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www. beyond-the-horizon. net BEYOND-THE-HORIZON Anticipating Future and Emerging Information Society Technologies BEYOND-THE-HORIZON is a Coordination Action funded by the EC IST Programme in FP 6 Future and Emerging Technologies Activity under contract no. 006662 Keith G Jeffery; ERCIM President
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 2
ERCIM Members www. beyond-the-horizon. net ERCIM is a consortium of leading research institutions from 18 European countries committed to information technology and applied mathematics. 3
in a Nutshell www. beyond-the-horizon. net > 12000 researchers in major ICT labs in 18 countries: virtual organisation – 2 more in process of joining National nodes for industrial and academic communities: leverage European W 3 C Host, centrally and regionally Working Groups – wide spectrum of subject areas across ICT Research projects: technology transfer to European industry – > 100 spin-out companies from ERCIM institutes Consultancy: advice and assistance – (especially) to EC – national governments Fellowships: European human capital mobility Dissemination: ERCIM News, Reports 4
For further information www. beyond-the-horizon. net ERCIM Website ERCIM News http: //www. ercim. org/ Quarterly magazine (free subscription) ERCIM Office, BP 93, F-06904 Sophia Antipolis Tel +33 4 92 38 50 10 — Fax +33 4 92 38 50 11— E-mail: office@ercim. org 5
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 6
Looking Back: Technology www. beyond-the-horizon. net ICT used for industrial services – Accounting – Stock control – Production scheduling Then for office functions – Email, calendar, documents Then for decision support – Control room – Management 7
Current State: Technology www. beyond-the-horizon. net Characteristics – Price/performance • Moore’s Law for processor power • more impressive for storage systems – Distributed, connected – Data-information-knowledge Used For – Modelling and simulation – Business processes – Knowledge-assisted decisions 8
Future: Working Smarter www. beyond-the-horizon. net Need not only to excel at R&D but also Need to turn excellence in ICT R&D into – Wealth creation (employment, investment) – Improved quality of life Innovation value chain But it starts with excellent R&D And excellent R&D starts with FET (Future Emerging Technologies) 9
Future: Technology www. beyond-the-horizon. net ERCIM Strategy Group – ERCIM Working Groups ERCIM active participation: – ISTAG – Next Generation GRIDs expert group – Future Emerging Technologies: Beyond The Horizon coordination action Which all echo / amplify / build on the ERCIM strategic work 10
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 11
Where are we now? www. beyond-the-horizon. net Almost at end of FP 6 – Last calls December 2005 Detailed Planning of FP 7 – Likely first calls end-2006 – Likely first funding mid-2007 What is happening – Consultation on FP 7 • EC-managed groups § ISTAG http: //www. cordis. lu/istag. htm • National representatives § http: //www. ost. gov. uk/ostinternational/fp 7/index. html • Pan-European organisations § E. g. ERCIM www. ercim. org 12
ISTAG www. beyond-the-horizon. net Grand Challenges Document – ftp: //ftp. cordis. lu/pub/ist/docs/2004_grand_chal lenges_web_en. pdf Consolidated Report – ftp: //ftp. cordis. lu/pub/ist/docs/2004_strategic_o rientations_web_en. pdf Note : GRIDs document – ftp: //ftp. cordis. lu/pub/ist/docs/2004_grids_web _en. pdf – Reflects closely NGG thinking 13
ISTAG Grand Challenges 1 -4 www. beyond-the-horizon. net 1. The 100% Safe Car: Roadway accidents entail enormous human suffering and burden European society with tremendous economic costs. Hence, we envision projects with ICT systems leading the realisation of the 100% safe automobile for eliminating traffic fatalities almost completely. 2. The Multilingual Companion: With the enlargement to 25 Member States, the EU faces a new multi-lingual challenge. We envision grand projects to defeat the communication barrier between member states by developing a powerful “multi-lingual companion” that will make multilingual and cross-lingual information access and communication virtually automatic. 3. The Service Robot Companion: As the European population ages, spiralling health-related costs will place an immense burden on European economies. We envision the development of flexible home-care service robots, which will help people to care for themselves, improve their comfort of living and likely entertain them. 4. The Self-Monitoring and Self-Repairing Computer: System failures are extremely costly and all too frequent in today’s complex ICT systems. We envision a grand challenge to develop self-monitoring and self-repairing computing systems that will demonstrate the principle of software systems with greatly improved reliability. 14
ISTAG Grand Challenges 5 -8 www. beyond-the-horizon. net 5. The Internet Police Agent: To reap the full benefits of the Internet, we must maintain its further development and counter criminal and anti-social activities (SPAM, viruses, worms, fraud, etc. ). We envision projects to develop an automated “police agent” that will be a socially beneficial force within the Internet environment. 6. The Disease and Treatment Simulator: We envision the development of a computational platform for simulating the function of a concrete disease. This simulator will enable medicines to be tested without putting people at risk, and will accelerate research into damaging diseases such as heart disease and cancer. 7. The Augmented Personal Memory: The ICT revolution will make it possible to store virtually every image, film or television program you have ever seen, every conversation you have ever had or book you have read. We envision a project that will make it possible for people to create, preserve, sort and retrieve their own personal vast storehouse of the past, in the form of a personalised digital life diary and augmented memory assistant. 8. The Pervasive Communication Jacket: Most objects in the house, at work or in public spaces will soon carry wireless communications technology. We envision a communications “jacket” that will enable the individual of tomorrow to exploit these information resources in a natural and beneficial way. 15
ISTAG Grand Challenges 9 -11 www. beyond-the-horizon. net 9. The Personal Everywhere Visualiser: visualisation is key for people to exploit the information revolution. A grand challenge is to develop a convenient personal and mobile visualisation system that will work anywhere and with minimal fuss, thereby enhancing our ability to harness tomorrow’s ICT capabilities. 10. The Ultra-light Aerial Transport Agent: We envision an unmanned aerial transport agent for “small scale” logistics – for the transport of small packages and products from point to point, monitoring of crime, and helping in search and rescue operations. 11. The Intelligent Retail Store: We envision projects to realise the “intelligent retail store” – a store in which emerging ICT technologies are integrated in a way that brings more information and efficiency to both retailers and their customers alike. 16
ISTAG Consolidated Report www. beyond-the-horizon. net Technology alone is not enough – Public trust in its use – Interoperation – Organisational change Pervasive – out of the box and into everything Mastering Complexity – Technologies and systems – Users and needs – Innovation lifecycle Experience and Application Research – Users at all stages of lifecycle Stimulating long-term lifecycle – European-scale R&D 17
NGG www. beyond-the-horizon. net Next Generation GRIDs NGG 1: 200301 -200306 – Brought together visionary experts – Defined properties required and research agenda to achieve them NGG 2: 200401 -200407 – Updated NGG 1 vision in the light of funded projects and evolving requirements and technology NGG 3 200509 -200601 http: //www. cordis. lu/ist/grids/pub-report. htm 18
GRIDs Vision and Requirements (1) www. beyond-the-horizon. net a user interacts with the GRIDs environment intelligently such that the GRIDs environment proposes a 'deal' to the end-user to satisfy her request middleware which the user can then decide to execute – involving multiple resources of computation, information, detectors (for new data collection), interactions with other users through various communication devices etc. 19
GRIDs Vision and Requirements (2) www. beyond-the-horizon. net interoperation as a seemingly homogeneous 'surface' over a range of devices from smart dust through detectors to embedded systems (including controllers), handhelds, laptops, desktops, departmental servers, corporate servers and supercomputers. the 'surface' depends on self-* (selfmanaging, self-repairing, selftuning. . . ) capability across arbitrary and dynamic collections of (large numbers of) nodes to give scalability, performance, reliability, access, security, privacy and other features. 20
NGG 1 www. beyond-the-horizon. net NGG 1 Properties Required: – Transparent and reliable – Open to wide user and provider communities – Pervasive and ubiquitous – Secure and provide trust across multiple administrative domains – Easy to use and to program – Persistent – Based on standards for software and protocols – Person-centric – Scalable – Easy to configure and manage √ 21
Call 2 (NGG 1) Projects Funded www. beyond-the-horizon. net 22
NGG 2 Architecture www. beyond-the-horizon. net Application A Application B Application C Grids Middleware Services Needed for A Grids Middleware Services Needed for B Grids Middleware Services Needed for C Grids Foundations for Operating System X Grids Foundations For Operating System Y Grids Operating System (including Foundations) Modular and dynamically loadable Operating System X Operating System Y 23
Call 5 (NGG 2) Projects Funded www. beyond-the-horizon. net ? Under negotiation 24
NGG 3 www. beyond-the-horizon. net September 2005 - January 2006 Still under active discussion Draft report to EC DG INFSO F 2 in December Final Report in January 2006 Key messages – GRIDs environment layering too complex – Use SOKU • Service Oriented Knowledge Utility 25
NGG 3: SOKU www. beyond-the-horizon. net Interfaces Non SOKU Services Non SOKU Computing Infrastructure 26
BTH Objectives www. beyond-the-horizon. net CA : ERCIM: DG INFSO F 1 FET 20050101 - 20060630 http: //www. beyond-the-horizon. net/ The major objectives are: – to identify advanced strategic areas and challenging longterm goals; – to analyse their scientific, societal, and industrial impact and to deliver roadmaps for paving advances in these areas within a timeframe of fifteen years; – and to investigate new frontiers for ICT research, to identify the boundaries with other disciplines, as well as interrelationships among them and opportunities for crossfertilization. 27
Topics www. beyond-the-horizon. net The chosen strategic topics are: – Pervasive Computing and Communications; – Nanoelectronics and nanotechnology; – Security, dependability and trust; – Bio-ICT synergies; – Intelligent and Cognitive Systems; – Software Intensive Systems. 28
Topics www. beyond-the-horizon. net Note that – For the ISTAG grand challenges – For the NGG architecture These BTH technologies are necessary to realise the concepts – Developing first in the FET environment – Subsequently applied progressively more generally in the IST environment 29
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 30
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Contents • • • Beyond the Horizon: The Project Rationale Impact Management Methodology Milestones 31
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: Purpose To provide input about IST-related emerging trends and strategic research areas that require support, through a well-organised, extensive and systematic consultation of the relevant research community throughout Europe, involving the main actors and experts in the related fields. 32
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: Goals Ø Ø To identify advanced strategic areas and challenging long-term goals To analyse their scientific, societal and industrial impact and to deliver roadmaps for advancement over the next 15 years To investigate new frontiers for ICT research, to identify the boundaries with other disciplines, as well as interrelationships and cross-fertilization potential To assist in cultivating and maintaining European research excellence 33
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: Contract Instrument: Coordinator: Start date: Duration: Effort: Total budget: EC contribution: Coordination Action ERCIM EEIG January 1 st, 2005 18 months 52 PM 612. 127 € 482. 000 € 34
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: rationale (1/2) • ICTs: a key factor driving progress towards a global economy of knowledge in the 21 st Century • ICTs provide new tools for communication throughout the world and for acquiring knowledge and insight from information • ICTs are progressively becoming a foundation for improving services to citizens in a variety of application domains, such as health care, government, transportation, entertainment, and other aspects of everyday life. 35
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: rationale (2/2) • The FET Programme aims at stimulating the emergence and development of new IST-related disciplines and technologies with significant scientific, industrial, and societal impact • FET supports long-term, visionary, high-risk research in advanced strategic areas • FET is requested to always maintain its focus at the forefront of scientific and technological research • The scope of investigation is broadening substantially, making the identification and fostering of emerging research challenges more complex. 36
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: potential impact (1/2) • Research community – Consensus building and mobilization – Formation of research networks – Interdisciplinary research • Policy developments – Contribution to enhancing EU’s reactivity to emerging scientific and technological challenges 37
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Beyond the Horizon: potential impact (2/2) • Industry – increasing awareness of IST-related basic research as a contribution towards ensuring the long-term competitiveness of European industry – increasing industry awareness of new trends, challenges and visions in IST-related research 38
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Project Coordination Scientific Steering Committee Advisory Board Jessica Michel, ERCIM Office, Admin Emma Lière, ERCIM Office Dimitris Plexousakis, FORTH, Scientific Coordination Margherita Antona, Virtual Communities 39
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Project management (2/3) Scientific Steering Committee Members: Prof. Dimitris Plexousakis Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology -Hellas (FORTH), and Univ. of Crete, GR Prof. Stefan Jähnichen Technical University of Berlin, DE Prof. Keith Jeffery (Chair) Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC), UK; ERCIM President Prof. Jean-Eric Pin Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), FR Prof. Arne Sølvberg The Norwegian Institute of Technology, NO 40
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Methodology • Open method of consultation and coordination • Continuous working group methodology, combined with major brainstorming workshops, in the form of a foresight exercise • Collaborative workspace to support online communities 41
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Milestones M 0 Deployment of the Online Community Infrastructure – April 2005 M 1 Completion of all TG workshops – 12 Oct 2005 M 2 Coordinators’ Meeting – 13 Oct 2005 M 3 Plenary Workshop – 11 -12 Dec 2005 M 4 TG Final Reports – February 2006 M 5 Final Project Report – March 2006 M 6 Dissemination Workshop for Policy Makers – April 2006 M 7 Session at High-Level Conference – March-June 2006 42
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Milestones M 0 Deployment of the Online Community Infrastructure – April 2005 M 1 Completion of all TG workshops – 12 Oct 2005 M 2 Coordinators’ Meeting – 13 Oct 2005 M 3 Plenary Workshop – 11 -12 Dec 2005 We are here M 4 TG Final Reports – February 2006 M 5 Final Project Report – March 2006 M 6 Dissemination Workshop for Policy Makers – April 2006 M 7 Session at High-Level Conference – March-June 2006 43
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 44
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Thematic Areas • • • Pervasive Computing and Communications Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology Security, Dependability and Trust Bio-ICT Synergies Intelligent and Cognitive Systems Software Intensive Systems 45
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Pervasive Computing and Communications (1/2) • User-centric provision of services aiming at enhancing the quality of life by seamlessly offering ubiquitous access to relevant information and services to the individual, anywhere and at any time, through the synergistic combination of intelligent, context-aware interfaces, and ubiquitous computing and networking 46
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Pervasive Computing and Communications (2/2) • Research issues – Design of pervasive computing systems – Analysis, modelling and reasoning about systems behaviour – Control of systems and environments – Adaptation to changing context – In-depth understanding of potential and limits 47
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology (1/2) • Combining “top-down” semiconductor platforms with “bottom-up” developments in materials, physics, chemistry and biology 48
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology (2/2) • Research issues – new system architectures – combination and interfacing of diverse materials, functions, devices and information carriers – cost-effective fabrication techniques – methods and tools to model, manipulate, fabricate and characterise nano-objects – paradigms to exchange information with single atoms or molecules – methods and tools to master giga-complexity of future ICT architectures – further investigation of newly discovered physical phenomena or properties of matter at the meso-scale 49
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Security, Dependability and Trust (1/2) • Increased risks stemming from – growing autonomy and mobility of technologies and systems – increasing size and complexity – increased heterogeneity – inherent interdependencies – system failure may lead to loss of financial resources, and even loss of human lives – even if a technological infrastructure is secure and dependable, users will not necessarily trust 50
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Security, Dependability and Trust (2/2) • Research issues – real-time detection and response to threats, and proactive measures – social and ethical issues, for example concerning the acceptable trade-off between level of risk and privacy – dependability of industrial-scale software with less development risk than today – dependable evolution of dependable systems – novel methods for trust creation and management. 51
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Bio-ICT Synergies (1/2) • Convergence of ICT with bio and life sciences, but also with cognitive science and nanotechnology – Large-scale functional genomics and proteomics – Modelling the development of behaviour in plants and animals – Modelling of the function of organs and their simulation. – Theoretical modelling of the brain and mind 52
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Bio-ICT Synergies (2/2) • Research issues – Develop methods for maintenance and interoperability of biological data, and for the semantic organisation of biological knowledge – Develop methods for visualising biological data – Increase the reliability of bioinformatics predictions – Develop advanced bio-inspired computational paradigms. 53
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Intelligent and Cognitive Systems (1/2) • Intelligent systems that perceive, reason, understand learn – extracting meaning from huge data flows – autonomous operation – natural interaction with the world and with human users – (self-) adaptation to changing situations and contexts, including users’ preferences and needs. 54
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Intelligent and Cognitive Systems (2/2) • Research issues – Complex adaptive systems consisting of collections of simple, often heterogeneous, entities exhibiting collective behaviour and functionality through high connectivity – Introspective reasoning – Emotional and affective computing – Mixed realities 55
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Software-Intensive Systems (1/2) • Society’s dependence on software-intensive systems is increasing to the point where a growing range of products and services from all sectors of economic activity, but also our daily lives, depend on softwareintensive systems 56
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Software-Intensive Systems (2/2) • Research issues – Develop practically useful and theoretically wellfounded methods and tools for engineering complex software-intensive systems, supporting the entire software life cycle • modelling data and processes • building adequate system architectures • ensuring reliability, dependability and compliance • supporting interoperability • managing change and enhancing usability – Service-Oriented Computing: services as fundamental elements for developing distributed applications 57
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Thematic Group Workshop goals • • Share ideas!! Form appropriate sub-groups Begin addressing “key questions” Continue discussions online 58
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Key questions: Within thematic groups • What is the socio-economic context? • What are the scientific and technological challenges? • What are the driving factors in development and technology application? 60
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Timeline: Individual workshops June 11 -13: Intelligent and Cognitive Systems, Zurich June 21 -22: Security, Dependability and Trust, Paris; follow-up in October June 28 -29: Bio-ICT Synergies, Sophia Antipolis July 27 -28: Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vienna September 9 -10: Software Intensive Systems, Koblenz October 11 -12: Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology, Brussels 61
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Timeline: Coordinators’ Meeting Date: Venue: Paticipants: Objective: October 13 EC in Brussels BTH Scientific Steering Committee FET coordinators and BTH TG Leaders (and/or a deputy representative) FET presents expected project outcomes; ERCIM presents view of the action and overall plan; and TG Leaders present progress to date To arrive at mutual agreement on the way forward; concrete roadmap for the remaining 8 months of the project. 62
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Plenary Workshop Date: Venue: Participants: Program: December 12 -13 Brussels ALL TG Leaders and the maximum number of TG participants Introductory session (ERCIM President, FET, etc. ) Plenary session on Modalities for FET projects in FP 7 (type of projects, evaluation criteria, etc. ) Plenary session on results from the 6 TGs (Leaders) 2 -3 Parallel sessions on new inter-disciplinary areas 63
Plenary Workshop www. beyond-the-horizon. net 64
www. beyond-the-horizon. net On-line communities infrastructure http: //www. beyond-the-horizon. net/ 65
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Portal’s functionality Each Thematic Group Area includes: • Documents area – documents for collaboration or sharing between the members can be uploaded, downloaded or viewed • Resources – resources relevant for each Thematic Group are available through: keyword search, browsing by resource category (e. g. , publication, event, etc) or by topic • Message Board – a tool for asynchronous communication between the members of a Thematic Group • Chat – a synchronous communication tool among TG members 66
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Powered by ICS-FORTH 67
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 68
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 1 Pervasive Computing and Communications 69
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 1 Pervasive Computing and Communications 1. Societal Artifacts: ‘… will have to form up to “goal tribes”, i. e. ensembles of possibly complementing competencies, to act in a sensitive, proactive, and responsive way according to the perceived anticipated needs, habits, and emotions of the users. …’ 2. Evolvable Systems: ‘…systems to grow from their origin driven by their goals…’, ‘In order to cope with the continuously changing contexts, conditions, and purpose of their use, system must become selfconfiguring, self-healing, self-optimizing and selfprotecting, both from a hardware as well as an software point of view. ’ 70
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 1 Pervasive Computing and Communications 3. Future Aware Behaviour: ‘…research must go beyond the current state of the art in context-awareness and become future-aware in the sense that the system has a certain anticipation of future contexts of its use. The system must be able to foresee its near and far future, and the future of its environment respectively. ’ 4. Human-Computer Confluence: ‘post-tangible user interfaces’, ‘several users with different information’, ‘how to orchestrate private and public displays’, ‘Recent advances also brought input and output technology closer to the human, even connecting it directly with the human sensory and neural system in terms of in-body interaction and intelligent prosthetics. ’ 71
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 2 Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnologies More of Moore, More than Moore, Beyond Moore 72
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 2 Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnologies 1. Cooperative research on “System-ability” of emerging ICT technologies and devices: ‘investment in multi-disciplinary teams of nano-technology researchers and system architects to drive device research into realistic avenues that can lead to economically-justifiable nano-electronic systems for the future. ’ 2. Exploring the interfacing of nano-scale biology with nano-electronics: ‘research leading to new technologies for the integration of biological and non-biological components should represent an important component of the FP 7 program. By its very nature, this is an area where top-down lithographic and bottom-up selforganizing principles come together. Such hybrid bio-electronic systems’ 73
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 2 Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnologies 3. Future interconnects for heterogenous system integration: ‘Open questions include the viability of self-assembly, usability of a canonical set of functions and regular layouts for general regular, modular, scaleable and reusable interconnect schemes, and whether or not the brain (high connectivity etc) is a good model for future IT systems. To overcome constraints of a single clock, there is a move to asynchronous, onchip internet-like networks. Challenges here occur, because key parameters such as latency, energy consumption, abundancy of wires and pins and deterministic wiring are different from the standard internet. ’ 4. Post-CMOS memory, storage and logic: ‘Emphasis should be placed on bottomup technologies that have the potential to integrate with silicon, or offer clear advantages in the post-CMOS era. The issue of nano to macro interfacing/communication is absolutely crucial and may have to be solved before these devices can be incorporated into higher-level architectures. ’ 74
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 2 Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnologies 5. Nanoelectromechnical systems (NEMS): ‘initiative aimed at developing probe array technology and NEMS, with emphasis on multidisciplinary teams of chemists, physicists, engineers and life scientists’ 6. Quantum Information Processing: ‘bridging the IST and NMP thematic activities, aimed at Engineered Quantum Coherent Systems, using solid-state micro/nanotechnology and materials science to build coherent systems on a chip. This includes building novel or complex nano-based input-output devices connecting the outside world with individual solid state, atomic or hybrid quantum processors. ’ 75
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 3 Security, Dependability and Trust 1. Ambient trustworthiness. The mass diffusion of digital systems must be endorsed with built- in mechanisms for enhancing trust and confidence on their usage. Common security mechanisms mainly based on boundaries and firewall protection mechanisms do not scale w. r. t. new complex systems. We should imagine different mechanisms as the one proposed by using analogies with bio-living world, e. g. , immune and selfhealing systems. Security must be considered as an autonomic aspect of any ICT based system. This will definitely require new cognitive techniques and semantics models to understand self from non-self and managing the complexity of ambients where human/devices may jointly run and interact. Concepts and technology from Artificial Intelligence will be useful. 2. Trust models. Lack of trust either on the cyber-infrastructure (due to frequent attacks) or the difficulties to model trust relationships among different entities (both human and digital ones) is one of the main barriers for the establishment of a real Information Society. As soon as the future ICT systems will involve billions of devices, the capability of managing trust relationships that foster cooperation is crucial. The understanding on how trust emerges and evolves as well as of related notions as reputation formation, monitoring and evolution are mandatory. Trustworthiness of the information origin is crucial to model trust on reputation. Security-based trust as well as trust-based security are two emerging areas of interest. A deeper understanding of trust needs the involvement of several expertise and research expertise from several fields as economy and sociology. 76
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 3 Security, Dependability and Trust 3. Security with scarce resources. Security systems must be scaled down in order to be inserted in small devices (even at nano-scale) that enable ubiquitous and pervasive computing and communication. Tiny devices will definitely have specific requirements as energy consumption, computation power, and so forth. Efficient, flexible and scalable lowcost cryptographic protocols and mechanisms must be developed and combined in order to ease trust and confidence on the Ambient intelligence space as well as ensure privacy protection. 4. Quantum technology for security. Nature can provide us a lot of resources to secure our information and communication systems. The possibility provided by quantum Physics to offer secret bits of information among authenticated distant partners is a Beyond-the. Horizon: proposed research programmes 3 key tool for securing communications. Although this is not the whole story in security, it is a building block of many applications and protection mechanisms. Similarly, the current Quantum technology offers truly random numbers that may be already used in system. Security would definitely benefit their exploitation. There is an increasing need of exchanging of experience and knowledge among different fields, e. g. security, physics and engineering in order to fully understand exploit the potentialities of Quantum Physics for security. 77
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 3 Security, Dependability and Trust 5. Cryptology beyond Quantum Computing. Quantum Physics and quantum computer may also represent a major threat for current cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms. A deeper understanding of future impact of these technologies on the current cryptotechniques is mandatory. We should study the assumptions on which Quantum Computers (QC) may act and their consequences on current methods, as well as the development of new QC resisting techniques. 6. Assessability. Assessing and proving the trustworthiness of a complex system is a main issue. During the last years many techniques have been developed, especially in the dependability community. Yet, the scale of new ICT systems and the kind of threats and assumptions on their operational environment (not last the human factor) pose new challenges and the need for an assessability discipline is even more impelling. Different metrics, modelling tools and observability mechanisms are needed. The capability of measuring the tolerance to attacks is crucial in new systems that due to their logical and physical diffusion are likely constantly under possible “attack”. 7. Verifiable security. The objective of the Grand Challenge is to develop a discipline of software security based on the development of methods, tools, and repositories for highlevel verifiably secure programming. We advocate an approach based on verifiable security mathematical proofs showing compliance to policies (expressing safety, security, or functionality constraints) and sufficiently verifiable. Verifiable security is complementary to trust models, which focuses on interactions between agents and presupposes that software is correct and secure, and to cryptography, which focuses on establishing security goals. 78
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 4 Bio-ICT Synergies 79
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 4 Bio-ICT Synergies 1. New Modelling Paradigms is concerned with developing new computational modelling paradigms that can be used for modelling biological systems, specifically bridging among models of different aspects, different levels of granularity or different levels of abstraction of biological systems. These modelling paradigms would need to be such that they can capture the salient aspects of the systems they model, e. g. , by being able to bridge discrete and continuous modelling, by combining different timescales of model dynamics, or by combining different abstraction levels. These models could be applied to capture complex systems like atom-molecule-cell-tissue-organism, or atommolecule-neuron-neurocolumn-cortex-brain models. They should be formulated such that they can be used as paradigms for other domains than the biological one. The Programme includes issues of coupling between the model and the system being modelled 2. Bio-Inspired Strategies of Growth, Adaptation and Evolution focuses on processes of change in biological models and derives new algorithmic or physical approaches to Beyond-the-Horizon: proposed research programmes 4 realise change in artificial systems. Change can be approached as growth, as adaptation, as learning, as evolution, and so on. Each of these work at different time scales and can have implications at the 'logical' as well as at the 'physical' level. Understanding and exploiting for instance growing materials or evolvable hardware, as well as aspects of self-organisation would fit under this theme. 80
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 4 Bio-ICT Synergies 3. Bio-ICT Artifacts concentrates on building artificial components that can be used to augment, complement or replace natural capabilities of biological systems. Classical examples would include artificial retinas or physiologically coupled artificial limbs. The range of capacities is extended however beyond perception and action, and could include for instance memory, resistance to bacteria and viruses. The Bio-ICT interface is thus not necessarily acting at the sensing/actuator level, but can also interface directly in metabolic processes ('cyber-drugs'). 81
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 5 Intelligent and Cognitive Systems 82
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 5 Intelligent and Cognitive Systems 1. Mind-body co-evolution: Traditionally, in evolutionary robotics, the robot morphology is given and only the “design” of the control architecture is left to evolution, whereas in natural systems, the two aspect, morphology and (neural) control co-evolve in permanent interaction with the environment. In order to maximally exploit the power of evolution, controllers and robot morphologies have to evolve simultaneously. This process, ultimately, requires materials that can grow. 2. Materials and growth technologies: Through growth biological organisms can form highly complex morphological structures starting from a single cell, and it is the permanent dynamical interaction of their body with the physical environment during this growth process, which enables the different levels of their “minds” to develop. 83
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 5 Intelligent and Cognitive Systems 3. Morphological computation: Classical artificial intelligence and cognitive science are founded on the notion of abstract symbol manipulation. Embodied agents, however, are fundamentally different from symbol-oriented computers: their bodies directly perform processes essential to the agent’s successful operation. Such processes performed by morphological and material properties of a system in order to facilitate or to support control tasks. Examples are facet distributions in insect eyes, stiffness properties of muscletendon systems, and deformability of tissue on finger tips. Generally, the term is used to designate any process based on the shape of the entities involved (e. g. molecules, or modules of a robot) that might be interpreted as a computation. 4. Design for emergence The challenge here is to “design for emergence”: How can we design purposive agents without destroying the emergent nature of their behaviour? If we program purpose into the system, we may not learn very much about purpose itself, we just get out of the system what we program into it. Moreover, if we do not allow for emergence, we will not see any interesting behavior of the system evolving. It will also be difficult to specify purpose – whose categories should this specification be based on: the human designer’s/observer’s, or the artifact’s? 84
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 6 Software-Intensive Systems 1. Engineering Adaptive Software-Intensive Systems: ‘Instead of taking a topdown approach, where the whole knowledge is designed integrated, with a pure a-priori effort, we propose a bottom-up approach where the different knowledge parts are kept distinct and designed independently. The key idea is to consider diversity as a feature which must be maintained and exploited and not as a defect that must be cancelled or absorbed in some general ”universallooking” schema. People, organizations, communities, populations, cultures build diverse representations of the world for a reason, and this reason lies in the local context. It is hard to say what context exactly is. However it can be safely stated that context has many dimensions: time, space, contingent goals, short term or long term goals, personal or community bias, environmental conditions, . . . , and so on. ’ 2. Managing Diversity in Knowledge by Adaptation: ‘The challenge is to develop design methods and tools that enable effective design by harnessing, controlling and using the effects of emergent knowledge properties. This leads to the proposal of developing adaptive and, when necessary, self-adaptive knowledge systems and to the proposal of developing new methods, theories, tools and systems for knowledge engineering and management, …’ 85
www. beyond-the-horizon. net TG 6 Software-Intensive Systems 3. Eternal Software-Intensive Systems: ‘The challenge that we have identified is to (re-) organize today’s decentralized and software-intensive systems such that they can survive in an constantly changing world. Literally, they have to run forever and must become “eternal” systems whose content and functionality can be passed from one generation to the other. We define “eternal softwareintensive systems” as software systems which can survive changes in their execution environment without (or with as little as possible) human intervention regarding their code base. Changes include e. g. , new usage patterns (selfoptimization), functionality upgrades (that can be added without reverse engineering the running software), new versions of libraries or of the embedding operating system (discovery and exploitation of improved functionality) and hardware replacements (portability and network context). ’ 86
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Agenda 1. Background - ERCIM 2. Background – the Technological Imperative 3. Background - EC - FP 6 and FP 7 4. The BTH proposal and project 5. The 6 thematic groups and their work 6. Preliminary conclusions / recommendations for FP 7 workprogramme 7. Conclusions 87
www. beyond-the-horizon. net CONCLUSION ERCIM is coordinating and leveraging – through its institutes – the academic and industrial communities throughout Europe to define the workprogramme for FET in FP 7 There is still time for you to be involved Project Leader: Dimitris Plexousakis 88
www. beyond-the-horizon. net Bits, Atoms and Genes Beyond the Horizon 89