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World without oil: How to survive Oil is the part of people’s life Section 3, Group #10: Ravshanov Zokhijan : 20133621 Zhunussov Abylay : 20121604 Zhuaspayeva Malika : 20120389 Zholbarissova Salima : 20122564 Zhaukebay Yedil: 20122808
Outline u World without oil: how it looks like u The importance of Oil u The influence of oil u What consequences can be without oil u Global Depletion of Oil u How to survive without oil u Conclusion
World without oil: how it looks like • World without oil is like machine without petrol, which run on solar battery. • It’s future with using alternative energy and other technological ways for living. • It is life without ecological problems, and life without war for oil
Oil is one of the most important raw materials we have. Everyday we use hundreds of things that are made from oil or gas. Oil and gas are also important for the number of jobs they provide. Tens of thousands of people work in the oil and gas industry. Importance of Oil
Influence of Oil • Oil is one of the most demanding commodities in On economy the world. Hence any slightest variation in the prices of crude oil can have a notable influence on the economy. For instance, on dollar. On politics • Oil influences international politics in a multitude of ways. Governments have always sought to serve their countries' self interests and this is especially true with respect to securing their energy requirements.
Influence of Oil • Harmful impact of oil to environment and ecology: On ecology On government problems of air, water, earth pollution, global warming. • In some countries oil industry is a base of economy and development of government. It is main income of some governments which depends on oil.
What consequences can be without oil There may be many consequences without oil. For example cars will switch to electric engines, or switch to bio fuel. Without oil will be difficult, but people will find a way to live without it, people will move to a new stage of life. There will be a new future, not only for the people, but also for our eco system for our environment.
Global Depletion of oil The depletion of our oil resources is not a phenomenon that will happen sometime in the distant future. It is happening now. It has already altered the objectives and alliances of international diplomacy, empowered the political aspirations of producer nations, restructured how world oil markets work, and changed the economics of oil exploration, production, transportation and refining. It has also raised the price of gasoline, diesel, propane, and heating oil fuels.
Clinical symptoms Cattle affected by BSE has progressive degeneration of the nervous system which appears in: ü temperament changes (nervousness or aggression) ü abnormal posture ü incoordination ü lag in milk production ü loss of weight despite continued appetite ü foaming at the mouth
Causes of BSE Ø Still the causative agent of the disease is not completely characterized. Ø Scientists believe that BSE is caused by abnormal proteins in the nervous system, called “PRIONS”
Prions are abnormal form of a normally harmless protein found What is a Prion? in the brain that is responsible for a variety of fatal neurodegenerative diseases of both animals and humans.
Video: Prions
Ø Prions spread from consuming BSE infected feedstuffs such as animals’ by products Ø Mad Cow Disease cannot be spread by contact, air or bacteria from the soil
Disease in v Mad cow disease was first Europe in 1985 identified in Britain v Approximately 183, 000 cows 1985 -1995 across Europe were infected in the mid-1990 s v BSE was identified in 10 of the 15 European Union (EU) countries, as well as Switzerland Liechtenstein v Beef consumption has fallen by 27% across the EU
Mad Cow Disease in Europe v. France • 160 cases of BSE were diagnosed in 2000 • Beef sales dropped by > 25% v. Germany • Confirmed 20 cases of BSE in 2001 • Beef sales dropped by 50% v. United Kingdom • Single largest source of BSE • 1, 277 cases confirmed in 2000
BSE’s influence on humans Ø Humans’ variant of BSE is Creutzfeldtt-Jakob Disease (v. CJD) is caused by the consumption of BSE infected meat products Ø The first 10 cases of variant v. CJD were observed in 1996, 10 years after the outbreak of BSE in the UK Ø v. CJD seems to affect mostly young patients
Clinical symptoms ü Loss of expressiveness ü Muscular tremble ü Spasm ü Impaired muscle coordination ü Loss of memory ü Dementia v CJD patients also display unusual psychiatric problems v Finally v. CJD resulting in death
Ø Due to the lack of knowledge of what causes it, there is no treatment that can cure or control BSE and v. CJD Treatment
Prevention is the only available option ü Governments must prohibit import of beef from infected countries. ü Famers mustn't feed cows with cattle by-products ü Famers must watch to make sure that cattle is fed their animals safe food ü Citizens should avoid eating beef’s brain and spinal cord as prions accumulate in the brain and the nerve system.
Video: Mad Cow Disease
Thank you for attention! to be continued…
Reference list Conrad, S. M. (n. d. ). Mad Cow Disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Retrieved September 25, 2012 from http: //www. emedicinehealth. com/mad_cow_disease_and_variant_creutzfeldtjakob/article_em. htm Crosby J. T. (n. d. ). What causes Mad Cow disease, and how is this disease transmitted? Retrieved September 25, 2012 from http: //vetmedicine. about. com/od/diseasesandconditions/f/FAQ_madcow 2. htm Prusiner S. B. (2004). Detecting Mad Cow Bovine Spongiform. Scientific America. United States Department of Agriculture. (2001). Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: An Overview. Washington, D. C Becker, G. S. (July 27, 2006). Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in North America: A Chronology of Selected Events. The Library of Congress Broxmeyer, L. (2004). Is mad cow disease caused by a bacteria? Medical Hypotheses, 63, 731 -739