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Wrestling Hydration Testing and Percent Body Fat Calculation for Weight Certification Mark Haines, Athletic Trainer Rancocas Valley Reg. H. S. Eric Schwartz, Athletic Trainer, Allentown H. S.
Objective To provide clear and consistent procedures
Initial Testing Date l The initial test must be conducted between Friday, December 3 rd to Sunday, December 12
Retests l You must wait until the next day or later to retest l The wrestler is permitted to retest no more then twice within seven days l The same test procedure must be utilized
Professional Responsibilities When an individual is registered with the NJSIAA as an "Assessor" there is an automatic concern for professional responsibility. There is an expectation of the highest professional and ethical conduct relative to performing assessments on young wrestlers in New Jersey. These young wrestlers should be treated with the highest regard for their "right to privacy" and for the confidentiality of all data collected on them for this program. As a NJSIAA certified assessor, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner such that there will be no question about your positive contribution to the participants in the sport of wrestling. There will be times when professional judgment will be involved to clarify and validate the assessment process; the greater the depth of your understanding of body composition assessment, the better your ability in representing NJSIAA, serving our student-athletes and administering the program in a professional and consistent manner.
Professionalism/Privacy 1. When an individual is certified and registered as a NJSIAA Assessor, it is his/her professional responsibility to protect the integrity of the testing program, and ultimately, our student-athletes. There is an expectation of the highest professional and ethical conduct relative to performing assessments on our high school wrestlers in New Jersey. These studentathletes should be treated with the highest regard for their "right to privacy" and for the confidentiality of all data collected about them for this program.
Professionalism/Privacy 2. Assessors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner above reproach in regards to the professional standards of those working with athletes. There will be times when professional judgment will be necessary to clarify and validate the assessment process.
Assessors Responsibilities 1. Annually be trained by NJSIAA to be a Certified Assessor. 2. Make themselves available to provide the assessment process for schools in their area in a reasonable time frame for the conduct of school academic and wrestling programs. 3. Coordinate and schedule dates, times and appropriate locations for assessments of member schools. g. Input, or cause to be inputted by someone not associated with the school being assessed, t
Responsibilities of Assessment Site l l l 1. 2. 3. l l l l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tanita TBF Model 300 WA scale Refractometer Latex or Rubber Gloves (do not have to be changed after every hydration test) Paper cups (used for collection of urine samples) Stir straws or pipettes (for obtaining drops of urine for hydration test) Towel(s) (to clean feet) Tissues (for wiping clean the refractometer after each individual reading) Tape measure (for measuring height) Right angle square (used for accuracy in measuring height) Masking tape
Responsibilities of Assessment Site l 11. l l 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. l 20. l l l Clipboards or a suitable hard surface on which athletes can complete their forms Extra rolls of thermal tape for readout unit Extra individual Profile Forms Black pen, pencil, and black marker Stapler – staples Hand Sanitizer Disinfectant cleaning spray (for cleaning scale) Eye shields/face shields (optional) Food coloring or tidy bowl or dry urinals to protect the integrity of the sample School to provide administrator to oversee taking of urine samples and have at least one professional female (not a coach) present on a case-by-case basis
Coaches Responsibilities l l l Have completed paperwork turned in three days prior to testing date Have preliminary data input complete on NCWA website three days prior to testing date Prepare wresters for hydration testing Supervise and maintain control of wrestlers during the process Avoid and stay clear of hydration testing and tanita testing Direct any concerns and questions to the school administrator and/or site diretor
Preliminary Computer Input l Preliminary data should be entered three days prior to the day of testing by the coaching staff 1. name 2. school 3. date of birth 4. age 5. grade
Preparation of Wrestlers for Assessments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No vigorous activity on the evening before and the day of the testing. Avoid any caffeinated beverages on the day before and day of the testing. On the day of testing, drink 500 ml (17 oz. ) of fluid. (A sports drink is an excellent choice). Avoid any vitamin or mineral supplements two days before and the day of testing. Be awake three hours prior to testing. Do not eat two hours prior to testing.
Wrestler Deception l If it is determined a wrestler has purposely attempted to falsify any results it is considered to be a flagrant misconduct resulting in a two game/tournament suspension l They will also be required to retest according the retest guidelines
Terms l Assessor - health care professional that has attended the NJSIAA assessor workshop and has been awarded a certificate of attendance. l Inside assessor - an assessor that is already employed by the school district. l Outside assessor - an assessor that is hired by the school district temporarily for the sole purpose of administering hydration testing and percent body fat percentage calculations to determine lowest certifiable weight class for
Preliminary Meeting by site director l l Mandatory meeting for all staff involved and coaches early November. Agenda 1. review specific testing procedures 2. distribute and review paperwork 3. set date and scheduled times for testing, and preliminary paperwork/input deadline 4. set retest scheduling dates and times 5. review hydration tips
Staging area l Provide a staging area (gym) for athletes to: - change into t-shirt and shorts or singlet ( they must have on a t-shirt/shorts or singlet, underwear or boxer type briefs may not be worn as outerwear ) - measure height - check paperwork Supplies – cloth tape measure, 1 foot ruler, 3 black ink pens, , table and chair
Testing Back up Form Hydration Testing & Body Fat Analysi Name: ________ SCHOOL: _______ Initial Date: ______ Grade_____ Age ______ Height : _____ Ft _____ inches______ HYDRATION TEST: PASS FAIL Initial Spec. Gravity __________ Date _________ Retake Spec Gravity _____ Body Weight at Testing: ________ Body Fat % at Testing = ________ Weight at 7 % = ___________
Height and Paperwork Station #1 - measuring tape should be taped to the wall - check paperwork for completion
Measuring Height - make sure athlete is standing straight with heels, calfs, buttocks, upperback, and head touching the wall ( be sure both knees are straight ) - measure to the half inch ( round down to the half inch ) - use a ruler level on the top of head to measurer - record with ink pen on form
Hydration Testing Station #2 A large restroom for males with multiple urinals, toilets, sinks and trash cans l A seperate restroom for females l Supplies - two digital refractometers w/ extra batteries, handstamp, pen, handwipes, hand sanitizer, handsoap, papertowels and 2 - 3 extra large trash cans lined with two trash bags l
Calibrating Refractometer l The refractometer should be calibrated just prior to the start of testing l Recalibrate as recommended by the manufacturer
Hydration Testing Administrator Requirement l It is mandatory that a male school administrator be present to observe and monitor the hydration testing procedure
Hydration Testing Procedures Station #2 l Wrestlers will form a single file line outside the hydration testing area l When instructed by the monitor each wrestler will enter restroom and be given a cup ( It is recommended that at least one male monitor be utilized, the monitor cannot be anyone that is part of the wrestling program )
Urine Sample Collection Procedures l Wrestler will urinate into cup at urinal while monitor observes (this is approved by the NFHS) l Monitor should instruct wrestler not to provide any more then half a cup l Sample should be placed on top of the urinal while athlete finishes voiding and flushes the urinal l Wrestler will then proceed to hydration testing person with sample
Urine Sample Collection Procedures Do not use a urinal that will not stop running l Do not allow wrestler to flush urinal before or during voiding in cup l Do not allow male wrestler to use stall unless the monitor is in stall an observes sample being taken l
Refractometer Procedure l Wrestler will hand the sample to hydration tester l Hydration tester will test sample and inform wrestler of result l The sample must be 1. 025 or below to pass
Hydration Testing Result Passes l Wrestler will have their hand stamped by the hydration tester and then proceed to the Tanita testing area with paperwork if there hydration level is 1. 025 or below
Hydration Testing Results in Failure l Wrestler will not have hand stamped by the tester if their hydration level is above 1. 025 and should proceed back to the staging area without paperwork ***tester will retain paperwork*** l Retests must be done as stated by retesting procedures
Multiple Failures l Should an athlete fail after the third attempt they will not be permitted to wrestle the opening weekend.
Inside Assessor Retest l The wrestler is required to be retested by the same assessor l The wrestler is permitted to retest no more then twice within seven days l The same test procedure must be utilized l An administator is still required to observe and supervise the retesting
Outside Assessor Retests You must return to the assessor(s) that were at your site l The location of retest will be determined by the assessor l You must schedule a day and time with the assessor(s) l An administrator is still required to observe and supervise the retesting l
Outside Retest Costs l There is a non-refundable $5 fee paid to the assessor prior to testing for each wrestler retested for each retest
Computer Input Area Private room with 1 -2 desks with chairs for 1 -2 computers l 1 -2 computers with internet access l 1 -2 people to input data day of testing l
Tanita Scale Area Station #3 Large area for the following: - one or two 6 -8 foot long tables and two chairs - electrical outlets for tanita scales and extension cords if needed - two tanita scales with ample paper and wipes for scale
Tanita Testing Procedure Station #3 l l Wrestler will proceed to scale area with the completed paperwork When ask present paperwork and stamped hand to tanita scale personnel Athlete must be wearing a t-shirt/shorts or singlet (underwear or boxer type briefs may not worn as outer wear) Paperwork will be kept by tester
Tanita Scale Procedures Scale personnel will instruct wrestler as follows: 1. Step on scale with feet completely within the footprints on the tanita scale (this should be observed) 2. Step off scale when complete 3. Return to staging area 4. Scale personnel will retain paperwork
Scale Set-up Place scale on the ground making sure level bubble is centered. l Turn the machine on only when it is level l Enter 1. 0 for clothing allowance l
Settings for Percent Body Fat Calculation l Male athletic mode l Goal set at. 07 l Female athletic mode l Goal set at. 12
Scale Input Procedure for Male Wrestler 1. Select male athlete 2. Enter height in feet and inches (3 numbers must be entered 5’ 5’. 0) 3. Enter goal of. 07 (7%) 4. When weight reads -1. 0 and indicating arrow is pointing to set up wrestler may step on scale 5. Wrestler must remain completely still while on the scale until print out begins
Tanita Scale Input Procedure for Female Wrestler 1. Select female athlete 2. Enter height in feet and inches (3 numbers must be entered 5’ 5’. 0) 3. Enter goal of. 12 (12%) 4. When weight reads -1. 0 and indicating arrow is pointing to set up wrestler may step on scale 5. Wrestler must remain completely still while on the scale until print out begins
Print Out l Print with a ink pen neatly the wrestlers name on the print out l Staple the print to the wrestlers paperwork
Paperwork l The completed paperwork at tanita testing area will remain with the assessor at the scale l Paperwork will be return to the coach after the input of all team members data
Adjustment for Error Reading l For athletes reading error on multiple attempts (example very lean male freshmen weighing under 100 lbs. ) l Change to male standard mode Goal. 07 l ***this would be the only reason to use the standard mode***
National Wrestling Coaches Association l Website for entering data www. nwcaonline. com
Login procedures for NWCA website 1. 2. 3. Click on drop down Weight Management Click on Optimal Performance Calculator Click on login and enter Login ID and password *login id and password will be forwarded to you by the NWCA or NJSIAA
Data Input Procedures
Login Page – enter Login ID and Password
Assessor Dashboard
Select School and enter School Password and click Change School/Select School
Assessment Form – Step 4
Who enters appeal data l Appeals are entered by the school athletic trainer
Appeals for above 7% for male and 12% for female l 3% percent variance of minimum wrestling weight (MWW) l Appeals will date back to the day of original pass date of certification
Appeal example Appeals for body fat above 7% for male and 12% for female testing l Male wrestler with 12% body fat has a minimum wrestling weight of 127 l 3% of 127 = 3. 81 lbs. l 127 lbs. - 3. 81 lbs. = 123. 19 lbs. l 123. 19 lbs appeal weight allow him to wrestle at 125 lb weight class l
Appeals for body fat below 7% for male and 12% for female l 1. 5% percent variance of minimum wrestling weight (MWW) l Appeals will date back to the day of original pass date of certification
Appeal Example Appeals for body fat below 7% for male and 12% for female testing l Male wrestler with 6% body fat has a minimum wrestling weight of 127 l 1. 5% of 126 = 1. 89. lbs. l 126 lbs. - 1. 89 lbs. = 124. 11 lbs. l 124. 11 lbs. appeal weight allows him to wrestle at 125 lb weight class l
Appeal Form Click Add New Wrestler Appeal, select the wrestler from the name list and enter the Appeal data on the Appeal Form
Outside Assessors If, an assessor is hired from outside the school district the number of assessor required is as follows: l 1 - 20 wrestlers one assessor l 21 - 50 wrestlers two assessors l 51 - above wrestlers three assessors
Outside Asssessor Compensation l $65 per unit with a minimum of (2) units l Each unit is 2. 5 hours
Contact Information Mark Haines office 609 -267 -0837, ext 3285 cell 609 -980 -6112 email mhaines@rvrhs. com Eric Schwartze office 609 -259 -2792, ext. 1450 cell 609 -273 -2090 email schwartze@atsnj. org o. OOffice 609 -25 O