World Kindness Day.pptx
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World Kindness Day th 13 of November Symbol: Cosmos Flower
WHEN: The date decreed for World Kindness Day is 13 th November. This was the opening day of the first World Kindness Movement® conference held at Tokyo in 1998 WHY: The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion; and realize we are citizens of the world WHERE: It is observed in many countries, including Canada, Japan, Australia, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore, Italy, India, France, the USA and the UK (United Kingdom) UKRAINE?
TOP-30 Good Deeds • • • Say ‘thank you’ to your parents Donate books you don’t use to a library Read to the children/ the aged people Hold the door for a person who goes after you Give way in the queue [kju: ] Help someone make a cleaning Visit an animal-shelter Donate toys to a boarding school /orphanage Complain less Take a shower faster (save water!) • • • Donate blood Call your relatives (grand parents) • • Be a friend who listens • While in a queue for a subway token, give one to a person who stays after you • Hug someone Tell someone something good about someone other Make a pie/ tart/ cake for your colleagues Write a letter to a person who played a great role in your life Make a cleaning Be polite while driving • • • Forgive someone Post something positive in a social network Tighten your seat-belt/ safetybelt Return a cart in a supermarket Take care of your body Tell your children you appreciate them Come in time all day long Suggest baby-sitting for free Make it up with an old friend Offer your help to a colleague
expand How can I improve my vocabulary? enhance enlarge 1. Read, read, and read 2. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy 3. Use a journal 4. Go back to your roots 5. Play some games 6. Engage in conversations
Going back to the ‘roots’, i. e. suffixes -acy, -cy state or quality -age activity, or result of action -ance, -ence action, state, quality or process -er, -or person or thing that does something comparative privacy: the state of being alone infancy: the state of being a baby or young child courage: having the spirit to overcome fear resistance: the action of opposing something independence: the state of not being under the control of others baker: a person who bakes brighter: more light Look into handouts for more… http: //www. vocabulary. co. il/suffixes/intermediate/elementary-suffix-meaning/
VALIDATION movie Being kind is an enjoyable experience. It makes you feel good, and useful, and alive, and it validates you as a human being. When you are kind it triggers a number of beneficial physical and psychological responses. The most obvious response is the 'feel good' sensation, which has been officially titled the "helper's high". (An extract from Why be Kinder? Article on http: //kindness. com. au) to validate – признавать, подтверждать, объявлять действительным http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Cbk 980 j. V 7 Ao
"Let's live life with audacious dreams and big hearts". (Steve Jobs)
World Kindness Day.pptx