process. You can test the new target’s functionality by using z 39 gate_client (type ‘z 39 gate_client’). Connecting to the EXT collection A collection accessed via the z 39. 50 protocol should be connected the following collection: EXT 01 – for records that are in USMARC format Z 39 Gate 28

Digi. Tool as z 39 client EXT 01 is a Digi. Tool system unit Digi. Tool as z 39 client EXT 01 is a Digi. Tool system unit that doesn’t contain data. It contains tables only – so directories. /ext 01/tab should be defined. Z 39 Gate 29

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding the new collection to tab_base Add the Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding the new collection to tab_base Add the new collection to desired dtle/tab_base. file (for example, tab_base. eng) Carry this out as you would for a local collection. Col 1: Use target name as base code (for example, MYTARGET) Col 7: List the corresponding EXT collection. Example: ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> MYTARGET My Target EXT 01 Z 39 Gate 30

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Configuring the Universal Gateway Create Universal Gateway configuration Digi. Tool as z 39 client Configuring the Universal Gateway Create Universal Gateway configuration for the new target (for example, OXFORD) Adding the collection to Digi. Tool Meditor External Search Check that corresponding EXT collection is defined in the Meditor client’s Common/Tab/Library. ini EXT libraries should be defined in Library. ini as following: !---------------+-----------------> Z 39 My Target EXT 01 10. 1. 235. 34: 6881 Z 39 Gate 31

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Configuring the Z 39 Browse External Headings • Digi. Tool as z 39 client Configuring the Z 39 Browse External Headings • Create Universal Gateway configuration for the new target (for example, OXFORD). • Adding the collection to Digi. Tool Meditor Browse External Headings • For descriptive metadata Marc and Dublin Core, external browse headings lookups can be configured • Within the unit’s /md/descriptive/marc or /md/descriptive/dc scancode. dat may be configured for specific tag lookups in Oxford’s external headings database followed by UTIL – K – 1 – 4 – 2 (or 1): For example an author and title lookup in My Target’s browse headings database: LOCAL 100##a 245##a MYTARGET AUT TIT Z 39 Gate 32

Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding the collection to External Headings option Digi. Digi. Tool as z 39 client Adding the collection to External Headings option Digi. Tool Meditor Browse Check that corresponding EXT collection is defined in the Meditor client’s Common/Tab/searbase. dat EXT libraries should be defined in Library. ini as following: !!!!!!!!!!!!!+!!!!!!!!!!+!!!!! Library of Congress LOC EXT 01 Aleph ALEPH_Z 39 EXT 01 Oxford University OXFORD EXT 01 MYLIBRARY EXT 01 Z 39 Gate 33

Thank you! www. exlibrisgroup. com Z 39 Gate 34 Thank you! www. exlibrisgroup. com Z 39 Gate 34