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Як бюджетно мандрувати та побачити світ…
Хто я… • Історик • Працівник Армії Спасіння • Мандрівник (42 країни)
Що ми робимо у Дніпрі Героїв Крут, 17 (Фурманова) www. vk. com/salvation_army_dnepr
You can… ü Education programs üSocial Camps üTrip by your own üSome tips
Education programs www. unistudy. org. ua www. dipcorpus. at. ua www. ngo-iskra. org. ua Different seminars, conferences, events (where your trip will be cover by organization) - Study tour to Poland, UAE - Eurovision - Human Rights classes (Helsinki Foundation of HR)
Social Camps ü You can choose your time, topic, place ü You pay only for your trip ü You spend your vacation useful www. workcamps. info/icamps/search. html (СВИТ-Украина) www. helpx. net/index. asp www. europeanvoluntaryservice. com UN www. unv. org
Trip by your own Tickets: - Bus (Polski bus 1 zlt, Eurolines) - Plane (Wizzair, Ryanair…) - Bla bla car Accommodation: - Couchsurfing - Airbnb - Hostels Food: - Markets - One plate café - National places (Italy in night, fika at Sweden, Belgium shop) Visa (booking hotel, letter from bank, letter from work/Uni)
Some tips • • • IOM (MOM) Use public water (tap) Wizzair keep your login in memory Go to non – touristic districts Use all opportunities (www. mozhlyvosti. in. ua) Make friends Read about country before you go Start from easy trips (Moldova, Belarus, Turkey) Mix countries and visas Use local transport system Free stuff at city (tours, open-days, museums)