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YUINFO Conference Kopaonik - March 8 th - 12 th, 2003 Information Society 6 YUINFO Conference Kopaonik - March 8 th - 12 th, 2003 Information Society 6 th Framework Programme on RTD Georg Melzer

Outline • FP 6 What does that mean? • An introduction to IST – Outline • FP 6 What does that mean? • An introduction to IST – The IST Work Programme – What has happened so far? – How can I participate? • Where can I get further information?

FP 6 Strategic Goal • Strengthen the scientific and technological bases of EU industry FP 6 Strategic Goal • Strengthen the scientific and technological bases of EU industry competitiveness • Support other EU policies – consumer protection, environment, transport, energy, etc. • European Research Area (ERA) : “internal market” in research free movement of knowledge, researchers and technology

Why a “European Research Area “? National Programmes in MS European Organisations National Programmes Why a “European Research Area “? National Programmes in MS European Organisations National Programmes ERA Framework Programme in NAS

FP 6 - a way towards ERA • • Strengthening and integrating Community RTD FP 6 - a way towards ERA • • Strengthening and integrating Community RTD Structuring ERA Strengthening the foundations of ERA building integrated and structured R&D capacities Improving the impact of EU RTD activities Improving the human resource base More co-ordination and coherence of national and EU RTD activities

FP 6 Structure FP 6 Structure

FP 6 - Instruments • Integrated Projects (IP) • Networks of Excellence (No. E) FP 6 - Instruments • Integrated Projects (IP) • Networks of Excellence (No. E) • Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) • Co-ordination Actions (CA) • Specific Support Actions (SSA)

FP 6 - International Dimension 32 fully participating countries : The 15 EU Member FP 6 - International Dimension 32 fully participating countries : The 15 EU Member States Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Israel, Turkey The 12 accession & candidate countries: Lithuania Bulgaria Czech Republic Latvia Estonia Malta Poland Slovak Republic Hungary Slovenia Cyprus Romania

Definition of third countries • ‘Third country‘ means a State that is • neither Definition of third countries • ‘Third country‘ means a State that is • neither a Member State • nor a State associated to the Framework programme • Associated Candidate Countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey • other Associated States: Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Israel, Switzerland

FP 6 - SMEs • Special focus at least 15% of thematic priorities’ budget FP 6 - SMEs • Special focus at least 15% of thematic priorities’ budget • Specific research projects Co-operative research projects (CRAFT) - minimum 3 SMEs from 2 countries (1 must be MS or ACC) Collective research projects - by RTD performers on behalf of industrial associations or SME groupings

- the Political Umbrella Key objectives: • Accelerating Europe’s transition into the digital age - the Political Umbrella Key objectives: • Accelerating Europe’s transition into the digital age • Ensuring greater coherence amongst EU Member States • Harvesting the benefits of the knowledge society in terms of jobs and growth • Moving the knowledge society to the top of the political agenda of the EU and its Member States

IST Objectives & Strategy • Main objectives - Strengthening Europe’s competitiveness & technology base IST Objectives & Strategy • Main objectives - Strengthening Europe’s competitiveness & technology base - Building the information and knowledge society for ALL • Strategy - Concentration and focus, building critical mass - Capitalise on Europe’s strengths - Visionary, forward looking (longer term / high risk) - Combine flexibility with greater speed in implementation - Scope of activities: Core technologies & “pull -through” applications

Towards “Ambient Intelligence” IST today “Ambient Intelligence” tomorrow • PC based ………………… “Our surrounding” Towards “Ambient Intelligence” IST today “Ambient Intelligence” tomorrow • PC based ………………… “Our surrounding” is the interface • “Typing and reading” …. ……………. …. Use all senses, intuitive • “Word” based information search …. …… Context-based knowledge handling • Low bandwidth, separate networks …. Infinite bandwidth, convergence, . . • Mobile telephony (voice) ………………. . Mobile/Wireless full multimedia • Micro scale ……………… Nano-scale • Silicon based …. …………… + new materials • e. Services just emerging ………………… Wide adoption (e. Health, e. Learning, …) • Only 5% of global population on-line …. >70% of world-wide population on line

Workprogramme Approach • Limited number of calls (3 over 2 years) • Concentration on Workprogramme Approach • Limited number of calls (3 over 2 years) • Concentration on a limited set of ‘Strategic Objectives’ – 23 Strategic Objectives for 2003 -2004 • Instruments – ~2/3 of budget targeted to new instruments • Indications of money expected to be devoted to each Strategic Objective

Budget and Calls Year Indicative Budget Calls 2003 835 M Euro 2004 891 M Budget and Calls Year Indicative Budget Calls 2003 835 M Euro 2004 891 M Euro 2005 935 M Euro 2006 964 M Euro Calls 1 & 2 drawing on 2003 and 2004 budgets Call 3 drawing on 2005 budget TBD WP 2003 -4 WP 2005 -6

Call Planning Call 1 open 17 -12 -2002, deadline 24 -04 -2003 Call 2 Call Planning Call 1 open 17 -12 -2002, deadline 24 -04 -2003 Call 2 open 15 -06 -2003, deadline 15 -10 -2003 Call 3 open 22 -5 -2004, deadline 22 -09 -2004 Joint call with priority 3, deadline 22 -9 -2004 “” FET Open scheme: open 17 -12 -2002 for continuous submissions until 31 -12 -2004

WP 2003 -4: Call 2 (closed on 15. 10. 03) Strategic Objectives 1. Pushing WP 2003 -4: Call 2 (closed on 15. 10. 03) Strategic Objectives 1. Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post. CMOS 2. Micro & nano-systems 3. Broadband access for All 4. Mobile & wireless systems beyond 3 G 5. Towards a global dependability & security framework 6. Multimodal interfaces 7. Semantic-based knowledge systems 8. Networked audiovisual systems & home platforms 9. Networked business & government 10. e. Safety for road and air transport 11. e. Health Technology components Integrated systems Sectorial Applications

WP 2003 -4: Call 2 (closed on 15. 10. 03) Strategic Objectives 1. Advanced WP 2003 -4: Call 2 (closed on 15. 10. 03) Strategic Objectives 1. Advanced displays 2. Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components 3. Open development platforms for software and services Technology components Integrated systems 4. Cognitive systems 5. Embedded systems 6. Applications & services for the mobile user & worker 7. Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment 8. GRID-based Systems & solving complex problems 9. Improving Risk management Sectorial Applications

Call 2 IST : Statistics I Total proposals 1. 079 100% IP 195 18, Call 2 IST : Statistics I Total proposals 1. 079 100% IP 195 18, 1% NOE 58 5, 4% STREP 632 58, 6% CA 51 4, 7% SSA 143 13, 3%

Call 2 IST : Statistics II Total proposals 1079 100% Ineligible 15 1, 4% Call 2 IST : Statistics II Total proposals 1079 100% Ineligible 15 1, 4% Below threshold 788 73% Prioritised 276 25, 6% Total funding requested € 4, 098 m Funding requested by prioritised proposals € 1, 054 m Funding available in call 1 € 525 m

Why proposals failed! Too ambitious, too complex to be believable Unclear, chaotic Not relevant Why proposals failed! Too ambitious, too complex to be believable Unclear, chaotic Not relevant for the Call and the Work Programme Not innovative, not going beyond the state of the art Objectives, methods, approach unclear Results neither clear nor quantified, no exploitation All results at project end, no intermediate results Unrealistic cost estimates Unbalanced project consortium, “alibi” partners Management structure & processes not appropriate

IST - eligibility • Minimum number of participants (IP, No. E, STREP and CA) IST - eligibility • Minimum number of participants (IP, No. E, STREP and CA) : 3 independent legal entities from 3 different EU Member States or Associated States, with at least 2 Member States or Candidate Countries • Minimum number or participants (SSA) 1 legal entity from 1 Member State or Associated State

Proposal Checklist Does your idea fit in the IST Workprogramme? Yes? Identify the Strategic Proposal Checklist Does your idea fit in the IST Workprogramme? Yes? Identify the Strategic Objective! Is there an open Call? Which type of project is called for in the Strategic Objective? (IP, STREP, . . . ) Check Call Text … & check deadline! Contact EC Contact Person: be sure idea is in scope of call

Necessary Documents • IST Workprogramme • Call for Proposals (Call Text : Official Journal) Necessary Documents • IST Workprogramme • Call for Proposals (Call Text : Official Journal) • Guide for Proposers • Evaluation Manual (General FP 6 + IST Specific Annex)

Advantages of EU projects • • Financial support European contacts and networking Access to Advantages of EU projects • • Financial support European contacts and networking Access to new markets Personal contacts and new cultures Excellent and competent partners Prestige Good PR Fun

For further information General FP 6: http: //europa. eu. int/comm/research http: //www. cordis. lu/fp For further information General FP 6: http: //europa. eu. int/comm/research http: //www. cordis. lu/fp 6 IST: http: //www. cordis. lu/ist SME: http: //www. cordis. lu/sme IST infodesk E-Mail : ist@cec. eu. int Fax : +32 2 296 83 88