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www. 4 gl. f r Copyright 4 GL – 1999 -2012 www. 4 gl. f r Copyright 4 GL – 1999 -2012

Summary www. 4 gl. f r Quick tour Tutorial Basic rules Row-column position Bookmarks Summary www. 4 gl. f r Quick tour Tutorial Basic rules Row-column position Bookmarks Character attributes Font alignment Images Area definition Rectangles Lines Ellipses tag Frames PROGRESS automatic mode Additional functions Quit Please select an item…

www. 4 gl. f r Quick tour. How vpx. Print can help you to www. 4 gl. f r Quick tour. How vpx. Print can help you to make smooth reports.

www. 4 gl. fr Quick tour Cust-Num -------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 www. 4 gl. fr Quick tour Cust-Num -------1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Name ----------Lift Line Skiing POR Urpon Frisbee Hoops Croquet Co. Go Fishing Ltd Fanatical Athletes Aerobics valine KY Game Set Match Pihtiputaan Pyora Just Joggers Limited Keilailu ja Biljardi Surf Lautaveikkoset Biljardi ja tennis Paris St Germain Hoopla Basketball Thundering Surf Inc. High Tide Sailing Antin Metsastysase Buffalo Shuffleboard Espoon Pallokeskus Pedal Power Cycles Kesport Katiska Jazz Futis Kauppa La Boule Lyonnaise Bulls Eye Sports Bumm Tennis Luistin ja Pyora Oy Bug in a Rug-by Fast Flipper Pinball Jaakon Jumppavaline Kiiskin Jaavarustus Tennis Agentti Quick Toss Lacrosse Penan Sporttiklubi Phone ----------(617) 450 -0087 (60) 532 5471 (617) 366 -1557 081 883 6827 0224 692 903 (90) 054 6399 060 -60 62 61 (60) 162 5007 070 682 2887 (91) 972 3478 (51) 254 2180 (40) 523 3088 1 42 25 68 78 (609) 367 -3875 (512) 542 -1804 0469 73211 (71) 432 1317 (716) 344 -0966 (90) 083 7737 (617) 245 -6969 (91) 676 4644 (60) 349 9254 78 98 23 25 0347 21348 0222/924376/12 (30) 731 1978 (503) 743 -1318 (919) 330 -2993 (61) 749 9273 (21) 826 5779 (98) 829 8224 (216) 783 -1877 (70) 227 2926 Your reports today… Cust-Num 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Name Lift Line Skiing POR Urpon Frisbee Hoops Croquet Co. Go Fishing Ltd Fanatical Athletes Aerobics valine KY Game Set Match Pihtiputaan Pyora Just Joggers Limited Keilailu ja Biljardi Surf Lautaveikkoset Biljardi ja tennis Paris St Germain Hoopla Basketball Thundering Surf Inc. High Tide Sailing Antin Metsastysase Buffalo Shuffleboard Espoon Pallokeskus Pedal Power Cycles Kesport Katiska Jazz Futis Kauppa La Boule Lyonnaise Bulls Eye Sports Bumm Tennis Luistin ja Pyora Oy Bug in a Rug-by Fast Flipper Pinball Jaakon Jumppavaline Kiiskin Jaavarustus Tennis Agentti Quick Toss Lacrosse Penan Sporttiklubi Phone (617) 450 -0087 (60) 532 5471 (617) 366 -1557 081 883 6827 0224 692 903 (90) 054 6399 060 -60 62 61 (60) 162 5007 070 682 2887 (91) 972 3478 (51) 254 2180 (40) 523 3088 1 42 25 68 78 (609) 367 -3875 (512) 542 -1804 0469 73211 (71) 432 1317 (716) 344 -0966 (90) 083 7737 (617) 245 -6969 (91) 676 4644 (60) 349 9254 78 98 23 25 0347 21348 0222/924376/12 (30) 731 1978 (503) 743 -1318 (919) 330 -2993 (61) 749 9273 (21) 826 5779 (98) 829 8224 (216) 783 -1877 (70) 227 2926 With vpx. Print !

www. 4 gl. fr A PREVIEW for all your reports. www. 4 gl. fr A PREVIEW for all your reports.

www. 4 gl. fr Graphical reports. images proportional fonts colors frames www. 4 gl. fr Graphical reports. images proportional fonts colors frames

www. 4 gl. fr Pixel-precision adjustments… www. 4 gl. fr Pixel-precision adjustments…

No limits ! www. 4 gl. fr No limits ! www. 4 gl. fr

A precise control on the printing process. If your printer has more than one A precise control on the printing process. If your printer has more than one input tray, you can select FOR EACH PAGE, the one to use. PAGE Orientation (PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE), multiples copies, recto-verso, Escape sequences per page, etc… …IMMEDIATE PRINTING ! www. 4 gl. fr If you are using pre-printed forms, use inches or mm units, without regarding the printers margins ! All around sports …. …… Total due 12276 North Street – Boston 02114 (MA) Phone (617) 450 -0087

Easy to learn ! www. 4 gl. fr Nothing is more easy than moving Easy to learn ! www. 4 gl. fr Nothing is more easy than moving More specific ? your actual reports to vpx. Print ! Insert vpx. Print tags. insert the standard vpx. Print include file, { x. Print. i } PUT "". send your report to a file, PUT "

Report title". OUTPUT TO "my. File. xpr" PAGED PAGE-SIZE 60. PUT "". then call vpx. Print: RUN print. File( "my. File. xpr").

Easy to deploy… www. 4 gl. fr Store the DLL in a directory of Easy to deploy… www. 4 gl. fr Store the DLL in a directory of the WINDOWS PATH. (the current working directory is a good candidate…) Copy the x. Print. lic file in your working directory. This file contains your activation keys. Nothing to register, It's all !

www. 4 gl. fr vpx. Print viewer. vpx. Print. exe is a vpx. Print www. 4 gl. fr vpx. Print viewer. vpx. Print. exe is a vpx. Print VIEWER. If you set vpx. Print. exe as the default program for *. xpr files, then a double-click in the explorer window opens the file for preview vpx. Print. exe is free, you free can send it to your correspondents.

www. 4 gl. fr Financial… vpx. Print is the more easy-to-use solution… but it's www. 4 gl. fr Financial… vpx. Print is the more easy-to-use solution… but it's the less expensive too ! Developement license per site 450 €. RUN-TIME license per site, any number of users 300 €. Compare with other solutions ! Price list as of january 2012

Our users… www. 4 gl. fr Several VARS and PROGRESS users have choosen vpx. Our users… www. 4 gl. fr Several VARS and PROGRESS users have choosen vpx. Print. Our users are coming from : France, Switzerland, Belgium, Brazil, Spain, Netherlands, Canada, Austria, United States, Germany, Equator, England, South Africa, Norway, Finland, Slovak Republic, Philippines, Turkey, Russia Sweden, Hong-Kong, Sri-Lanka, Argentina, Yugoslavia Mexico Polyneysia, Malaysia, Korea, …

www. 4 gl. Our users talk about vpx. Print… fr l also want to www. 4 gl. Our users talk about vpx. Print… fr l also want to give you credit for an excellent printing solution for PROGRESS, its great… Reidar Johansen I would like to congratulate you for the last improvements in the Xprint DLL. I don't have doubts. It's the best tool for PROGRESS 4 GL. I mean that we are very happy, because we GL happy have a tool to help us day by day. And, I want that you know I talk about x. Print with my friends. Carlos Baccarin So far we're pretty amazed by the possiblities of the product ! THIS IS GREAT. . . the report is looking very sharp and we're ready the take the first one in production! From here we will be working toward a corparate with x. Print solution. Thanks for the hard work we very content with your tools. Robbert Visser The more I work with x. Print, the more enthousiastic I become. x. Print Wouter Dupré Merci et un grand bravo pour ces améliorations. Je tiens à vous dire que vous avez réglé de façon admirable les problèmes d'impression avec Progress. ENFIN UNE SOLUTION SIMPLE ET EFFICACE !!! Robert TOLFO We would like also to inform you that we are very satisfied with your product, it has proven to be a great help to us. us Tony Vertenten ……

Technical support… www. 4 gl. fr Thank you for your great support Je me Technical support… www. 4 gl. fr Thank you for your great support Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning Thank's a lot!, it really help me out of that problem, keep it in that way !! I still find your support, and product to be supreme and look forward to implement it in my applications. Thank you for your support, I like your x. Print. dll very much and my company will probably decide to purchase a full unlimited license shortly. Thanks for your support, I find it very pleasing that you respond so quick You beauty! Thanks very much for this feature! I'll get it to work straight away! feature Congratulations for the news that you included in x. Print. It was so good. I love x. Print. My presentation to my boss was postponed to next week. x. Print I have really appreciated your prompt e-mails and your professionalism. You are doing a fine job. professionalism Merci pour l'efficacité. Thanks for the help so far, you have been excellent and all help has been gratefully received. ……

On the WEB… www. 4 gl. fr Download vpx. Print today ! On the WEB… www. 4 gl. fr Download vpx. Print today !

www. 4 gl. f r The quick tour is over… Summary Quit www. 4 gl. f r The quick tour is over… Summary Quit

www. 4 gl. f r Tutorial How to 'program' vpx. Print. www. 4 gl. f r Tutorial How to 'program' vpx. Print.

Basic rules www. 4 gl. fr 1. Create an output file in place of Basic rules www. 4 gl. fr 1. Create an output file in place of the printer OUTPUT to "facture. xpr" PAGED PAGE-SIZE 60. Programmation notes 2. Send your report in this file These lines are sufficient to: make a report with graphical FOR EACH customer lines. DISPLAY Cust-num Name WITH STREAM-IO. END. PROGRESS loads a DLL using the PATH, not the PATH 3. Close that the DLL is in the correct directory. PROPATH. Verify x. Print file OUTPUT TO TERMINAL. Specify WITH STREAM-IO in the DISPLAY instruction, x. Print 4. Callthe '-' character to determine where labels and uses x. Print RUN print. File ("facture. xpr"). columns are located. 5. the print. File, vpx. Print file : After Add. RUNstandard x. Print includecan be deleted. { x. Print. i } In this example, report is ran without preview.

www. 4 gl. fr Preview With the previous example, a first report was made, www. 4 gl. fr Preview With the previous example, a first report was made, The title of the PREVIEW window like the one you can be modified with did with How PROGRESS. to add a preview ? Simply But now you haveadd a tag graphical lines in your vpx. Print file. between columns. PUT CONTROL "". Syntax: to adjust the preview to the report width.

www. 4 gl. fr Programmation. Like HTML, vpx. Print uses tags. These tags allows www. 4 gl. fr Programmation. Like HTML, vpx. Print uses tags. These tags allows you to : apply different attributes to your report : font, character size, colors, orientation portrait or landscape… set the cursor position in the page : Row-Column, relative (LINE +- n) absolute position, marginindependent, draw : lines, rectangles, ellipses, insert images : *. bmp, *. jpg, *. wmf, *. emf ……

www. 4 gl. fr The vpx. Print page. vpx. Print uses the page as www. 4 gl. fr The vpx. Print page. vpx. Print uses the page as a coordinate system where rows and cols are defined by the number of lines per inch (LPI) and the number of characters per inch (CPI). X Axis C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 ABCDEIW Non-proportional FONT. SKI Note the size P difference 6 lines per ABCDEIW Every line Skip advances the current position between the two inch proportional depending of the value of the tag. fonts. font ( défault value) R 6 Y axis 12 characters per inch

www. 4 gl. fr Row-Column positionning. Rows and columns are defined by <R> (rows) www. 4 gl. fr Row-Column positionning. Rows and columns are defined by (rows) et (columns). Relative positionning.

Absolute position. www. 4 gl. fr You can position your cursor at any point, Absolute position. www. 4 gl. fr You can position your cursor at any point, independent of printers margins. And specify: Choose your unit: or (défault) 50 mm from top, 100. 5 mm fro 50 mm lower 30 mm to left

www. 4 gl. fr Absolute position is well used in case of preprinted documents www. 4 gl. fr Absolute position is well used in case of preprinted documents : invoices, cheques… All around sports …. …… Don't forget that this position is MARGININDEPENDENT Total due 12276 North Street – Boston 02114 (MA) Phone (617) 450 -0087 www. allaround. com

www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks. For background usage, vpx. Print uses bookmarks. These bookmarks www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks. For background usage, vpx. Print uses bookmarks. These bookmarks define different anchor points in the page. All around sports …. …… #1 Tag <#> Bookmarks can be aphanumeric strings: #2 <#Address> <#1> defines the bookmark #1 located at the current position. Total due #3 12276 North Street – Boston 02114 (MA) Phone (617) 450 -0087 www. allaround. com

www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks. Set the cursor on these bookmarks, with : <=#n> www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks. Set the cursor on these bookmarks, with : <=#n> All around sports …. …… La #1 voile en folie <=#1 La voile en folie > <=#2 AB 12 > Bookmarks are numeric or alphanumeric values. #2 AB 12 Total due #3 12276 North Street – Boston 02114 (MA) Phone (617) 450 -0087 www. allaround. com

www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks To move a bookmark, simply redefine it. . <=#1>12345 www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks To move a bookmark, simply redefine it. . <=#1>12345 INOX Bolt 1, 50 10 <=#1><#1> 15, 00 Go to the #1 bookmark Print 12345 INOX Bolt 1, 50 <=#1> 10 15, 00 Go to the #1 bookmark This new point will be located at Move the cursor two lines the same column that the previouslower one, two lines lower. And set a new place for the #1 bookmark <#1> You can use this technic to print invoices… <=#1>

www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks and <AT> tag. The <AT> tag can use the www. 4 gl. fr Bookmarks and tag. The tag can use the bookmark information. New additional syntax for : set the row position at the same value than bookmark #1 and the column position to the same value than bookmark #2. >

Character attributes www. 4 gl. fr Every character can use specific attributes like: Font Character attributes www. 4 gl. fr Every character can use specific attributes like: Font . Example : or Size

. Example :


Color . Example : or in RGB mode Style : for bold, italic or underline reversed by PUT "

TITLE" skip(2) Farial P 20 "

My text is here". P 12 /B

Font alignment. www. 4 gl. fr Printed characters are aligned with the top line Font alignment. www. 4 gl. fr Printed characters are aligned with the top line of the current point. . This text is based on the top margin but when font, size, attributes differences exist in the same line, result is incorrect. Tag allows you to align characters with the font base line This text is aligned with the base-line. Reverse of is

Images. www. 4 gl. fr vp. Print can print *. bmp, *. jpg, *. Images. www. 4 gl. fr vp. Print can print *. bmp, *. jpg, *. wmf, *. emf images. Syntax : This instruction This file name is a proportions but respects the image vary with printer and image resolutions. The printed WINDOWS name ( and not size will be different depending of the various /) combinations. How to solve this problem : define a frame where vpx. Print will print the image (with correct <#1>proportions). . . defines a rectangular area starting from the #1 bookmark to the current point. (10 lines lower, 20 cols on the right)

www. 4 gl. fr Images. You can specify a transparent background for your images www. 4 gl. fr Images. You can specify a transparent background for your images with :

Area definition. www. 4 gl. fr In the previous slide, you have seen the Area definition. www. 4 gl. fr In the previous slide, you have seen the area definition within a page. 1. Place a bookmark : <#1> bookmark #1 3 cm from top, 5 cm from left 2. Move the current point : Moving 5 cm down, 6 to right #1 A rectangular area is now defined The next step is an action in this area : Insert an image, draw a rectangle, circle, line or insert a text.

Rectangles. www. 4 gl. fr Prerequesite : you should have read the previous slide Rectangles. www. 4 gl. fr Prerequesite : you should have read the previous slide (work area definition). #1 <#1> (Rectangle from bookmark #1) …draws a transparent rectangle where border color is defined by the tag and the border width by <|> or <||> tags. Filled rectangle () without border Filled rectangle with border Filled rectangle with border et round

Lines. www. 4 gl. fr Same as rectangles. #1 <AT=30, 50><#1> <AT=+50, +60> <LINE#1> Lines. www. 4 gl. fr Same as rectangles. #1 <#1> …draws a line where border color is defined by and width by <|> or <||>

Ellipses. www. 4 gl. fr Unlike rectangles, an ellipse is always filled. #1 <AT=30, Ellipses. www. 4 gl. fr Unlike rectangles, an ellipse is always filled. #1 <#1> …draws an ellipse filled with , where the border color is defined by and width by <|> or <||>

<FROM> tag. www. 4 gl. fr In previous slides, we used bookmarks. An easier tag. www. 4 gl. fr In previous slides, we used bookmarks. An easier syntax can be used to reduce the vpx. Print coding : X Only one point can be a point at a time.

vpx. Print frames. #1 Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. vpx. Print frames. #1 Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins. You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. Thank's a lot!, it really help me out of that problem, keep it in that way !! I still find your support, and product to be supreme and look forward to implement it in my applications. Thank you for your support, I like your x. Print. dll very much and my company will probably decide to purchase a full unlimited license shortly. Thanks for your support, I find it very pleasing that you respond so quick. www. 4 gl. fr <#1> …defines a work area in a page (frame). …asks vpx. Print to start writing in this area. After the tag, character printing occurs in the frame area with WORD WRAP mechanism. restores to the standard 'FULL-PAGE' mode.

vpx. Print frames. Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . vpx. Print frames. Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins. You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. Thank's a lot!, it really help me out of that problem, keep it in that way !! I still find your support, and product to be supreme and look forward to implement it in my applications. Thank you for your support, I like your x. Print. dll very much and my company will probably decide to purchase a full unlimited license shortly. Thanks for your support, I find it very pleasing that you respond so quick. Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins. You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. Thank's a lot!, it really help me out of that problem, keep www. 4 gl. fr it in that way !! I still find your support, and product to be supreme and look forward to implement it in my Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins. You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. If the inserted text must continue on the next page in the same frame (or frame chain), specify

Frame chaining. Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . Frame chaining. Thank you for your great support. Je me répète mais. . . merci, je suis impressionné par la rapidité à laquelle vous appréhendez nos besoins. You're solution works great!!! Our reports look nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. Thank's a lot!, it really help me out of productt to be supremelook nice this way. I will send a order for xprint tomorrow morning. Thank's a lot!, it really help me out it in that way !! I still find your support, and product to be supreme and look forward to implement it in <#1> FRAME#1 <#2> FRAME#2 <#3> FRAME#3 The tag forces the frame chain to the next one. www. 4 gl. fr

www. 4 gl. f r 'PROGRESS' automatic mode www. 4 gl. f r 'PROGRESS' automatic mode

'PROGRESS' automatic www. 4 gl. mode. fr When the PROGRESS mode is activated (<PROGRESS>), 'PROGRESS' automatic www. 4 gl. mode. fr When the PROGRESS mode is activated (), vpx. Print can detect labels of standard editions. (vpx. Print scans for succession of dashes '----' that PROGRESS uses for underlining column labels. With this information he can determine the place and width of each column) Customer Name Tel. -------------12345 John 0477545584 12346 mode is active by default. Don't forget WITH STREAM-IO for the dashes printing. If your page headers use dashes, this automatic mode can disturb your report… You can manually drive this mode with : Activation , Inactivation

'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr When vpx. Print draws automatic lines ? 'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr When vpx. Print draws automatic lines ? vpx. Print can't always determine when a PROGRESS frame is terminated. However, this is really true in two cases : at end of page, at end of report Cust num Name Tel. 12345 12346 12245 4512125 Dupont Albert kkhsdfkj sdkj Ioikjlkl lklk llkjkkjn kj k 0477545584 123213121 89956445 45589545 12346 12245 4512125 Dupont Albert kkhsdfkj sdkj Ioikjlkl lklk llkjkkjn kj k Cust num Name Tel. 12345 12346 12245 4512125 Dupont Albert kkhsdfkj sdkj Ioikjlkl lklk llkjkkjn kj k 0477545584 123213121 89956445 45589545 EOF PAGE

'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr vpx. Print uses two other cases : 'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr vpx. Print uses two other cases : end of PROGRESS mode: , end of vpx. PRINT frame : as events 'END of FRAME' for drawing automatic lines If your page includes multiple PROGRESS frames, you must indicate to vpx. Print each end-of-frame with or (in this last case, don't forget to add a tag to repeat the PROGRESS automatic mode processing)

'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr If your page includes multiple PROGRESS frames, 'PROGRESS' automatic mode. www. 4 gl. fr If your page includes multiple PROGRESS frames, you must indicate to vpx. Print each end-of-frame with or for each customer no-lock: disp cust-num name with stream-io. put control "" "<#1>". for each order of PROGRESS frame, End of customer no-lock : display order-date format "99/99/9999" The new draw lines. ask vpx. Print to. DISPLAY order-num (PROGRESS frame ) will be Order. Instructions placed in awith stream-io. on vpx. Print frame end. put control "". the right. end. End of PROGRESS frame for orders, tell that to vpx. Print

'PROGRESS' automatic mode. Customer Number Customer Name 12345 12346 12245 4512125 John 0477545584 kkhsdfkj 'PROGRESS' automatic mode. Customer Number Customer Name 12345 12346 12245 4512125 John 0477545584 kkhsdfkj sdkj 123213121 Ioikjlkl lklk 89956445 llkjkkjn kj k 45589545 12345 12346 12245 4512125 Dupont Albert kkhsdfkj sdkj Ioikjlkl lklk llkjkkjn kj k 0477545584 123213121 89956445 45589545 Tel. www. 4 gl. fr In your labels are higher than one line, specify to indicate to vpx. Print the height of your labels.

www. 4 gl. f r Additional functions www. 4 gl. f r Additional functions

Oriented texts, line width. www. 4 gl. fr <ANGLE=n> EN PE S IM C Oriented texts, line width. www. 4 gl. fr EN PE S IM C n is the number of degrees to rotate the text. (reversed by ) <|n> set the line width (in pixels) for lines, rectangles and borders. This value vary with printer resolution. So you can use <||n> for printerindependent width. <||1> is a one-pixel width on a 300 DPI printer and is translated to twopixels for a 600 DPI printer.

Page orientation www. 4 gl. fr Page orientation can be set by : <OLANDSCAPE> Page orientation www. 4 gl. fr Page orientation can be set by : Orientation can be changed within a report, but if you a preview is started, then each orientation update shows the preview and create a new spool file.

www. 4 gl. fr Printers can be selected by : <PRINTER? > <PRINTER<Name>> <Printer. www. 4 gl. fr Printers can be selected by : > Printer? asks for a printer, Printer. SETUP opens the printer setup dialog, Printer opens the first printer whose name begins by . The number of copies to print is defined by : If present, the tag must be placed at the beginning of your report Example : prints two copies. file.

www. 4 gl. fr Bin selection To select a particular tray for paper input, www. 4 gl. fr Bin selection To select a particular tray for paper input, use the tag. AUTO CASSETTE ENVELOPE ENVMANUAL LARGECAPACITY LARGEFMT LOWER MANUAL MIDDLE ONLYONE SMALLFMT TRACTOR UPPER

Escape sequences www. 4 gl. fr Escape sequences can be sent to the printer Escape sequences www. 4 gl. fr Escape sequences can be sent to the printer on a per-page basis. non-printable characters can be written with a # or prefix. Example : ESC character (1 B in hex, 033 base 8) is coded as #027 or 27 This tag is not intented for bold characters, form feeds… Its goal is to allow to send sequences at beginning of each page. Tray selection, page reverse…

International character sets www. 4 gl. fr Character sets are selected with the CHARSET International character sets www. 4 gl. fr Character sets are selected with the CHARSET tag : ANSI DEFAULT SYMBOL SHIFTJIS HANGEUL EASTEUROPE HEBREW RUSSIAN ARABIC TURKISH

Total page count. www. 4 gl. fr <#PAGES> is replaced with the total number Total page count. www. 4 gl. fr <#PAGES> is replaced with the total number of pages of your report. You can write in your output : "Page " Page-number " of <#PAGES>".

www. 4 gl. f r Tutorial is over… Summary Quit www. 4 gl. f r Tutorial is over… Summary Quit

www. 4 gl. f r Now you know why is the solution BEST solution www. 4 gl. f r Now you know why is the solution BEST solution for printing from PROGRESS. See you soon…