- Количество слайдов: 31
Youth Empowerment initiative in Arab Region: Ajial. Com Najat Rochdi Regional Coordinator
Outlines § § § What is ICTDAR Youth empowerment initiative Case study: Morocco Challenges The way forward 2
What is ICTDAR? § Information & Communication Technology for Development in the Arab Region § As a result of AHDR on knowledge § Started in October 2003 § Based in Cairo § Coverage: All Arab Countries 3
Link to AHDR 2 Arab Region Ø Access, sharing and dissemination of Knowledge, Ø Skills development, Ø Arabic Content development, Ø Strategy formulation 4
Service lines § § § Awareness raising Stakeholders campaigns and participation Capacity development Strategy formulation and implementation Employment generation Pro-poor initiatives 5
ICTDAR Regional initiatives/projects – – – – Mashrouati: ICT Hub to support SME’s WRCATI: Women empowerment Ajial. Com: Youth empowerment e-Governance (REGI, Arab Regional e-gov Institute) ICTARB: ICT for Blinds and visually impaired Policy formulation Knowledge sharing platform (egov@ASP, Bawabat Achabab, regional workshops, regional events, LAS/Arab Working Group, ) 6
Outlines § § § What is ICTDAR Youth empowerment initiative Case study: Morocco Challenges The way forward 7
Project Development objectives – To develop Skills – To address unemployment, underemployment, and population loss in rural area – To enable local development – To access to knowledge ~~~~~~~to give them a channel to voice their opinion, to participate and to act ~~~~to develop leadership, entrepreneurship and a enlightened citizenship (rights and duties) 8
Information services § Provide adequate information to enhance their knowledge about issues of their concern: drug, sexual education, HIV/AIDS, human rights, election ~~~~~play an active role in the local community. § Link all relevant national and international information sources § Networking and collaborative platform § Co. P ØArab Youth Portal (Bawaba Achabab) § Trough one platform: Ajial. Com 9
From a Concept ~~~~ To a Franchise Ajial. Com 10
§ Access to knowledge § Awareness Raising and advocacy (development issues: HIV, Drug, workforce development, unemployment, entrepreneurship, . . ) § Skills development § Job creation/Address unemployment § Entrepreneurship Development § Networking (Youth for Youth by Youth) § In partnership with NGOs § Income generation ~~~~ SME 11
§ Visually impaired empowerment § Access to knowledge (use of audio and Braille technologies) § In partnership with NGOs/local authorities § Skills development § Social rehabilitation § Access to new job opportunities 13
Outlines § § § What is ICTDAR Youth empowerment initiative Case study: Morocco Lessons learned The way forward 14
§ § § § § Project description Community Access Center Service provider To. T (IT, business management, french, english, “know how”, . . ) Local development dynamic 10 centers year 1 PPP Sustainabilty Monitoring: SC Phase 1: April 04 -June 05 15
Ajial. Com today: § § § Figures Manuel of procedures Value added services/Income Franchising Ajial. Com Toolkits Synergies 16
Membership Boys/girls 18
Source of Income 21
Photo Gallery. . My DocumentsProjectsAjial. ComPhoto Gallery 23
Pb faced § § § Management (turn over) Location of Ajial. Com Local community ownership PPP Content development (NGOs, . . ) Monitoring 24
The way forward in Morocco § § 100 Ajial. Com centers by December 2005 Based on requests from parliamentarians Franchising Ajial. Com Solidarity funds (wealthy centers to subsidize difficult locations) § 50 centers per year (2006 -2008) § Connect with other national initiatives (outlet to introduce ICT in schools, SMEs, ) § Specific centers for vulnerable groups (single mothers, prisoners, centers to resist violence against women, . . ) 25
Outlines § § § What is ICTDAR Youth empowerment initiative Case study: Morocco Challenges The way forward 26
Challenges § § § High demand Monitoring Local community involvement and buy in/ownership § Management/Business approach § Go beyond IT/Content 27
Implementation strategy § With UNDP COs § Policy combined with quick wins projects/initiatives § Business model for replication § Business plan for sustainability § Partnership with NGOs, private sector (PPP): Microsoft, CISCO, Sakhr, national private sector; 28
Outlines § § § What is ICTDAR Youth empowerment initiative Case study: Morocco Challenges The way forward at the Arab Region level 29
The way forward § Mainstream ICT in existing national Youth programs § Consolidate existing initiatives and start replicating/expanding them in the region § Youth portal/Co. P launching § Special focus on Youth empowerment and SME 30
More on www. ictdar. org 31