Скачать презентацию Year of Service Programs What s right for you Скачать презентацию Year of Service Programs What s right for you


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Year of Service Programs: What’s right for you (and the world)? Jeff Stocco, Career Year of Service Programs: What’s right for you (and the world)? Jeff Stocco, Career Center Erica Koos, Teach for America October 16, 2008

“I want to take a year off” n n n Transition year Gap year “I want to take a year off” n n n Transition year Gap year Temporary work Year of travel Teach English abroad

What are “year of service” programs? n n n 1 or 2 year commitment What are “year of service” programs? n n n 1 or 2 year commitment Direct service or program administration Non-profit organizations Broad range of opportunities, even within the same program National, state and local (and international)

Taking a “year off”: Pros n n n Valuable work experience An opportunity to Taking a “year off”: Pros n n n Valuable work experience An opportunity to “give back” Establishing residency in another state, study for the GRE, take graduate courses Pay off loans or earn educational stipend Travel to and work in another city, state, or country A new and exciting experience!

Taking a “year off”: Cons n Poor reception by family and friends n n Taking a “year off”: Cons n Poor reception by family and friends n n (“You’ll never go back to grad school!”) More limited access to job and grad school search support Pay is low (or non-existent) Health insurance may not be provided

What is the class of 2008 doing? (surveyed in May 2008) n n n What is the class of 2008 doing? (surveyed in May 2008) n n n n Teaching English abroad (11) Americorps (4) Lutheran Volunteer Corps (2) ELCA Global Mission (3) Teach for America (6) Peace Corps (6) Others n n Honduras Mayaton School Costa Rica School Colegio Jorge Washington Nature Conservancy

Year of Service examples n n n Domestic n Ameri. Corps n Public Allies Year of Service examples n n n Domestic n Ameri. Corps n Public Allies n Teach for America n City Year International n Peace Corps n United Nations Volunteers Faith-based n Jewish Service Corps n Lutheran Volunteer Corps n Catholic Network of Volunteer Service n Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Volunteer programs (typically self-funded and short term) n Global Volunteer Network n n Global Volunteer programs (typically self-funded and short term) n Global Volunteer Network n n Global Service Corps n n www. volunteer. org. nz www. globalservicecorps. org United Planet n www. unitedplanet. org

International jobs (typically short-term, placement fee charged) n BUNAC n n Council on International International jobs (typically short-term, placement fee charged) n BUNAC n n Council on International Exchange n n www. bunac. org www. ciee. org AIESEC n www. aiesec. org

Ameri. Corps programs n n n Ameri. Corps*State and *National n Direct service in Ameri. Corps programs n n n Ameri. Corps*State and *National n Direct service in a community-based organization Ameri. Corps*VISTA n Indirect, capacity building with an anti-poverty focus n Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Ameri. Corps*NCCC n Team-based, direct service, communal living n National Civilian Community Corps About 1000 volunteers in MN each year Search for programs: https: //my. americorps. gov/mp/login. do Example: Habitat for Humanity, MN

Teach for America n n n Recent college graduates who commit two years to Teach for America n n n Recent college graduates who commit two years to teach in urban and rural public schools 3500 members in 1000 schools across the country Erica Koos, campus representative

Lutheran Volunteer Corps n n One year of full-time service in urban social justice Lutheran Volunteer Corps n n One year of full-time service in urban social justice organizations in ten cities across the United States Examples of placements: n n n n Women’s Funding Network Pesticide Action Network Alternative high schools Lutheran World Relief Elder health facilities Housing action organizations www. lutheranvolunteercorps. org

LVC – examples of agencies n n n n n Twin Cities, Minnesota: Aeon, LVC – examples of agencies n n n n n Twin Cities, Minnesota: Aeon, Volunteer Program Associate Corcoran Neighborhood Org. (w/ Midtown Public Market), Market Assistant Kaleidoscope Place, Volunteer Coordinator Lutheran Social Service of MN, Refugee Services, Case Manager/Immigrant Assistant Lutherans Concerned/North America , Special Project Coordinator for Youth Midtown Greenway Coalition, Community Organizer Neighborhood House, Basic Needs Specialist Open Arms of Minnesota, Client Services Assistant Our Saviour's Housing, Case Manager, Emergency Shelter Redeemer Center for Life, Youth Worker/Social Worker Simpson Housing Services, Inc. , Family Advocate Sojourner Truth Academy, Educational Assistant Southeast Asian Ministry and Daily Work, Associate Program Take. Action Minnesota, Community Organizer The Advocates for Human Rights, Program Assistant, Client Intake and Outreach Trinity Lutheran Congregation, Coordinator of Community Outreach

ELCA Global Mission n social ministry opportunities for 1 year in 8 different countries ELCA Global Mission n social ministry opportunities for 1 year in 8 different countries in leadership development, service, spiritual growth, global awareness and understanding. As many as 50 positions available. Service begins mid-August. teach for 1, 2 or 3 years within the teaching programs in China, Japan and Slovakia http: //archive. elca. org/globalserve/

Questions to ask yourself n n n What is my motivation for serving? What Questions to ask yourself n n n What is my motivation for serving? What do I have to offer? How will I handle the change and stress that will come with the position?

Questions to ask of the program n n n What is your program’s focus? Questions to ask of the program n n n What is your program’s focus? What types of placements are offered? What is involved in the application process? What benefits can I expect from the program? May I contact some of your former volunteers?

Practical considerations for the “Gap Year” n n n Keep in touch with professors Practical considerations for the “Gap Year” n n n Keep in touch with professors Bring your resume up to date Consider taking standardized tests for graduate school (LSAT, GRE, MCAT) Health insurance Consider graduate courses during the year

Upcoming Career Center events related to Service n n n Gov Job and Internship Upcoming Career Center events related to Service n n n Gov Job and Internship Fair, U of MN, Oct 24 ELCA Camp Fair, February 11 MN Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair, Mpls, Feb 17 & 18 Idealist. org Non-Profit Fair / Working for Change Conference, April 14 Gustavus Internship Fair, March 11

General Resources n Idealist www. idealist. org The single best resource for non-profit info, General Resources n Idealist www. idealist. org The single best resource for non-profit info, including jobs, internships, and volunteerism, domestic and abroad, short-term and long-term One Small Planet www. onesmallplanet. com n Comprehensive information about teaching and working abroad n International Business Jobs Overseas n Teaching Abroad With a Certificate n Temporary (1 year or less) or Low-Skill Employment n Government Jobs n Internships n n n The Gap Year n www. gapyear. com Interesting web site on a wide range of activities (not all of which are service-oriented)