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World War I The Great War United States History: 1877 to Present USII. 4 World War I The Great War United States History: 1877 to Present USII. 4 Betty Jo English

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Killed June 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary Declares War Belgium Serbia France Russia Archduke Franz Ferdinand Killed June 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary Declares War Belgium Serbia France Russia befriends Germany Declares War Great Britain Declares War

Causes of World War I l Competition to colonize Africa by European countries (Nationalism) Causes of World War I l Competition to colonize Africa by European countries (Nationalism) l Britain and Germany were competing for the most powerful navy in the world (Militarism) l Countries formed alliances to protect themselves (Alliances)

Who were the Allies l l l Great Britain France Russia Serbia Belgium Who were the Allies l l l Great Britain France Russia Serbia Belgium

Who were the Central Powers l l Germany Austro-Hungarian Empire Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Who were the Central Powers l l Germany Austro-Hungarian Empire Bulgaria Ottoman Empire

Where was the USA? Isolationism l l l should not get involved in alliances Where was the USA? Isolationism l l l should not get involved in alliances with other nations should avoid war unless in territorial self-defense should prevent trade and cultural exchange

Reasons for US Involvement l Inability to remain neutral l German submarine warfare • Reasons for US Involvement l Inability to remain neutral l German submarine warfare • l Sinking of the Lusitania Economic and Political ties to Great Britain

Works Cited l Random House Unabridged Dictionary. 1997. Random House. 11 May 2007 <http: Works Cited l Random House Unabridged Dictionary. 1997. Random House. 11 May 2007 . l Jessica Mason, Beth Hull, Cydney Topping, Travis Price , "War and Peace: The First World War. " World War I map. 2006. Eastern Oregon University. 11 May 2007 . l Thomas Pearcy, Ph. D. , Mary Dickson and David Purdon , "Ralph's World Civilizations. " Europen on the Eve of World War I, 1914. 1997. W. W. Norton Publishing. 11 May 2007 . l United States History: 1877 to Present, History and Social Science Standards of Learning Enhanced Scope and Sequence. Richmond VA: Virginia Department of Education, 2004. l "Clip Art. " Microsoft Office. 2007. Microsoft Corportion. 11 May 2007 . Copyright 2007 Betty Jo English