Скачать презентацию www inffer org INFFER Investment Framework For Environmental Скачать презентацию www inffer org INFFER Investment Framework For Environmental


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www. inffer. org INFFER (Investment Framework For Environmental Resources) Background and Overview www. inffer. org INFFER (Investment Framework For Environmental Resources) Background and Overview

Context · Budgets small compared to the problems · Environmental protection more expensive than Context · Budgets small compared to the problems · Environmental protection more expensive than we’ve often allowed for · Spatial heterogeneity · Prioritisation is essential but difficult www. inffer. org

Institutional context · Concerns about outcomes from regional investment · Treasury, Australian National Audit Institutional context · Concerns about outcomes from regional investment · Treasury, Australian National Audit Office concerns about value for public money from NRM investment · Greater focus on outcomes in Caring for our Country and by some state governments www. inffer. org

What does INFFER help with? · How to get value for money from NRM What does INFFER help with? · How to get value for money from NRM budget? · What is realistic/feasible? · Appropriate delivery mechanisms? · Project design · Give confidence to funders www. inffer. org

General emphases · · · · Natural assets Outcomes Value for money Multiple threats General emphases · · · · Natural assets Outcomes Value for money Multiple threats Multiple asset types Technical & socio-economic (equal emphasis) Policy tools/delivery mechanisms Transparency www. inffer. org

Regional testing and use · South West (WA) · Avon (WA) · South Coast Regional testing and use · South West (WA) · Avon (WA) · South Coast (WA) · Northern Agric (WA) · Rangelands (WA) · Perth (WA) · Lachlan (NSW) · Central West (NSW) · Border Rivers/Gwydir (NSW) · · · · · Northern Rivers (NSW) Namoi (NSW) North East (Vic) North Central (Vic) Corangamite (Vic) West Gippsland (Vic) East Gippsland (Vic) Goulburn Broken (Vic) Port Phillip & Westernport (Vic) www. inffer. org

Based on experience · Builds on lessons from previous frameworks and from use by Based on experience · Builds on lessons from previous frameworks and from use by 15 regions · As simple as possible, but comprehensive · Highly structured and guided process ¨ Template · Actively supported ¨ Help desk ¨ Workshops ¨ Regular phone-hookup meetings · Fully documented ¨ All documents freely available at www. inffer. org

Asset types Wetland • Listed on register • Last of its type River reach Asset types Wetland • Listed on register • Last of its type River reach • Intact native veg • Cultural heritage • Woodland birds Threatened species • Flagship • Critically endangered Native vegetation • Concentration of threatened species • Near pristine condition • Important location www. inffer. org

What is the output? · An assessment for each asset ¨ Background information about What is the output? · An assessment for each asset ¨ Background information about the asset ¨ A specific, measurable, time-bound goal ¨ On-ground works that will achieve that goal ¨ Delivery actions that will result in those works ¨ Information about asset value, threats/damage, technical feasibility, socio-economic feasibility, urgency, cost, risks ¨ Benefit: Cost Index (comparable across projects) www. inffer. org

What sorts of projects? · Ones that will deliver NRM outcomes for identifiable natural What sorts of projects? · Ones that will deliver NRM outcomes for identifiable natural assets, which can be ¨ large or small ¨ degraded or pristine ¨ localised or dispersed ¨ any sort of natural asset · Not ¨ Untargeted capacity building ¨ M&E not linked to a specific project ¨ R&D not linked to a specific asset www. inffer. org

INFFER Pre-Assessment Checklist Asset focus 1. Can you clearly identify the environmental or natural INFFER Pre-Assessment Checklist Asset focus 1. Can you clearly identify the environmental or natural resource asset? 2. Will it be possible to define a goal for the asset that is “SMART”? Cost-effectiveness 3. Is there evidence to indicate that management actions can make a real difference? 4. If the desired management actions are mainly on private land, is it likely that those actions would be reasonably attractive to fully informed land managers when adopted over the required scale? 5. If the project requires change by other institutions is there a good chance that this will occur? www. inffer. org

North Central CMA www. inffer. org North Central CMA www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org The INFFER Process www. inffer. org The INFFER Process

INFFER process · Can be applied to individual assets ¨ Run small number of INFFER process · Can be applied to individual assets ¨ Run small number of cherry-picked assets through the process ¨ Helps with project development ¨ Helps assess whether it is worth pursuing the project · Better to be a comprehensive process ¨ Community consultation + other info sources ¨ A more comprehensive look at the project options www. inffer. org

Comprehensive process 1. Develop a list of significant natural assets in the relevant region(s) Comprehensive process 1. Develop a list of significant natural assets in the relevant region(s) 2. Apply an initial filter to the asset list, using a simplified set of criteria 3. Define projects and conduct detailed assessments of them 4. Select priority projects 5. Develop investment plans or funding proposals 6. Implement funded projects 7. Monitor, evaluate and adaptively manage projects www. inffer. org

Rationale for the process · Starts broad, with far too many assets · Reduce Rationale for the process · Starts broad, with far too many assets · Reduce list somewhat with simplified criteria ¨ No point in great sophistication at this stage · Few enough make it through to make a good assessment practical www. inffer. org

How long does it take? · New user: around 5 person-days per asset to How long does it take? · New user: around 5 person-days per asset to complete Project Assessment Form · Experienced user: 1 -2 days per asset, if information and experts accessible · Could be extended to encompass detailed modelling if desired www. inffer. org

What skills needed? · Ideally, good knowledge of asset(s) · Able to engage with What skills needed? · Ideally, good knowledge of asset(s) · Able to engage with experts · Understand NRM projects – some experience in implementation · Capture and interpret technical and socioeconomic information · Make judgements based on partial information www. inffer. org

INFFER and knowledge gaps · · Makes the best of the available info Captures INFFER and knowledge gaps · · Makes the best of the available info Captures key knowledge gaps Ratings for quality of information Possible outcomes ¨ Project to fill knowledge gaps ¨ Data collection/investigation within the project ¨ Feasibility assessment as phase 1 of project · Captures risks of project failure www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org Project Assessment Form www. inffer. org Project Assessment Form

Project Assessment Form · Completed for every project · Could be more than one Project Assessment Form · Completed for every project · Could be more than one alternative project for the same asset · Guided process to collect the required information · Detailed instruction manual www. inffer. org

Project Assessment Form · Web-based ¨ Instructions hidden until needed ¨ Automate calculations ¨ Project Assessment Form · Web-based ¨ Instructions hidden until needed ¨ Automate calculations ¨ Easy navigation ¨ FAQs ¨ Example responses www. inffer. org

1. The asset · · Spatial definition of the asset Significance/importance of the asset 1. The asset · · Spatial definition of the asset Significance/importance of the asset Key threats Existing projects www. inffer. org

2. Goal, works · Setting a specific, measurable, time-bound goal · On-ground actions to 2. Goal, works · Setting a specific, measurable, time-bound goal · On-ground actions to achieve goal · Actions by other organisations · Time lags until benefits · Effectiveness of works · Risk of technical failure · Spin-offs (positive and negative) www. inffer. org

3. Socio-economics · Anticipated adoption of works by private land/water managers ¨ Encompasses community 3. Socio-economics · Anticipated adoption of works by private land/water managers ¨ Encompasses community capacity and knowledge · Risk of practice changes for the worse · Approvals · Socio-economic risks www. inffer. org

4. Budget · Delivery mechanisms ¨ Private citizens ¨ Other organisations ¨ Works, investigation 4. Budget · Delivery mechanisms ¨ Private citizens ¨ Other organisations ¨ Works, investigation and management · Costs v Up front (3 -5 years) v Long-term maintenance costs www. inffer. org

5. Project info · · Project title Project summary Funder’s targets and outcomes Outputs 5. Project info · · Project title Project summary Funder’s targets and outcomes Outputs and intermediate outcomes www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org Public and private benefits and choice of NRM policy instruments www. inffer. org Public and private benefits and choice of NRM policy instruments

Public: private benefits framework · Selects the most appropriate policy tool for a given Public: private benefits framework · Selects the most appropriate policy tool for a given circumstance · Relevant to change on private land www. inffer. org

Public and private benefits · “Private benefits” relate to the landholder making the decisions Public and private benefits · “Private benefits” relate to the landholder making the decisions · “Public benefits” relate to all others ¨ neighbours, downstream water users, city dwellers interested in biodiversity www. inffer. org

Possible projects Each dot is a set of land-use changes on specific pieces of Possible projects Each dot is a set of land-use changes on specific pieces of land = a project. Which tool? • Incentives • Extension • Regulation • New technology • No action Lucerne Farm B Lucerne Farm A Current practice Forestry in water catchment www. inffer. org

Alternative policy mechanisms for seeking changes on private lands Category Specific policy mechanisms included Alternative policy mechanisms for seeking changes on private lands Category Specific policy mechanisms included Positive incentives Financial or regulatory instruments. A to encourage change Negative incentives Financial or regulatory instruments. A to inhibit change Extension Technology transfer, education, communication, demonstrations, support for community network Technology change Development of improved land management options, e. g. through strategic R&D No action Informed inaction AIncludes polluter-pays mechanisms (command control, pollution tax, tradable permits, offsets) and beneficiary-pays mechanisms (subsidies, conservation auctions and tenders). www. inffer. org

Simple rules for allocating mechanisms to projects 1. No positive incentives for land -use Simple rules for allocating mechanisms to projects 1. No positive incentives for land -use change unless public net benefits of change are positive. 2. No positive incentives if landholders would adopt land -use changes without those incentives. 3. No positive incentives if overall costs outweigh benefits. www. inffer. org

Simple public-private framework www. inffer. org Simple public-private framework www. inffer. org

How applied · Project Assessment Form collects info · Public net benefits ¨ Asset How applied · Project Assessment Form collects info · Public net benefits ¨ Asset significance ¨ Threats, Effectiveness of works ¨ Time lags, Risks · Private net benefits ¨ Adoption of the required works · Does not dictate mechanisms: you choose www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org Benefit: Cost Index www. inffer. org Benefit: Cost Index

The BCI An index of benefits from the project Total costs (project and ongoing) The BCI An index of benefits from the project Total costs (project and ongoing) www. inffer. org

V W A B F P G 1/(1 + r)L V: asset value W: V W A B F P G 1/(1 + r)L V: asset value W: effectiveness of works A: adoption B: compliance F: feasibility P: socio-political G: long-term funding L: time lag to benefits r: discount rate Potential project benefits E(prop’n of required adoption) Risk of (1 ) failure Discount factor for time lags BCI = ───────────────────────── Project cost C + PV(M) C: project cost M: annual maintenance cost PV: summed present value over 20 years www. inffer. org

Flexible · Can compare large and small projects · Can compare short and long Flexible · Can compare large and small projects · Can compare short and long projects · Allows comparison of projects for different types of assets ¨ Waterways ¨ Wetlands ¨ Vegetation ¨ Threatened species ¨ Agricultural land www. inffer. org

Example BCI ranking Project Benefit: Cost Index Budget 4 10. 0 $3 m 2 Example BCI ranking Project Benefit: Cost Index Budget 4 10. 0 $3 m 2 8. 1 $13 m 5 7. 2 $1 m 1 4. 0 $0. 5 6 1. 1 $1 m 3 0. 8 $9 m If budget = $17 m, preferred projects are 4, 2 & 5 www. inffer. org

Advantages of the BCI · Avoids common problems in metrics used for ranking environmental Advantages of the BCI · Avoids common problems in metrics used for ranking environmental projects ¨ Add when they should multiply variables ¨ Fail to divide by project costs (e. g. subtract costs, or just leave it out!) ¨ Omit key variables (common to ignore adoption and technical feasibility) ¨ All three · Cost of poor metrics is huge ¨ Benefits of investment roughly halved ¨ BCI can easily double environmental benefits www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org Interpretation and use of results www. inffer. org Interpretation and use of results

Project assessment report · · · · Title, summary, etc. Benefit: Cost Index Time Project assessment report · · · · Title, summary, etc. Benefit: Cost Index Time lag until benefits delivered Risks of project failure Spin-offs Quality of information Key knowledge gaps www. inffer. org

Principles · · · The info is an input to decision making BCI is Principles · · · The info is an input to decision making BCI is not to be used mechanistically All-things-considered judgement Other things may matter Need a process of QA to give the decision makers confidence www. inffer. org

www. inffer. org Challenges www. inffer. org Challenges

Challenges · For many environmental managers it’s a very different way to do business Challenges · For many environmental managers it’s a very different way to do business · Having to provide comprehensive info · Particular concepts new to people · Ideally, need an asset expert with comprehensive knowledge www. inffer. org

Typical problems for new people · Difficulties with “asset” and goal · Poor link Typical problems for new people · Difficulties with “asset” and goal · Poor link between threat and works/actions · Required land-use changes not quantified · Tend to stick with comfort zones · Unrealistic expectations of adoption · Not adequately costed · Insufficient detail to judge the project www. inffer. org

Requirements to get through · Training · One-to-one support ¨ INFFER team offers training Requirements to get through · Training · One-to-one support ¨ INFFER team offers training and one-to-one support ¨ Getting to resource limits ¨ Vic govt planning to provide a training/support · Clear signals from government that there will be benefits to those managers who do it well www. inffer. org

Project Examples www. inffer. org Project Examples www. inffer. org

Example Upper Lachlan River www. inffer. org Example Upper Lachlan River www. inffer. org

Upper Lachlan River · Goal – improve condition and connectivity, protect fish · Threats Upper Lachlan River · Goal – improve condition and connectivity, protect fish · Threats – loss of habitat (riparian and in stream), sediments –nutrients, sand slugs · Management – fencing, grazing exclusion, habitat restoration, sediment slug control, gully control, groundcover · Moderate impact on threats www. inffer. org

Upper Lachlan River (cont’d) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Standard CMA cost Upper Lachlan River (cont’d) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Standard CMA cost sharing ~50% adoption ¨ Achievable for some elements, unlikely for larger management changes (gully, groundcover) · Overall cost around $3 million · BCI 3. 6 (pretty good) www. inffer. org

Lachlan Ranges www. inffer. org Lachlan Ranges www. inffer. org

Lachlan Ranges · High value, but not a ‘jewel’? · Goal – high conservation Lachlan Ranges · High value, but not a ‘jewel’? · Goal – high conservation vegetation ¨ Maintain extent and condition · Threats – weeds, invasive native species, ag impacts ¨ Reduce threat from high to medium · Management – grazing management, direct weed/pest control, reveg www. inffer. org

Lachlan Ranges (cont) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Standard CMA cost sharing Lachlan Ranges (cont) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Standard CMA cost sharing anticipates >50% adoption ¨ Analysis recommended stewardship payments ¨ 7 landholders ¨ Overall cost $1. 81 million ¨ BCI 4. 65 www. inffer. org

Patho Plains www. inffer. org Patho Plains www. inffer. org

Patho Plains · Very high value ¨ Small remnants dispersed over large area · Patho Plains · Very high value ¨ Small remnants dispersed over large area · Goal – high conservation vegetation ¨ Maintain extent and condition · Threats – weeds, over grazing, cultivation ¨ Reduce threat from high to medium · Management – grazing management, direct weed control www. inffer. org

Patho Plains (cont) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Current MBI payments 25 Patho Plains (cont) · Adoption ¨ Little/none without incentives ¨ Current MBI payments 25 -50% adoption ¨ 100+ landholders ¨ Overall cost $5 million ¨ BCI 1. 75 www. inffer. org

Acknowledgements · Affiliations of the INFFER team ¨ ¨ University of Western Australia Department Acknowledgements · Affiliations of the INFFER team ¨ ¨ University of Western Australia Department of Primary Industries, Victoria North Central Catchment Management Authority Future Farm Industries CRC · Other key funders ¨ Australian Research Council (Federation Fellow Program) ¨ Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (CERF Program) ¨ Department of Sustainability and Environment , Victoria www. inffer. org