Скачать презентацию Worried Need to talk In school Anytime An Скачать презентацию Worried Need to talk In school Anytime An


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Worried? Need to talk? In school Anytime An adult you trust – teacher, tutor, Worried? Need to talk? In school Anytime An adult you trust – teacher, tutor, House Team, Safeguarding Team? School Nurse – Mondays: morning appointments or lunchtime drop in. Time 4 U – Thursdays: Sixth Form: 12. 30 -1. 15 pm Conference Room by Library ALL: 1. 20 - 2. 10 pm in Pavillion Out of school Childline – 0800 1111 www. childline. org. uk Samaritans – 01905 21121 08457 909090 www. youngminds. org. uk Time 4 U 0800 783 2936

Being bullied is NOT acceptable – tell someone & get help. In school Out Being bullied is NOT acceptable – tell someone & get help. In school Out of school Anytime Tell an adult you trust – teacher, tutor, House Team, Safeguarding Team? Tell an adult you trust Parent, carer, sibling, other family member, youth worker, GP? Bullying Help Email – bullyinghelp@pershore. wor cs. sch. uk (checked by House Teams) 01905 681751 www. kidscape. org. uk www. bullying. co. uk

Be SMART on the Internet! MEETING – SAFETY – If you only ‘know’ someone Be SMART on the Internet! MEETING – SAFETY – If you only ‘know’ someone online – how do you really know who they are? Don’t meet - or tell someone you trust where you will be & never go on your own. Don’t give out your name, email address, phone number, address, photos, school name to anyone - you can be tracked! Use HIGH privacy settings. ACCEPTING - RELIABLE – Emails, messages, files, pictures or texts from a stranger can lead to problems – they may contain viruses or nasty messages. Information found on the internet may not be true, someone online may be lying about who they are. TELL – Parents, carers or trusted adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried about ANY contact on the internet.

Before you. . THINK T H = = Is it True? Is it I Before you. . THINK T H = = Is it True? Is it I = Is it Inspiring? N = Necessary? Is it Helpful?

Respectful relationships – what you deserve Respectful relationships – what you deserve