YES Test lesson
Tell me about yourself • • What is your name ? How old are you? Where do you study? What marks did you have at school? Why did you want to learn English language? What is your level of this language? What are your plans for future?
• What do see on the picture ? • Can you describe it?
Sport • Do you like to go in for sport? • What kind of sport do you like most? • What kind of sport is more popular in your opinion and why?
A famous cheating moment in sport • Argentina were playing in quarter -finals of the 1986 World Cup in Mexico. In the 52 nd minute the Argentinean captain, Diego Maradona, scored a goal. The English players protested, but the referee gave the goal. However, TV cameras showed that Maradona had scored a goal with his hand! Maradona said the next day “ It was partly the hand of Maradona and partly the hand of God. • Later in the game Maradona scored another goal and Argentina won 2 -1. They went on to win the World Cup.
• What’s your opinion about the sport episode? • Why do people sometimes cheat each other in sport? • Did you ever cheat when went in for sport? • Why?
• Look at the highlighted verbs in text. What three tenses are they? • Which of the three tenses do we use for. . ? - Completed action in the past - An action in progress at a particular moment in the past - An action that happened before the past time we are talking about
• You are going to hear an interview with an ex. Champions League referee from Spain. Listen and choose a, b or c