- Количество слайдов: 31
Early History Hebrews appeared in Southwest Asia between 2000 and 1500 BC. Their religion was Judaism This was the first monotheistic religion Monotheism – belief in one god Hebrews = Israelites = Jews
Beginnings in Egypt & Canaan • Hebrews ancestor = Abraham (important man in Judaism, Christianity, & Islam) • God told him to leave his home in Mesopotamia • Went to Canaan
Abraham’s Route…
Beginnings in Canaan & Egypt The Israelites lived in Canaan for years Many move to Egypt Pharaoh made them slaves
The Exodus A leader named Moses appeared in 1200 s BC Moses was told (by God) to lead the Israelites from Egypt Moses went to Pharaoh and demanded he free them
10 Plagues Pharaoh refuses Plagues strike: Water to blood Locusts Frogs Gnats Boils Flies Thunder Diseased & Hail Animals Darkness Death of firstborn
Exodus After plagues, Pharaoh let Israelites go Exodus-Journey of Israelites out of Egypt Heading back to Canaan On the way home they reached a mountain called Sinai
Exodus Moses receives 2 stone tablets - Ten Commandments A moral code of laws that shaped Jewish society
Later Jewish History…. Hebrews in Israel are conquered/invaded Diaspora – the Jewish people leave Israel and move scatter throughout the world Live as minorities in many lands, greatly persecuted 1939 -1945 : Holocaust occurs in Europe, more than 6 million Jews are killed by the Nazis (40% of Jews)
JUDAISM – PART 2 Jewish beliefs
3 Key Jewish Beliefs 1. Monotheism (Belief in only one God) 2. Justice and righteousness (kindness, being fair, compassion to sick/poor) 3. Observe Religious & Moral Law (10 Commandments, Mosaic laws-guide many areas of lives)
2 Jewish Texts 1. Torah- most sacred text of Judaism Jews believe contents of Torah were revealed to Moses by God Every synagogue has a Torah (don’t touch!) Temple/Synagogue - Jewish house of worship
2 Jewish Texts 2. Hebrew Bible 8 books of messages from Hebrew prophets 11 books of poetry, songs, stories, lessons & history
3 Branches of Judaism Rabbis- Jewish religious teachers 3 Branches: 1. Orthodox – very traditional 2. Conservative – adapt beliefs to modern times 3. Reform – adopt traditions they like
Traditions & Holy Days Hanukkah – lighting of the menorah, 8 nights, gifts are exchanged each night Passover – remembers Exodus, special meal called a Seder Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur (High Holy Days) - RH = Jewish New Year - YK = Holiest Day of Year, fast all day forgiveness
Big Celebrations! Bar Mitzvah – coming into adulthood ceremony/party for 13 year-old Jewish boys Bat Mitzvah – coming into adulthood ceremony/party for 13 year-old Jewish girls - learn Hebrew, read the Torah in the temple
Christianity Christianity- a religion based on Jesus of Nazareth’s life and teachings Believed to be the Messiah-a great leader the ancient Jews predicted would come to restore the greatness of Israel
Some Christian Denominations Catholic Lutheran Methodists Presbyterians Baptist Episcopalian/Anglican Assemblies of God Quaker
Holy Book of Christianity THE BIBLE – 2 parts Old Testament (Hebrews/Moses) New Testament (Jesus’ life)
Birth of Jesus Born in Bethlehem to Mary & Joseph (0) Lived in Nazareth studied laws & teachings of Judaism and probably carpentry When he was around 30 he started to travel and teach, gains disciples Disciple = followers
The Crucifixion Jesus drew many followers (disciples) This challenged Roman & Jewish authorities He was arrested, tried, & crucified by the Romans Followers buried him
The Resurrection Jesus’ body vanishes from tomb after 3 days Resurrection- Jesus’ rise from the dead He appears to his disciples For 40 days, he taught them how to pass on his teachings
Jesus’ Miracles Bring in Believers Healing sick or injured people Feeding a crowd with a few loaves of bread and a few fish Walking on water Bringing dead back to life
The Importance of Parables Jesus gained followers by his miracles Used parables to teach lessons Parable - a fable that teaches religious lessons Ex. - Prodigal Son
Jesus’ Message Love God & all people Be generous to poor and sick Believers would be saved from sins & gain eternal life (salvation)
The Apostles -12 men who Jesus chose to receive special teachings Continued Jesus’ teachings after the Resurrection Peter is looked at as Christians first leader
Paul Very responsible for spread of Christianity Introduced the idea of the Trinity = father, son, & holy spirit Saint- a person known or admired for his or her holiness
Spread of Christianity • Christianity becomes popular • Romans arrest & kill Christians • Must meet in secret • Leader of Christian church is Pope • 1 st Pope = Peter, apostle of Jesus (Things are ugly for Christians until…)
Emperor Constantine Converts Constantine, the emperor, has a vision He obeys the vision, wins a battle Not this Constantine… Removes all bans on Christianity, converts Allows people to be Christian in Roman Empire