- Количество слайдов: 50
Worms Friend OR Foe ? http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=1&n=75 http: //www. quia. com/jg/352695 list. html http: //www. dof. virginia. gov/images/anim-worm-crawl. gif
WHERE DO THEY LIVE? http: //www. ci. austin. tx. us/sws/images/grasscycling. jpg ________ Found in environment ________ Live on or in another organism http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=66&n=75
PARASITIC WORMS Animal host where ADULT feeds and reproduces = _______HOST Animal host where LARVAL form lives and feeds = _______ HOST
FLATWORMS PYLUM: Platyhelminthes FREE LIVING Planaria Tapeworms PARASITIC Flukes &
PLATYHELMINTHES (Flatworms) http: //www. lander. edu/RSFOX/310 images/310 bilat. Image. html ALL FLATWORMS are ACOELOMATES!
http: //www. quia. com/jg/352695 list. html PLANARIA NOT PARASITES http: //www. notatall. blogger. com. br/planaria. jpg
ONE opening digestive system http: //www. biologia. edu. ar/animales/images/planaria. jpg GASTROVASCULAR CAVITY (Combination Digestive & circulatory)
EXCRETORY • FLAME CELLS collect excess water and nitrogen waste • Excreted through pores in skin http: //tim. nccu. edu. tw/biotech/biolife/maricopa/flatwormexcret. gif Moving cilia look like little “flames”
REPRODUCTION http: //www. notatall. blogger. com. br/planaria. jpg SEXUALHERMAPHRODITES (have both ovary & testes in one organism) but trade with a partner ASEXUALcan use regeneration to grow a new organism from part of parent worm http: //faculty. stcc. edu/rapp/biol 102/biology_links. htm
PARASITIC FLATWORM Schistosoma NOT IN USA but infects over 250 million people worldwide Worms can block blood vessels to organs causing irritation, bleeding, tissue decay producing disease called = _________ http: //www. coc. org/focus/food/pics/rice_paddy. jpg
http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/lifecycles/schistosoma_lifecycle. gif HUMAN BLOOD FLUKE Schistosoma Adult worms mature & reproduce in blood vessels; eggs travel to intestines or bladder Immature worms burrow through skin into blood vessels Eggs leave body in urine or feces Larvae grow tails and leave snail Larva hatches from egg & infects snail (intermediate host)
http: //www. bangkokhealth. com/cimages/tapeworm 02. jpg TAPEWORMS Dog tapeworm http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/pictures/whole_tapeworms. GIF PARASITIC FLATWORM that lives in HOST animal intestines
TAPEWORM VOCAB ______- Head with suckers and hooks to help hold on inside host http: //www. nicksnowden. net/images/Taenia_scolex_drawing. gif
TAPEWORM VOCAB __________hermaphroditic reproductive structures (contain both male & female sex organs) Contain fertilized eggs Shed in feces http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/labeled_taenia. html
WORM VOCAB _______ Thickened PROTECTIVE layer on the outside of worms made of CELLS ________ NON-CELLULAR PROTECTIVE coating found on the outside of worms http: //www. nicksnowden. net/images/Taenia_scolex_drawing. gif
Attaches with SCOLEX http: //www. esu. edu/~milewski/intro_biol_two/lab__10_platy_nemat/images/taenia_scolex. jpg http: //www. microscopyu. com/galleries/smz 1500/images/tapewormscolexsmall. jpg
TAPEWORM http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=66&n=75 NO DIGESTIVE SYSTEM -absorbs nutrients through skin TEGUMENT protects them from host digestive enzymes and immune system
http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=65&n=75 TAPEWORMS Can grow up to 50 ft (2000 proglottids) REPRODUCE WITH PROGLOTTIDS Add new proglottids behind scolex Mature ones drop off at tail end Leave body in feces
EX: BEEF TAPEWORM Adults attach inside intestines and absorb digested food Humans eat undercooked meat containing cysts Proglottids burst releasing eggs with larvae inside on ground Cows eat grass; larvae travel through blood vessels; make cysts in muscle Proglottids are released in feces http: //net. unl. edu/wonderwise/12 parasi/a-para. htm
ROUND WORMS Phylum: Nematoda Ascaris Trichinella Hookworms Pinworms Filarial worms http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=1&n=75
NEMATODA (Round worms) ALL ROUND WORMS are PSEUDOCOELOMATES http: //www. lander. edu/RSFOX/310 images/310 bilat. Image. html
http: //www. hillsdale. edu/Personal/Swinehart/Aquatics/Courses/Biodiv/ascaris_bolus. gif ROUND WORM Ascaris PARASITIC Have a 2 OPENING digestive system Lives in intestines Feeds on passing food http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/images. html
Females can grow up to 1 ft long & produce 200, 000 eggs/day Humans become infected when they eat FOOD or WATER contaminated with eggs Image from: http: //www. cibike. org/Cartoon. Eating. gif
http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=0&n=75 Most common worm infection WORLD WIDE Mostly in children Estimated 25% of world’s population is infected with Ascaris
ROUND WORM Trichinella Humans infected by eating undercooked meat containing cysts Cysts release larvae that burrow into intestinal wall & mature Larvae forms cysts in muscle Adults release larvae that travel through bloodstream to muscles http: //jeggeri. pri. ee/Kontuur/Loomad/pig. gif http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/lifecycles/trichinella_lifecycle. html http: //www. umm. edu/images/ency/fullsize/trichinella_spiralis_in_human_muscle_2638. jpg
Trichinella infection can lead to disease called = _________ Symptoms: Muscle pain & stiffness Can be fatal if cysts form in heart http: //sps. k 12. ar. us/massengale/unsegm 3. jpg
TRICHINOSIS Less than 100 cases/year in USA from PORK Most from eating wild game Curing (salting), drying, smoking, or microwaving meat does not consistently kill infective worms.
PARASITIC ROUND WORMS Guinea worm http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=5&n=75 Found in AFRICA http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=6&n=75
PARASITIC ROUND WORMS http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=5&n=75 Female bodies under skin fill with eggs and break open; larvae form blisters Guinea worm Blisters pop and larvae are released in water Larvae eaten by small crustaceans Humans infected by drinking water Larvae mature and adult worms migrate to skin http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=6&n=75
FILARIAL ROUNDWORMS are transmitted by insects
DISEASES caused by FILARIAL ROUND WORMS DOG HEARTWORM Elephantiasis Loa - eye worm
FILARIAL ROUND WORMS DOG HEARTWORM Carried by mosquitoes http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=66&n=75
DISEASES caused by FILARIAL ROUND WORMS Elephantiasis Adult worms live in lymph nodes causing blockage so fluid back ups http: //www 2. niaid. nih. gov/NR/rdonlyres/32 FF 6 DCF-75 CF-42 D 0 -BCAE-297 EFDE 27 CF 1/0/elephantiasis. jpg
ELEPHANTIASIS Common in tropical countries Adult worms can grow to 4” long http: //health-pictures. com/elephantiasis-picture. htm
Mosquito picks up larvae from blood when it feeds Adult worms live and reproduce in lymph vessels Larvae develop into juveniles inside mosquito Mosquito injects juveniles which migrate to lymph nodes and mature http: //www. acm. uiuc. edu/sigbio/project/updated-lymphatic/lymph 3. html
FILARIAL ROUND WORMS Loa loa Found in AFRICA http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/loa. html
Loa worm • Humans are infected with larvae when bitten by loa fly • Larvae mature & crawl around under skin (especially near face) • Adults mate and produce larvae which can be picked up by another fly and transmitted to http: //maven. smith. edu/~sawlab/fgn/pnb/loaloa. html another person
PARASITIC ROUND WORMS Hookworms Ancylostoma http: //www. biosci. ohio-state. edu/~parasite/placoconus. html Live in intestine; feed on BLOOD http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=1&n=75
HOOKWORM LIFE CYCLE Larvae are coughed up & swallowed; Larvae enter body by burrowing through skin on feet & travel to lungs Return to intestines; mature & mate Adult worms live in intestine and feed on blood Eggs leave body in feces and hatch as larvae in soil http: //www. extension. iastate. edu/polk/health/carbon/fact 3. htm http: //www. retiredgreyhounds. co. uk/page 12. htm http: //www. barefooters. org/1995 -spring/gifs/mtn_pjl_feet. jpg
Hookworms in Humans • PROBLEMS caused by migrating larvae • Cause intense reaction in skin at site • Infect 40 million people worldwide
Parasitic ROUND WORMS Pinworms • Most common parasitic infection IN UNITED STATES • 1/5 children are infected • Worldwide 500 million people are infected with pinworms Grow up to ½ inch long http: //curezone. com/image_gallery/parasites/all/default. asp? i=16&n=75
Parasitic ROUND WORMS • Adult Pinworms live in intestine • Females crawl out through anus at night and lay 15, 000/day eggs on skin • Intense itching causes host to scratch • Eggs under fingernails and on hands are spread back to self or to others when objects/food are touched
SEGMENTED WORMS (PHYLUM: ANNELIDA) ALL SEGMENTED WORMS are EUCOELOMATES! “True coelom” http: //www. lander. edu/RSFOX/310 images/310 bilat. Image. html
SEGMENTED WORMS Earthworms play an important role in soil fertility Return nutrients to soil by decomposing dead leaves and organic matter Burrowing allows air and water to penetrate to roots “intestines of the earth” -Aristotle Tunnels loosen soil so roots can grow more easily