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www. DLR. de • Chart 1 > CEOS SDCG-4, Pasadena, 4 -6 September 2013> www. DLR. de • Chart 1 > CEOS SDCG-4, Pasadena, 4 -6 September 2013> Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch CEOS 4 th SDCG Meeting DLR contribution Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch DLR Space Administration, Earth Observations helmut. staudenrausch@dlr. de

Terra. SAR-X Coverage of FCT Sites 45 sites observed Numerous data takes available in Terra. SAR-X Coverage of FCT Sites 45 sites observed Numerous data takes available in the DLR archive, and continued. Strip. Map Mode, dual polarized (HH/HV and VV/VH) Indonesia South America Africa Central America Tasmania

Terra. SAR-X: New Modi (available for science from now, commercially from end 2013) Terra. SAR-X: New Modi (available for science from now, commercially from end 2013)

Staring Spotlight Mode Characteristics Parameter Value Scene extent for (20 - 45 ) Full Staring Spotlight Mode Characteristics Parameter Value Scene extent for (20 - 45 ) Full performance incidence angle range [2. 1 to 2. 7 km] azimuth x [6 to 3. 8 km] ground range - worst case x [7. 5 to 4. 6 km] ground range - typical case 20 - 45 Data access incidence angle range 15 - 60 Number of elevation beams 58 (full performance) 122 (data access) Number of azimuth beams Depending on target area Azimuth steering angle 2. 2 Azimuth resolution 0. 24 m (single polarization) Ground range resolution 0. 85 m – 1. 77 m (45. . . 20 at 300 MHz) Polarizations HH or VV (single)

www. DLR. de • Chart 5 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date www. DLR. de • Chart 5 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Examples. . .

Six Beam Wide Scan. SAR Mode Product Characteristics Parameter Number of sub-swaths Swath width Six Beam Wide Scan. SAR Mode Product Characteristics Parameter Number of sub-swaths Swath width (ground range) Four beam Scan. SAR 4 100 km Nominal L 1 b product length Full performance incidence angle range Data access incidence angle range Number of elevation beams 150 km 20 - 45 Azimuth resolution Range bandwidth Ground range resolution Polarizations 15° - 60° 27 (9 x 4 stripmap beam combinations in full perf. Range) 18. 5 m 100 and 150 MHz 1. 70 m - 3. 49 m (@ 45. . 20 incidence angle) HH or VV (single) Six beam Scan. SAR 6 266 to 194 km (wide_001 to wide_005) 200 km 15. 6° - 49° 10 specific wide beams (5 x 6 -beam combinations) 40 m 81. 25 to 31. 25 MHz 6 -10 m (projected slant range) HH or VV (single) or experimental HV or VH TBC

Wide Scan. SAR Visualization of different Swath. Widths wide_001 wide_005 Wide Scan. SAR Visualization of different Swath. Widths wide_001 wide_005

Wide Scan. SAR Wide Scan. SAR

Tan. DEM-X: Mission status Tan. DEM-X: Mission status

Status Tan. DEM-X First and second full global coverages completed – 3 rd/4 th Status Tan. DEM-X First and second full global coverages completed – 3 rd/4 th coverage expected to be completed by mid 2014 Slide 10 > February 2012 > DLR Space Adnistration,

Absolute Height Error – First & Second Coverage First Coverage Second Coverage Absolute Height Error – First & Second Coverage First Coverage Second Coverage

Regions acquired from May 2013 Regions acquired from May 2013

Current opportunities and developments • AO for Intermediate DEM in preparation. Will be published Current opportunities and developments • AO for Intermediate DEM in preparation. Will be published in coming weeks. Stay tuned on TD-X Science System. • AO for Co. SSC data open during TDX Lifetime • 4 th Tan. DEM-X Science Team Meeting 12 -14 June 2013 • 105 registered participants + 35 oral presentation + 15 posters • Great potential forest characterization and stratification revealed • Discussions on after DEM Phase planning for scientific Tan. DEM-X acquisitions: • Acquisition Mode (DRA, long baseline across/along In. SAR) • Test site definition (e. g. super test sites) • Time schedule

Tan. DEM-X Data Delivery Slide 14 • Since February 2012 EOWEB is open for Tan. DEM-X Data Delivery Slide 14 • Since February 2012 EOWEB is open for Tan. DEM-X data delivery • 148 accounts are opened up to now • 1801 Co. SSC products delivered

Final DEM Preliminary Schedule Start of Tan. DEM-X DEM delivery Jan-2014 (non-difficult areas requiring Final DEM Preliminary Schedule Start of Tan. DEM-X DEM delivery Jan-2014 (non-difficult areas requiring only 2 acquisitions) ~50% of the global Tan. DEM-X DEM end 2014 ~90% of the global Tan. DEM-X DEM 2015 ~97% of the global Tan. DEM-X DEM early 2016 mid

Summary – DLR Data access for GFOI R&D • Terra. SAR-X: DLR Science Service Summary – DLR Data access for GFOI R&D • Terra. SAR-X: DLR Science Service Seg. : http: //sss. terrasar-x. dlr. de/ • Tan. DEM-X (DEM) data access: https: //tandemx-science. dlr. de/ • Rapid. Eye data available through Rapid. Eye company directly, but scientific exploitation also through DLR Rapid. Eye Science Archive: http: //resaweb. dlr. de/ • Collaboration between international GFOI R&D groups and German researchers sought. Contacts can be made. • DLR ready for more coordinated approach with respect to GFOI R&D through CEOS

Terra. SAR-X and Tan. DEM-X Summary Public Private Partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium Terra. SAR-X and Tan. DEM-X Summary Public Private Partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium Germany DLR Ø Project & Mission Management Ø G/S Development & Ops Ø System Engineering Support Ø Science Coordination/Exploitation Actual GFOI R&D (FCT) Contribution FCT Validation sites are established as background mission Data access along DLR procedures Astrium Geo-Information Services Ø Service Infrastructure Ø Information Products Ø Commercial Exploitation Potential GFOI contribution Bilateral demonstration projects existing/envisaged (Africa, Latin America) Framework needed for „GFOI approach“ Both satellites – Terra. SAR-X and Tan. DEM-X – are in very good health Continue/optimize acquisition for validation sites, support scientific exploitation of data, continuity (Constellation with Paz, Terra. SAR-X NG) planned

www. DLR. de • Chart 18 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date www. DLR. de • Chart 18 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Other relevant DLR activities • Funding development/improvement of relevant methods for REDD+ and GFOI, such as automated, large area monitoring of changes in forest cover and landuse, forest degradation, etc. • Focus on synergistic use of Sentinels and German missions • Coordination/collaboration with GFOI teams being sought • Examples: • SENSE-CARBON Project (started in May 2013, Humboldt-Uni Berlin, Uni Bonn, Study area in Amazonia) • Project with Terra. SAR-X in Ecuador (Uni Freiburg) • More projects in preparation (encompassing bistatic Tan. DEM-X data) • Workshop with relevant German officials, providers, researchers and international partners (see www. d-geo. de/redd) • Support of literature study and database (see www. redd. unijena. de/index_en. html)

German REDD+ development cooperation • Numerous bilateral activities, incl. Satellite data, monitoring systems and German REDD+ development cooperation • Numerous bilateral activities, incl. Satellite data, monitoring systems and related capacity building • Ongoing MRV projects in SADC, Ghana, Indonesia, Latin America) • From 2013 on, investment of € 500 Mio/year forestry and biodiversity • New “REDD Early Movers” program providing, among others, performance payments for quantified emission reductions • Key investor in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and other multilateral mechanisms • ICI financed “CD-REDD” Project in 18 countries additional to UN-REDD countries

www. DLR. de • Chart 20 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date www. DLR. de • Chart 20 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Mexico and adjacent countries (southwards) • Transfer of Mexican NFMS to Central America region, as a South 2 South Cooperation • Includes Rapid. Eye wall 2 wall data • TSX-TDX Data (e. g. sample plots) also proposed to be included • Implementation proposed to German and Norwegian Government for funding

www. DLR. de • Chart 21 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date www. DLR. de • Chart 21 > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Other countries • • Indonesia (For. Clime project) Ghana Southern African Development Community countries …