Скачать презентацию Writing involves producing language rather than receiving it, Скачать презентацию Writing involves producing language rather than receiving it,


  • Количество слайдов: 47

Writing involves producing language rather than receiving it, so it is a productive skill. Writing involves producing language rather than receiving it, so it is a productive skill.

Writing Answer the following questions: What have you written recently? Who read it? How Writing Answer the following questions: What have you written recently? Who read it? How long was the piece of writing? Did you use any special layout?

Written text WHAT WHO Texts are written to communicate a particular communicate to somebody. Written text WHAT WHO Texts are written to communicate a particular communicate to somebody. message

Writing subskills Accuracy Communicating message • Spelling correctly • Having (finding) ideas • Forming Writing subskills Accuracy Communicating message • Spelling correctly • Having (finding) ideas • Forming letters correctly • Knowledge about genres of texts • Writing legibly • Organising ideas • Punctuating correctly • Expressing ideas in an appropriate style • Using correct layout • Choosing the right vocabulary • Using grammar correctly • Joining sentences correctly • Using paragraphs correctly

Contrastive rhetoric (Connor, 1996) Kaplan (1966) Contrastive rhetoric (Connor, 1996) Kaplan (1966)

Writing procedure 1. Making notes 2. Editing 3. Planning 4. Brainstorming 5. Producing the Writing procedure 1. Making notes 2. Editing 3. Planning 4. Brainstorming 5. Producing the second draft 6. Writing a draft 7. Proof-reading

Writing procedure 1. Brainstorming 2. Making notes 3. Planning 4. Writing a draft 5. Writing procedure 1. Brainstorming 2. Making notes 3. Planning 4. Writing a draft 5. Editing 6. Producing the second draft 7. Proof-reading

Approaches to Student writing Product approach Concentration on the product The teacher is interested Approaches to Student writing Product approach Concentration on the product The teacher is interested in the end product Process approach Paying attention to the various stages that any piece of writing goes through. Spending time with learners on pre-writing stages.

Примерная программа по английскому языку для начальной школы Коммуникативные умения в «русле письма» Владеть Примерная программа по английскому языку для начальной школы Коммуникативные умения в «русле письма» Владеть Техникой письма (графикой, каллиграфией, орфографией) Основами письменной речи: писать с опорой на образец поздравление с праздником, короткое личное письмо.

Примерная программа по английскому языку для 5 -9 классов Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование умений Примерная программа по английскому языку для 5 -9 классов Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование умений в письменной речи: Писать короткие поздравления с днём рождения и другими праздниками, выражать пожелания(30 -40 слов) Заполнять формуляры, бланки (имя, фамилия, пол, гражданство, адрес) Писать личное письмо с опорой и без опоры (100 -110 слов) Составлять план, тезисы устного и письменного сообщения, кратко излагать результаты проектной деятельности

Письмо. ГИА –ЕГЭ (кодификатор) Письмо. ГИА –ЕГЭ (кодификатор)

Спецификация Спецификация

Демоверсия ГИА 9 класс Демоверсия ГИА 9 класс

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Демоверсия 11 класс С 1 Демоверсия 11 класс С 1

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Демоверсия 11 класс С 2 Демоверсия 11 класс С 2

Критерии оценивания Критерии оценивания

Типичные ошибки русских учащихся 1. Расширение или сужение темы высказывания, уход от предложенной темы Типичные ошибки русских учащихся 1. Расширение или сужение темы высказывания, уход от предложенной темы 2. Перегрузка высказывания подробностями, не имеющими значения для раскрытия темы 3. Неумение раскрыть основную мысль высказывания в полной мере 4. Нарушение последовательности в изложении мысли, повторы 5. Несоразмерность отдельных частей письменного высказывания

Formal style Passive voice, impersonal constructions It is argued that. . … It is Formal style Passive voice, impersonal constructions It is argued that. . … It is a common belief that… A range of advanced vocabulary heated debate, controversial issue Formal linking words/phrases furthermore, however, nonethless Complex sentences with a variety of links Inversion, especially in conditionals Were this true, we would…

Informal style Short forms It’s…I’m… Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms lots of, put up Informal style Short forms It’s…I’m… Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms lots of, put up with, be over the moon about Simplistic vocabulary Experts say they think they are bad. A series of short sentences Many people think so. They are wrong. Simple linking words and, but, so.

Informal style • Miss out some words : “(It was) Good to get your Informal style • Miss out some words : “(It was) Good to get your letter yesterday”. • Start with an imperative: “Tell me when he’s coming” • Occasionally use a dash: “He gave me a present - a beautiful watch” • Use exclamation marks: “What a day!” • Ask direct questions: “What about. . ? ” • Use phrases like: anyway, well.

Task types a. I really like that band 1. I don’t own many CDs Task types a. I really like that band 1. I don’t own many CDs b. I was listening to 2. but I don’t play an music instrument c. While I was watching 3. when I fell asleep the band d. Although I like music 4. because I don’t like it e. The music was so loud 5. but now I prefer rock music f. I used to like folk music 6. that we couldn’t talk g. I enjoy listening to 7. my mobile was stolen. music h. You can have this CD 8. so get me a ticket too.

Read the beginning of Alessia’s letter to Sophie. Can you join any of the Read the beginning of Alessia’s letter to Sophie. Can you join any of the sentences? Dear Sophie, I went to a concert last week. My friend bought the tickets. She couldn’t go. She was ill. My brother came instead. The band was good. I didn’t want the music to stop. My brother doesn’t like to listen to their CDs. He enjoyed the concert. The concert finished at 11 o’clock. We went backstage to meet the band.

Lexical exercises Look at the words in the box and put each one under Lexical exercises Look at the words in the box and put each one under the most suitable heading: Good - Bad - Big - Small - Unusual - Famous Awful, enjoyable, enormous, excellent, exciting, extraordinary, fantastic, great, hopeless, large, strange, terrible, tiny, unexpected, useless, well-known, wonderful

Use some of the words from the previous slide to replace the words which Use some of the words from the previous slide to replace the words which are underlined. It took a long time to get out of the hall because there was such a big crowd. We saw a famous actor and his girlfriend. She was wearing unusual clothes. She looks good but my brother says she is a bad actress. We had a good evening.

Initial greetings It was great to hear from you. I am writing with reference Initial greetings It was great to hear from you. I am writing with reference to your letter. Congratulations Let me congratulate you on. . . Well done! Advice/Suggestion If I were you. . . Why not try. . . Linkers Moreover. . . Also. . . Then again. . . Furthermore. . . Endings Drop me a line if you have time. Keep in touch.

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note lost Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note lost

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note Dear Sir or Madam Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note Dear Sir or Madam

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note greetings from Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note greetings from

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note invite Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note invite

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note I’d like to ask for compensation Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note I’d like to ask for compensation

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note Your Mum called Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note Your Mum called

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note The weather is awful Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note The weather is awful

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note black, size 15*25 cm Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note black, size 15*25 cm

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note for more information Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note for more information

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note contact Joe as soon as possible Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note contact Joe as soon as possible

Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note I believe I’m the right candidate Identifying genres Postcard Lost items announcement Invitation Note I believe I’m the right candidate

Understanding the task Read the email from your friend Jim. Write a reply. Answer Understanding the task Read the email from your friend Jim. Write a reply. Answer all the questions. Hi, Thanks for the message about the holiday trip you’re planning. Can you tell me exactly where and when you want to go? Who else is going on the trip? When do I have to decide if I want to go along too? Jim

Understanding the task. You are on a school trip in the mountains. Write a Understanding the task. You are on a school trip in the mountains. Write a postcard to your Welsh friend Jane. Tell her where you are right now, say if you like the trip and write about your plans for the following day. A) It’s my first day at the seaside B) I’ll email you when I get back next weekend. C) I don’t like this trip because it’s raining all the time. D) Tomorrow me and my family are going to the top of Mont Blanc. E) I’m sitting in the tent with two other guys. F) Our plans for the next few days are still not decided. G) If it is fine tomorrow, we may finally climb some mountains.

Style Acclaimed by critics and immensely popular with viewers, the TV series Ally Mc. Style Acclaimed by critics and immensely popular with viewers, the TV series Ally Mc. Beal focuses on the professional life of a group of young lawyers. Now that the series has hit TV screens in this country, you may wonder how the affairs of such folks will go down with the British couch potato and what are the film’s pros and cons.

Dos and Don’ts • DO check tense endings, plural forms and word order in Dos and Don’ts • DO check tense endings, plural forms and word order in sentences. • DO check irregular past tenses and question formation. • DO use language that is appropriately formal or informal for the task. • DO write clearly, so that the examiner can read your answer. • DO leave time at the end to check your work.

Dos and Don’ts • DON’T misspell key words which appear on the question paper. Dos and Don’ts • DON’T misspell key words which appear on the question paper. • DON’T ‘lift’ too much language from the question paper. • DON’T mix formal and informal language. • DON’T use formal linkers in an informal letter.