- Количество слайдов: 13
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO Global Framework for Climate Services Operational climate services with user focus August 2010 WMO: Climate and Water Global Framework for Climate Services 1 www. wmo. int
Bridging the gap between providers and users of climate information Global Framework for Climate Services 2 2
Global Framework for Climate Services • Goal: – Enable better management of the risks of climate variability and change and adaptation to climate change at all levels, through development and incorporation of sciencebased climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice. WORLD CLIMATE CONFERENCE 3 Geneva, Switzerland Global Framework for Climate Services 31 August– 4 September 2009 3 3
GFCS: Objectives • Provide a cooperative framework in which all nations, International organizations, scientists and sectors will work together to operationally provide climate information to meet the needs of users; • Enable users to benefit from improved user driven climate information and prediction; • Mobilize climate science globally to advance the skills of seasonal-to-interannual and multi-decadal climate predictions to generate and provide future climate information on an operational basis; • Cooperative global infrastructure to foster sharing new advances in science and information. Global Framework for Climate Services 4
GFCS Overview Government Transport Water Agriculture Sectoral Agriculture Water Health Users Climate User Interface Programme Energy Ecosystem Tourism Private sector Tourism Programme Climate Services Information System Climate Services Information Research & Observations Modeling and Prediction Global Framework for Climate Services System Climate Research & Modeling and Prediction 5
Elements of Climate Services Information System Global Framework for Climate Services 6 6
Climate Risk Management Concept • An integrated climate-environment-society system • Multidisciplinary cross-sectoral planning • Undertanding of the user’s environment for decision-making • Knowledge of the historical climate of the location(s), and potential future conditions; and improvements to present knowledge to meet user needs • A sustained, collaborative, participatory process Global Framework for Climate Services 7
Climate information, products, predictions, services for CRM Risk Assessment Extensive HQ climate data; Hazard analysis; climate trends; climate predictions (monthly, seasonal to decadal) and projections Reduction of risk in crisis response and recovery Weather forecasts and warnings via Early Warning Systems; real time climate monitoring products; provider engagement with emergency planning and response communities, the public and other users; effective communications mechanisms Preparedness to reduce risk Extensive HQ climate data; Hazard analysis; climate trends; climate predictions (monthly, seasonal to decadal) and projections; joint provider/user engagement in planning Transfer of risk Data and related information for use in financial and other mechanisms Development of adaptation strategies The accumunlated knowledge of past present and future climate patterns including potential changes in extremes/hazards; joint provider/user engagement in planning Global Framework for Climate Services 8
Climate Services Cycle Climate Services Information Systems Development of information and products Delivery of Products Climate User Interface Programme Capacity Building Application of Products Research, Modelling and Prediction Monitoring and Analysis Observations Global Framework for Climate Services 9
…engagement of NMSs in CRM Data Information Predictions Scenarios Tools Knowledge Climate Observations Climate Data Management Climate Monitoring Seasonal Climate Outlooks Interaction with users Specialised climate products Decadal Climate Prediction Long-term Climate Projections Customized climate products Decision making Climate Application Tools Global Framework for Climate Services 10
Summary thoughts: Humanitarian • WMO is an S&T organization-unsurpassed capability on the technical side of weather and climate, but not evenly distributed globally • Technical inputs (data, information/products based on the data, predictions, projections) are not enough for the sector • The sector has complex and individually different decision processes – would a single aproach from WMO and its NMHSs work equally well for each component of the humanitarian sector? • CUIP: concept established to address such issues – multidisciplinary, interactive at all levels • Understanding of climate susceptability of each sector/component not fully known – applied climate research required • Recognize benefits of a continuum of service (weather/hydromet, climate, to climate change) and CRM approach • Optimally for best use of climate information: simplify, reduce duplication of effort, increase provider-user interaction/knowledge • Capacity building – joint (internal/external) – this is a good start. Global Framework for Climate Services 11
For more information, please contact: Dr. R. K. Kolli Chief, World Climate Applications and Services Division (WCAS) Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch (CLPA) Climate and Water Department (CLW) World Meteorological Organization Tel: +41. 22. 730. 8377 Fax: +41. 22. 730. 8042 Email: RKolli@wmo. int Leslie Malone Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch (CLPA) Climate and Water Department (CLW) World Meteorological Organization Tel: 41. 22. 730. 8220 Fax: 41. 22. 730. 8042 Email: LMalone@wmo. int Global Framework for Climate Services 12
Thank you Merci Спасибо Gracias ﺷﻜﺮﺍ 谢谢 Global Framework for Climate Services 13