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Writing project 1 Summary & Paraphrase Class 1 -2 Writing project 1 Summary & Paraphrase Class 1 -2

Due at the third class ✤ ✤ PROJECT I: Summary & Paraphrase The first Due at the third class ✤ ✤ PROJECT I: Summary & Paraphrase The first major writing assignment is to write a one-page summary of an English article. The purpose of this assignment is to learn and to practice the skills of reading critically identifying claims and reasons summarizing and paraphrasing parenthetical citations and MLA formatting

Requirements: ✤ Required Format: MLA Style Times New Roman font 12 pt. ✤ Spacing: Requirements: ✤ Required Format: MLA Style Times New Roman font 12 pt. ✤ Spacing: double spaced, 1 -2 pages ✤ Margins: 1 inch on all sides ✤ ✤ ✤ Header: at top right ½ inch down, aligned to right margin; shows on every page; consists of your last name, one space, page number, no punctuation. Heading: top left, double spaced, four lines (your name, professor's name, course number and section, date submitted) Title: Centered, primary words capitalized, double space only before and after, no bold or italics or other change of font

✤ ✤ ✤ Title should be: A Summary and Paraphrase of ‘Zombie Article 1’ ✤ ✤ ✤ Title should be: A Summary and Paraphrase of ‘Zombie Article 1’ Your Purpose: To write a fair, accurate, and balanced condensation of the author’s argument and to represent the relationships among the parts fairly and accurately Your Readers: A university group whose members have NOT read the article http: //blogs. cdc. gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101 zombie-apocalypse/

What is a summary? ✤ A summary presents only a text’s major points and What is a summary? ✤ A summary presents only a text’s major points and eliminates supporting details. Writers often incorporate summaries of other writers’ views into their own arguments, either to support their own claims or to represent alternative views. You will make use of summaries in all of your writing projects, indeed in all college papers.

So, simply put: ✤ ✤ ✤ A summary is when you take a source So, simply put: ✤ ✤ ✤ A summary is when you take a source text and put it in your own words. You must understand WHAT a summary is and HOW to use it. It is an essential component/foundation/root of ALL academic writing. Does not need a parenthetical citation

Examples: 1. Frederick Allen explains, to both parents and teachers, the specific ways in Examples: 1. Frederick Allen explains, to both parents and teachers, the specific ways in which gender matters.

✤ In this article, the writer tells us that preparation is important for any ✤ In this article, the writer tells us that preparation is important for any type of disaster that can cause people to be confused and scared and, yes, perhaps lead to cannibalism.

✤ This article prepares us to be ready in case of any disaster, whether ✤ This article prepares us to be ready in case of any disaster, whether real or imagined. It’s a reminder that even the most unlikely scenario can occur. According to this CDC article, chaos is a “zombie” apocalypse.

Your turn: ✤ ✤ On your own, summarize: “There all kinds of emergencies out Your turn: ✤ ✤ On your own, summarize: “There all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-ca-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency. ”

Working with a partner: ✤ ✤ “A Brief History of Zombies We’ve all seen Working with a partner: ✤ ✤ “A Brief History of Zombies We’ve all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident Evil), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much? The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born. ”

Paraphrase: ✤ When you express the writer’s meaning using different words to achieve greater Paraphrase: ✤ When you express the writer’s meaning using different words to achieve greater clarity; re-wording

So, in other words: ✤ ✤ Paraphrasing will be much longer than summarizing because So, in other words: ✤ ✤ Paraphrasing will be much longer than summarizing because you develop it, use your own words with some words from the writer. You elaborate Must be cited (par. 1).

What is elaboration? ✤ ✤ Elaborating is a method of note taking in which What is elaboration? ✤ ✤ Elaborating is a method of note taking in which you use your prior knowledge and experience; it results in producing new ideas, developing critical viewpoints, or further developing ideas already stated by the author. Elaborations can be associations, extensions, illustrations, or evaluations. They are YOURS, your mind, your heart

Let’s practice. Paraphrase this: ✤ “Once you’ve made your emergency kit, you should sit Let’s practice. Paraphrase this: ✤ “Once you’ve made your emergency kit, you should sit down with your family and come up with an emergency plan. This includes where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your door step. You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency. ”

Project 1: ✤ ✤ Read this article http: //blogs. cdc. gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101 zombie-apocalypse/ Summary & Project 1: ✤ ✤ Read this article http: //blogs. cdc. gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101 zombie-apocalypse/ Summary & paraphrase is due class 3