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Young people and mission? Young people and mission?

Setting the scene – Philosophy In working with young people do not try to Setting the scene – Philosophy In working with young people do not try to call back to where they were and do not call them to where you are as beautiful a place as that may seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before. Vincent Donovan Christianity Rediscovered

 • Where are you, are you calling yp to that place? • What • Where are you, are you calling yp to that place? • What things that may seem beautiful or good that may hinder you from going to a new place? • What does going WITH them mean? In working with young people do not try to call back to where they were and do not call them to where you are as beautiful a place as that may seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before.

majority marginalised minority With Jesus in the World, Stutzman majority marginalised minority With Jesus in the World, Stutzman

Setting the Scene – Core Values -Empowerment -Participation -Equality of Opportunity -Education. -Learner learner Setting the Scene – Core Values -Empowerment -Participation -Equality of Opportunity -Education. -Learner learner in approach -Good news not “the” good news -Shalom, restorative kingdom theology

Aims Of Detached Work -To make relationships with young people who have few positive Aims Of Detached Work -To make relationships with young people who have few positive relationships and avenues for support and help them realise their full potential. -To help bridge gaps in understanding between the local community and young people. -To identify the needs and interests of young people and develop appropriate strategies for action either by the detached team or with other agencies. -To enable young people to take more control over their lives. -To take Good News to those young people that the Church would not normally come into contact with.

Detached Work – What it isn’t? - Outreach Work - Mobile Work - Street Detached Work – What it isn’t? - Outreach Work - Mobile Work - Street Evangelism

Detached work – How it differs? • More equal power levels. • Unattached not Detached work – How it differs? • More equal power levels. • Unattached not semi-attached • Variety of settings • Solely based on relationship • Control is minimal

1. Sex before marriage is wrong 2. Youth workers should hand out condoms 3. 1. Sex before marriage is wrong 2. Youth workers should hand out condoms 3. Soft drugs should be legalised 4. All drugs are bad 5. You should allow young people to verbally abuse you 6. The Gospel is always good news 7. Violence can be used in a healthy way 8. Swearing and offensive language offends you 9. It is wrong to be homosexual 10. I would receive stolen goods as a thank you present 11. Censorship on films and videos is outdated 12. All sins are the same in God's eyes 13. 1 Agree 5 Disagree 12345 12345 12345

Where are the young people in your community? What are the social groupings in Where are the young people in your community? What are the social groupings in your area and where do these groups spend their time? How do these groupings link to the aims identified earlier?

Key Stages 1. Reconnaissance, Mapping, Research 2. Making Contact 3. Intervention 4. Closing 5. Key Stages 1. Reconnaissance, Mapping, Research 2. Making Contact 3. Intervention 4. Closing 5. (from the RHP Companion to working with young people 2001)

3 2 1 Cold Contact Surveillance Acknowledgement Initial Contact Stage (M) Area Based Work 3 2 1 Cold Contact Surveillance Acknowledgement Initial Contact Stage (M) Area Based Work 4 (M) 7 Risky Small Group Work (M) 6 Basic Small Group Work (M) Peer Group Work (M) Exposure & 8 Exploration of Spirituality (M) 9 Action for Social Change 5

3 2 1 Cold Contact Surveillance Acknowledgement Initial Contact Stage (M) Area Based Work 3 2 1 Cold Contact Surveillance Acknowledgement Initial Contact Stage (M) Area Based Work 4 (M) 7 Risky Small Group Work (M) 6 Basic Small Group Work (M) Peer Group Work (M) Exposure & 8 Exploration of Spirituality (M) 10 Relational Based Expression Of Church 5

(M) = Mechanism 1 -3 Introductions, Awareness, Interest, Graffiti, Presence. 3 -4 Twists, Local (M) = Mechanism 1 -3 Introductions, Awareness, Interest, Graffiti, Presence. 3 -4 Twists, Local knowledge, Conversation, Information. 4 -5 Inclusion in football, Street Basketball, Targeted times. 5 -6 Day Trips, Activities, Conversation, Open Self. 6 -7 Residentials, Open House, Food. 7 -8 Sunrise watch, Come and Help, Greenbelt. 8 -9 Militancy, Culture Jamming, Local/Global Issues, Fast Game, Road, Stained Glass.

SIX MONTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN GROUP CURRENT STAGE 1/1/03 DESIRED STAGE 1/6/03 A 2 4 SIX MONTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN GROUP CURRENT STAGE 1/1/03 DESIRED STAGE 1/6/03 A 2 4 Initiate conversations and show I. D. Explain role. B 5 6 Identify small group around ages and plan a trip together. C 7 8 Take group on residential and do early morning sunrise walk to provoke discussion. D 9 9 Use a contemporary ‘soap’ Get group to express views on what church should be like. E 3 5 Try to move group two stages to join with group G, by ensuring twice weekly contact. MECHANISM

These slides can be found at: www. sundaypapers. org. uk More training and info These slides can be found at: www. sundaypapers. org. uk More training and info at: www. fyt. org. uk Publications: Meet them where they’re at (SU 2003) Off the Beaten track (Christian Ed 2004)