Youth Exchange: Let ’ s Art COUNTRIES INVOLVED:

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Описание презентации Youth Exchange: Let ’ s Art COUNTRIES INVOLVED: по слайдам
Youth Exchange: Let ’ s Art COUNTRIES INVOLVED: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Lithuania, Russia Nº YOUNG PEOPLE: 56 participants + 7 leaders MAIN AGE FRAME YOUNG PEOPLE: 13 – 20 years PBA “ Make the Move » * NA BEFR * Vila da Marmeleira* 18 -23/03/
Aim & objectives Main aim: FIGHT AGAINST DICRIMINATIONS WITH ARTS — Disability — Racism — Religion — Gender — Social discrimination — Fight against bulling
What will the young people do? Preparation Activity Evaluation & follow up *Meetings *Discussion *Exploring *Planning of workshops *Creating a facebook group * Making a spot presentation of each group * Inform the local community * Contact policy local/national *Workshops (Painting, music, dancing, theater, eco instruments) *Brainstorming *Trips *Presentation *Games *Shows/Festival *Art Street *Public relationships Thinking day *City visit *National presentation * Youthpass *Personnal diary *Social examination *Presentation to local community *Reports *Dissemination of projects Tree of happiness *Mirrow red and green evaluation
Deadline, teamcomposition & tasks Name people Countr y List the things you need to do till this deadline? Hamich Amal Belgium — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation — Invite youngster to fb group Spetic Igor Croatia — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm particpation / Invite youngster to fb group + Send e-mail with details + Open Fb group Nasteva Diana Bulgaria — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation — Invite youngster to fb group Sipola Katja Finland — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation / Invite youngster to fb group Manukyan Satenik Armenia — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation / Invite youngster to fb group Vileikyte Gabriele Lithuania — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation / Invite youngster to fb group Nikonova Tatyana Russia — Meetings with youngsters/parents/boss — Confirm participation /Invite youngster to fb What is the deadline for you all to know if you will do the project or not: 2 nd April