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www. pwc. com Housing in JESSICA Operations 28 th June 2011, JNP, Brussels
Agenda The 5 objectives of the study Our organisation Working plan Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 2
The Conundrum Jessica is about supporting integrated urban development investment through revolving funds. Housing is an important component of the urban fabric and of mixed use regeneration so directly assists Structural Fund priorities and financial viability. Equally a core housing objective is to develop mixed tenure schemes and sustainable and economically viable mixed different demands which involve subsidy and financial partnership arrangements. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 3
The 5 objectives of the study 1. Analyse the wider policy context • Under Objective 1 we will provide an analysis of the prevailing thinking on the most important issues in housing policy particularly in the context of regeneration. The focus of this review will be the current state of policy with regard to affordable and social housing and its role in urban development, urban regeneration and economic sustainability. • The thinking behind the current study is to enable JESSICA funds to be used for the provision of new social and/or affordable housing and connect with urban redevelopment projects in Member States. The feasibility of this approach in each country, and the best way to structure the JESSICA instruments, will be conditioned not only by EU regulations but also, importantly, by the historic and institutional realities of each country’s housing system. • We will provide an overview of housing in European urban transformation policies and the role of the residential sector in shaping them, with particular attention on affordable/public interest driven housing. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 4
The 5 objectives of the study 2. Housing in the 2007 -2013 programming cycle and transition to the next cycle Task 1: summarise in exhaustive and compact way key elements in the regulatory framework relevant to housing (General Regulation, Implementing Regulation, ERDF regulation, COCOF notes) The cohesion policy regulatory framework on housing has been amended several times in the recent years, mainly due to the response of the Cohesion Policy to the economic crisis, taking into consideration all the elements included in the To. R we will examine the eligibility rules on housing: The geographical differences within EU 27 (old and new Member States); Different regulatory framework on construction of new or existing housingted); Energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE) components within existing and new constriction of housing; Reporting regulation for energy-efficiency expenditure; The 4% rule on expenditure on housing. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 5
However Constraints Housing is a national competence, so generally ineligible for Structural Funds, but: • Since 2007 the new Member States (EU-12) have been able to invest up to 2% of their total ERDF in the field of housing (such as refurbishment of common parts of the building, energy-efficiency operations); (within the framework of integrated urban plans) – article 7. 2 of the ERDF regulation. • Since 2009 an additional 4% of ERDF can also be spent on energy efficiency improvements and on the use of renewable energy in this housing stock. This measure also applies to EU-15 (therefore to all Member States), with the condition that social cohesion is supported – article 7. 1 a of the ERDF regulation. - As part of social cohesion the emphasis is expected to be on social and co-operative housing, but at local discretion market housing can be included as well. - Also Structural Fund can be used to provide assistance for marginalised communities - Roma and others (potentially including new housing developments), although there is no EU definition of marginalised communities yet. However, in the new Member States where housing has been eligible throughout the 2007 - 2013 programme apparently only 0. 77% of their ERDF allocation has been used for housing. There is therefore a clear tension between what is desirable to ensure necessary for viable projects and what is being accomplished under the current programme. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 6
Eligible measures and ERDF allocations to housing Where? Which measures? Allocation? Integration? Area focus? All Member States Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Existing Housing 4% of total Member State ERDF allocation To support social cohesion Urban or rural areas All Member States Renovation or replacement of housing for marginalised communities Maximum of 3% of ERDF allocation to OP or 2% of total ERDF allocation Within framework of integrated approach for marginalised communities Urban or rural areas EU 12 Renovation of common parts in existing multi-family housing Maximum of 3% of ERDF allocation to OP or 2% of total ERDF allocation Within framework of integrated urban development approach for areas experiencing or threatened by physical deterioration and social exclusion Urban areas Renovation and change of use of existing buildings owned by public authorities or non-profit operators for use as housing designated for lowincome households or people with special needs Housing EIB Pw. C (not in addition to allocation to housing for marginalised communities) June 2011 Slide 7
The 5 objectives of the study 2. Housing in the 2007 -2013 programming cycle and transition to the next cycle Task 2: Identify which countries have exploited the opportunities offered in the regulatory framework to incorporate housing in their OPs, to what extent and through what mechanism. Minimum 5 countries will be selected to give detailed description of the results. COUNTRY ERDF ALLOCATION 4% (for new article 7. 1 a of ERDF regulation) Belgium 1185 47 Austria 936 37 Bulgaria 3385 135 Poland 34000 1360 Czech Republic 13708 548 Portugal 11938 478 Denmark 359 14 Romania 9431 377 Germany 17000 680 Slovenia 2038 82 Estonia 1861 74 Slovakia 6189 248 Greece 12359 494 Finland 1097 44 Spain 23617 944 Sweden 1199 48 France 8924 357 United Kingdom 6138 243 Ireland 375 15 Total- EU 27 195000 7800 Italia 21873 875 Cyprus 306 12 Latvia 2530 10 Lithuania 3551 142 Luxembourg 40 2 Hungary 13035 521 Malta 459 18 1077 43 Housing EIB Nederland Pw. C Based on the analysis of Objective 1 and knowledge and experience we have collected we will select and further elaborate on a minimum of 5 countries (especially on those of importance to JESSICA), from which 2 will be related to energy efficiency in housing. In Objective 3 from the countries we selected we will use them again to describe practical model within JESSICA (Objective 3, Phase 2). June 2011 Slide 8
Information gathering on project typologies Could the platform support us? Which projects (and under which measures) are you investing in using your housing allocation from the ERDF? Have you considered using JESSICA for any of these projects? We are particularly looking for examples of mixed-use urban developments including social or affordable housing. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 9
The 5 objectives of the study 3. Support the housing embedded in JESSICA operations; Phase 1 Highlighting the relevant dimensions to develop conceptual and practical models to embed housing in JESSICA operations considering the UDFs’ perspective on projects • Development of a taxonomy of housing development projects Phase 2 Development of exemplary conceptuals models integrating opportunities for housing in JESSICA transactions • Analysis of current and past JESSICA operations and of the potential for further inclusion of housing development projects into the existing UDF prototypes • Identification of the most appropriate funding opportunities Housing EIB Pw. C • Development of UDF tipology for housing projects Phase 3 Analysis for the potential application of the conceptual models to JESSICA priority countries • Review of JESSICA housing operations in Lithuania and Estonia • Application of the conceptual models to JESSICA priority countries June 2011 Slide 10
The 5 objectives of the study 4. Specific issues for in-depth analysis Topic 1: State Aid issues in social housing: State Aid Issues will be considered during objective 3 in general, but we will also elaborate on the key aspects to be considered in social housing, which we find useful. In our team we will benefit from the legal expert on State Aid in order to develop this topic. Topic 2: Energy expenditure in housing : In view of the relevance of energy in housing and population at risk of energy poverty consider effective management, eligible expenditures, monitoring/reporting options. Topic 3: Using existing technical assistance tools to facilitate the incorporation of housing into JESSICA operations: There seems to be a scope for using the EIB-funded technical assistance facilities, to help managing authorities to establish and monitor the activities of UDFs. Topic 4: The role of sustainable housing in improving resilience to climate change impacts in urban areas: the role of ESCOs in social housing: Housing and construction policies offer great potential for reducing green house gas emissions and for protecting people from negative climate change impacts, such as temperature increases and extreme weather events. Topic 5: Housing policies and investments as means of inclusion of marginalised communities – the case of Roma in Eastern European and Balkan countries: Considering the issues related with housing investment as a means of inclusion. In the framework of the Decade of Roma inclusion (2005 -2015), this study will review the action plans adopted by a number of concerned countries inside and outside the European Union (e. g. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 11
The 5 objectives of the study 5. Conclusions and recommended Action Plan. The results of the extensive analysis described above will be combined into an Action Plan. This will present a set of recommendations on the opportunities to adapt the present JESSICA operating mechanisms and the existing UDF structures to include housing development projects as well as on the proposal and scope of the new housing development fund. In addition, the in-depth analysis will provide useful insights and their results will inform the recommendations and the action plan. The proposed action plan will present an indicative timetable displaying the measures which could be implemented in the short, medium and long term. Furthermore, the proposed measures will be differentiated according to the complexity of the changes they imply for the existing JESSICA operating mechanisms. Housing EIB Pw. C June 2011 Slide 12
Our organisation CEB European Investment Bank Horizontal Studies Stakeholder Group DG REGIO Management Team and Expert Team Assignment Director Fabio D’Aversa Velia Leone Assignment Manager Paul Grosvenor Legal expert SF regulation and State Aid Kathleen Scanlon, LSE Tom Bridges Christine Whitehead, LSE Housing EIB Pw. C Giulia Macagno Krisztina Szenci Zoe Jankel June 2011 Slide 13
Working Plan ACTIVITY 1 Analysing policy context 2 JUNE 2011 JULY 2011 Analysing housing - During 2007 -2013 - Next programme period 3 4 5 Housing embedded in JESSICA operation Specific issues in-depth analysis Closing Housing EIB Pw. C Kick-off meeting AUG 2011 SEPT 2011 OCT 2011 NOV 2011 DEC 2011 Focus Output: Inception Report Prep. Focus Output: Interim Report Prep. Focus Output: Final Report Closing presentation End of 6 months assignment June 2011 Slide 14
Contact details Fabio D’Aversa, Pw. C fabio. daversa@lu. pwc. com +352 621 335454 Christine Whitehead, LSE C. M. E. Whitehead@lse. ac. uk +44 207 955 6522 Kathleen Scanlon, LSE K. J. Scanlon@lse. ac. uk +44 207 955 7527 Zoe Jankel, ARUP Zoe. Jankel@arup. com +44 759 097 6141 Krisztina Szenci, Pw. C krisztina. szenci@lu. pwc. com +352 621 334149 © 2011 Pricewaterhouse. Coopers S. à r. l. . All rights reserved. In this document, “Pw. C” refers to Pricewaterhouse. Coopers S. à r. l. Luxembourg which is a member firm of Pricewaterhouse. Coopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.