
- Количество слайдов: 50
Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar August 4 th, 2011 2: 00 - 3: 00 ET
Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 2
Submitting Questions: Closed Chat § To submit a question, type the question in the text field and press your Enter/Return key. ‒ Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Text Field Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar § Your name and your question will appear on your screen, indicating successful submission. § Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. 3
Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 4
WEBINAR RESOURCES: Resources Access to Webinar Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 5
Presenters Moderator § Christine Chudd Presenters § Todd Yamomoto § Thou Ny § Tiffani Thomas § Jeffrey Chism Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 6
Poll Question 1 Did you attend the new grantee orientation in June in Washington D. C. ? § Yes § No Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 7
Poll Question 2 Do you have any unanswered questions in the following areas: A. Program Eligibility B. Performance Measures/Outcomes C. Program Design D. Other Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 8
DOL ETA Regional Offices Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 9
Region 6 Organizational Chart OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR Richard Trigg, Regional Administrator OFFICE OF STATE SYSTEMS Vacant, Regional Director Division of Workforce Investment Rosemary Cowan Division Chief Division of Workforce Security Jamie Bachinski Division Chief WIA Formula Funded Programs; National Emergency Grants; Wagner-Peyser Programs; Disability Program; Senior Programs Unemployment Compensation Programs; Trade Adjustment Assistance Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar OFFICE OF SPECIAL INITIATIVES & DEMONSTRATIONS Division of Financial Management & Administrative Services Steve Malliaras Division Chief Todd Yamamoto, Regional Director Division of Demonstration Grants Christine Chudd, Division Chief Youth. Build ARRA HGEI Community Based Job Training Grants Congressional Earmarks High-Growth Job Training Initiative National Farmworker Jobs Program Prisoner Reentry Initiative Technology Based Learning WIA Youth -Youth Offender 10
Youth. Build Federal Project Officers OFFICE OF SPECIAL INITIATIVES & DEMONSTRATIONS ELISE WANG Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7958 wang. elise@dol. gov MARC LAMBERT Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7957 Lambert. marc@dol. gov KRISTER ENGDAHL Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7960 Engdahl. krister@dol. gov TIFFANI THOMAS Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7961 thomas. tiffani@dol. gov JEFFREY CHISM Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7956 chism. jeffrey@dol. gov ELINA FANDUNTS Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7964 mnatsakanova. elina@dol. gov MARJORIE FONG Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7963 marjorie. fing@dol. gov THOU NY Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7953 ny. thou@dol. gov KAREN CONNOR Federal Project Officer 415. 625. 7962 connor. karen@dol. gov Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 11
Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 12
Youth. Build Technical Assistance Request Flowchart Grantee Submits Request for Technical Assistance Federal Project Officer (FPO) Division of Youth Services – Youth. Build Program Office Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar TA Provider – Youth. Build USA 13
Agenda § Youth. Build Program Eligibility § Youth. Build Performance Outcome Measures § Youth. Build Program Design § Resources Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 14
Thou Ny Federal Project Officer Region 6, San Francisco Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 15
Youth. Build Program Eligibility § Youth. Build Eligibility Requirements § Selective Service Requirement Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 16
Youth. Build Program Eligibility Youth. Build Eligibility Requirements § Eligible Enrollees: − Must be between 16 and 24 years of age; and − A member of disadvantaged youth population; and − Must be a school dropout − 25% enrollment exemption: Basic Skills Deficient; or have been referred by a local secondary school for participation in the Youth. Build Program. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 17
Youth. Build Program Eligibility Definition of Disadvantaged Youth: § Member of low-income family § Youth in foster care (including youth aging out of foster care § Youth offender § An individual with a disability § A child of incarcerated parents § A migrant youth Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 18
Youth. Build Program Eligibility 25 percent enrollment exemption § Up to (but not more than) 25 percent of participants in program may be youth who do not meet the education or target group criteria but are: § Basic Skills Deficient; or § Have been referred by a local secondary school for participation in a Youth. Build Program. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 19
Youth. Build Program Eligibility Youth. Build Eligibility Guidelines and Source Documentation Issue Criteria Most Common Documentation Age Youth is between the ages of 16 and 24 Drivers license or Government Identification Card, School Records/School Identification Card, Birth Certificate, Hospital Birth Record, U. S. Passport or Naturalization Certificate Low Income Verify youth meets low-income guidelines (as referenced in 42 U. S. C. 1437 a (b) through applicable income source Income levels can be established through information contained within the following documents: Pay Stubs, Bank statement (direct deposit), Employer statement/contact, Parents tax return if under 18, Tax Return if over 18, emancipated or Public Assistance records/ receipt (TANF/Food Stamps), etc. Youth in Foster Care or Aging Out Verify youth is in the foster care system or aging out of the system Court contact/documentation, Social Service contact/documentation, Medical Card or Verification of payment made on behalf of the youth Youth is an individual with a disability Verify disability (Define in Section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U. S. C. 12102) Social Security Administration Disability Records Statement, Academic records, Medical Records or Physician Statement Child of Incarcerated parent Verify youth is a child of an incarcerated parent Court records or Applicant statement Migrant Youth Verify youth is a migrant youth or part of a family of migrant workers Employer statement, wage records/family wage records, or work permits Youth Offender Verify youth is an offender or involved with the criminal justice system. Court documentation, Resident of detention facility, group home, or restricted state run facility, Letter of parole/probation officer, Police records or Applicant Statement School Drop-Out Verify youth is no longer attending school Letter documentation from the school stating the youth has dropped out, School Attendance Record, or Applicant Statement 25% Exemption: Basic Skills Deficient Verify youth has a diploma/GED or other Staterecognized equivalent and is basic skills deficient Youth tests at or below the 8 th grade level on a generally accepted standardized academic test (regardless of the attainment of diploma/GED), Testing indicates youth is unable to compute or solve problems, read, write, or speak English at a level necessary to function on the job 25% Exemption: Youth has been referred by a local secondary school Referred by a local for participation in Youth. Build Program leading to secondary school attainment of a secondary school diploma Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar A referral from a high school guidance counselor/other academia professional 20
Youth. Build Program Eligibility Selective Service Registration § Males between the ages of 18 – 24 must be registered for selective service in the DOL Youth. Build Management Information System. § Only those males in compliance with the registration requirements are eligible to participate in Youth. Build. § Males under age 26 who have not registered can do so the Selective Service website www. sss. gov. TEN 44 -10 Selective Service Registration for Youth. Bui through cipanld Parti ts Issue Most Common Documentation (Examples) Selective Service Letter/Registration Letter, DD-214 Report of Transfer or Discharge from Military Service, Board/State Registration, Stamped Post Office of Registration, Internet verification/registration (www. sss. gov), Telephone Verification: (847) 688 -6888 Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 21
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 22
Tiffani Thomas Federal Project Officer Region 6, San Francisco Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 23
Youth. Build Program Outcomes § Performance Goals § Documentation and Verification of Outcomes § Exit Policy and Follow-up Strategy Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 24
Youth. Build Program Outcomes Performance Goals § Common Measures – Enrollment – 100% – Literacy and numeracy gains – 50% – Attainment of a Degree or Certificate – 50 % – Placement in employment/education/military – 70 % § Other Performance measures: – Recidivism rate - 20% or lower – Retention rate – 75% Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar TEGL 17 -05 & Youth. Build performance memo 25
Youthbuild Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Enrollment Rate is 100% § Enrollment is the point at which a participant is determined eligible to participate in the program. § Enrollment occurs after the mental toughness component. YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q 1 START Q 2 Q 3 Enrollment Measured over a two year timeframe for period of performance Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 26
Youth. Build Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Recidivism rate is 20% or below § Applies only to students who enter as youth or adult offenders. § A student who has parole/probation revoked or is convicted of a new offense within one year from the Enrollment Date increases your recidivism rate. YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM START A student who. FOLLOW-UP or is arrested convicted for the first Q 2 while in Q 3 time Q 1 the program will not be counted as part of the program’s recidivism rate EXIT QUARTER Recidivism Measured one year from start date Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 27
Youth. Build Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Literacy & Numeracy Gains is 50% § Applies to students who are Basic Skills Deficient (below 8 th grade level) in math or literacy § Students must take at least one Basic Skills test within 2 weeks of enrollment (or use a score that is up to 6 months old) § Students must raise one level in math or literacy within the first year § Grantees must use only U. S. Department of Education approved basic skills assessment tests YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP EXIT QUARTER Q 1 START Literacy & Numeracy Measured one year from start date Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar Q 2 Q 3 Gains of students who exit unsuccessfully can only be counted if achieved before the exit date 28
Youth. Build Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Degree & Certificate Attainment is 50% § Students can earn a degree or certificate at any point while active in the program. § Successful exits are allowed 3 quarters after Exit Quarter to obtain degree or certificate YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q 1 START Q 2 Q 3 Unsuccessful exits must obtain a degree before exiting to be counted Student 1: Exits April 1 Student 2: Exits June 15 Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar Both students have until March 31 st to get a degree or certificate 29
Youth. Build Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Placement in Education or Employment is 70% § The exit quarter determines when a placement must be attained. § Student must be placed or still in a previous placement within the 1 st quarter of the Follow-up period § Measure counts any one day of placement within the 1 st quarter of the Follow-up period § Only successful exits can be placed YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q 1 START Student gets placed May 3 Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar Q 2 Q 3 For original placement to count, student must retain placement into the first quarter of Follow-up 30
Youth. Build Program Outcomes DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Retention of Placement is 75% § Student must be placed (education or employment) in Quarter 1 after exit and retained in Quarters 2 and 3 § The original placement does not have to be the same as Quarters 2 and 3. § It does NOT count as soon as they have a quarter with no placement YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP EXIT QUARTER Q 1 START Q 2 Q 3 Goal: All students placed in 1 st Quarter, also have placement in 2 nd and 3 rd Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 31
Youth. Build Program Outcomes Youth. Build Performance Outcomes Documentation for Verification Enrollment DOL Youth. Build eligibility documentation, Youth. Build program enrollment form/application and/or enrollment verification from the DOL Youth. Build MIS system. Recidivism Documentation from juvenile or adult criminal justice system, documented phone call with court of probation representatives, or self-attestation at enrollment. Literacy/Numeracy Gain Pre and Post standardized assessment tests, i. e. CASAS, ABLE, TABE CLASE, BEST, Work Keys, SPL, and other U. S. Department of Education approved standardized assessment test, school records, and case notes. Degree/Certification Attainment GED certificate, HS diploma or Industry recognized certification in construction field (WIB certificates, Work readiness certificates and OSHA safety training certificates do not count as certifications towards measure. Placement Educational Placement – Requires post-secondary educational institutional or advanced level training program certification of enrollment, case notes verifying enrollment and report card reflecting completion of courses. Job Placement – Requires pay stubs, employer verification by phone or via a signed form that is case noted into MIS system or UI wage records. Military Placement – Documentation of military service i. e. DD 214 or DD 215 forms from the U. S. Department of Defense. Retention Educational Placement – Requires post-secondary educational institutional or advanced level training program certification of enrollment, case notes verifying enrollment, and report card reflecting completion of courses. Job Placement – Requires pay stubs, employer verification by phone or via a signed form that is case noted into MIS system, or UI wage records. Military Placement – Documentation of military service i. e. DD 214 or DD 215 forms from the U. S. Department of Defense. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 32
Youth. Build Program Outcomes Definition of Completion vs. Exit § Completion – Defined by the grantee and is based on milestones and accomplishments achieved by participants as they relate to performance outcomes. § Exit – Marks the point at which the follow-up period begins. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 33
Youth. Build Program Outcomes Exit Policy The timeline below shows: § Youth. Build Program – the length of a program varies § Exit Quarter – the quarter in which student exits program § Follow-up Period – the next 3 quarters YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM START FOLLOW-UP EXIT QUARTER Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 DOL goals measured Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 34
Youth. Build Program Outcomes Follow-Up Strategy § Follow-up occurs 9 months after successful exit from program. § Follow-up contact should begin in the quarter immediately after the quarter during which the participant exited. § Certain supportive services can be provided to participants during follow-up, but must develop a policy. YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP EXIT QUARTER Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 START Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 35
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 36
Jeffrey Chism Federal Project Officer Region 6, San Francisco Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 37
Youth. Build Program Design § 50/40/10 Program Structure Requirement § Mental Toughness § 5% Reserve for Follow-up § 15% Administrative Cost Limitation § 25% Match Requirement Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 38
Youth. Build Program Design § Youth. Build Program Structure – 50% Educational Activities – 40% Vocational Activities in Construction – 10% Community and Public Facilities 50% Education Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 40% Vocational 10% Community/Public 39
Youth. Build Program Design Mental Toughness Allowable Charges § Pre-Enrollment Activities § Background Checks § Drug Tests § Staff Time § Assessment Tools § Reference TEGL 14 -09 Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 40
Youth. Build Program Design Mental Toughness Unallowable Charges § Ropes Courses § Travel Cost § Speaker Fees § Supportive Services for Youth § Other § Reference TEGL 14 -09 Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 41
Youth. Build Program Design 5% Fund Reserve for Follow-up § Activities during Follow-up – Staff work with successful exiters – Track and report outcomes for successful exiters – Provide supportive services to successful exiters Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 42
Youth. Build Program Design 15% Administrative Cost Limitation § Limited to percentage of total grant award amount § Include BOTH direct and indirect administrative costs § DOL uses function-based definition Examples of Administrative Costs – – – – Accounting Audit Budgeting Financial Management Payroll Personnel Management Procurement Property Management Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar – Monitoring related to administrative functions – Travel related to administrative functions – IT related to administrative functions – Goods and Services related to administrative functions 43
Youth. Build Program Design 25% Match Requirement TEGL 5 -10 10 j through 10 n Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 44
Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 45
Youth. Build Resources § DOL Youth. Build Program Manual http: //www. ybhandbooks. org/files/tools/DOL-YB-Program. Manual. pdf § DOL Youth. Build E-Learning Services http: //www. ybhandbooks. org/elearning § DOL Youth. Build Community of Practicehttp: //login. icohere. com/login. cfm? comseq=3877363424475280 § Ask the Fiscal Expert Webinar – Part I https: //www. workforce 3 one. org/view/4916/info § Ask the Fiscal Expert Webinar – Part II https: //www. workforce 3 one. org/view/4924/info Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 46
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource. Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 47
WEBINAR RESOURCES: Resources Access to Webinar Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 48
Stay Informed, Get Connected! Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 49
For more information about the Workforce Investment System: § Visit www. careeronestop. org § Call 1 -877 -US 2 -JOBS www. workforce 3 one. org Youth. Build Grant Management and Implementation Webinar 50