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World. Cat Delivery Pilot Jennifer Pearson Global Market Solutions OCLC pearsonj@oclc. org Sarah Mc. Hugh Statewide Projects Librarian Montana State Library samchugh@mt. gov
Agenda l Introductions l OCLC Discovery to Delivery Objectives l Home Delivery pilot overview l Montana report l Experiences and Outcomes l Future plans
OCLC Objectives l Deliver Library Capacity (e. g. metadata, services, expertise) at point of user’s need • • l Global: www. worldcat. org Group: World. Cat group catalogs Local: World. Cat Local • www. lib. washington. edu Syndication via partners Encourage users to participate in network and community of libraries
OCLC Objectives l Aggregate services around users • Discover resources, services, expertise • Share & Collaborate expertise, • recommendations, experiences Deliver needed items to users – wherever they are
Delivery l Leverage the value of web-scale into end-user solutions for libraries • • • Position Worldcat. org as the entry point to delivery services Provide comprehensive & intelligent delivery options: Electronic resource resolution; consortia borrowing; global ILL; Buy-it Move home delivery from pilot to product
In plain language… l l Make resource sharing an end-user business Automating and industrializing as much staff workflow as possible Building on the power of resolution Broadening the service offering to include physical delivery
Home Delivery Pilot Components l Funding for equipment and postage by OCLC l Facilitate equipment and packaging materials for home delivery (and return) of materials l NCIP component for workflow savings for staff l Survey librarians and patrons on use and value
OCLC Pilot Goals l Expose libraries and patrons to home delivery of materials l Determine level of patron interest in home delivery l Define logistics of offering home delivery l Test NCIP for patron authentication and workflow savings for libraries
Montana-OCLC NCIP and Home Delivery Pilot l l l Participating systems Participating libraries Requirements for Montana libraries to participate
Pilot Goals for Montana l l Central NCIP authentication works smoothly and seamlessly for user Home delivery option becomes viable Courier possibilities are discovered as part of the process Montana statewide library card gains local and statewide support
Pilot Experience: Challenges l Place hold issues: • Hold level within local system • Testing internally with hold permission group versus non hold permission libraries l l Bib records with duplicate OCLC numbers ILL default “user” record for non pilot libraries
Pilot Experience: Challenges l l Time needed for item to arrive at borrowing library Due date passed from WCRS to ILS Changes in library staff’s workflow Staff training: when to let NCIP do the work
Pilot experiences: Successes l l Patrons love the home delivery option Less work for library staff (when NCIP worked as planned) Pilot participants continue to support the concept of central user authentication via OCLC and home delivery as an option OCLC and Sirsi. Dynix support and commitment
Montana patron experiences l Overwhelmingly positive about home delivery l Over 2500 items (and counting) delivered Over 90% willing to recommend service to others Over 70% said they chose home delivery because of its convenience Willing to pay (not a lot) l l l • • Like subscription Don’t want libraries to lose other services to fund home delivery
OCLC Future plans/NCIP l Offering NCIP as an option for • • Authentication Workflow savings for circulation interoperability between cooperating libraries Continuing to pursue partnerships with ILS vendors Working to fill gaps when partnerships do not exist
OCLC Future plans/Home Delivery l Over the next one –two years • Tracking for major carriers • Home delivery an option for consortia solution • Negotiations between OCLC and major carriers for shipping • • discounts for OCLC members End user payment put in place Home delivery as option to own patrons via OCLC ILS products
OCLC Future plans/Home Delivery l The Dream (or 5 year plan for all you optimists) • • Libraries are willing to do home delivery for their own and other libraries patrons– policies relaxed Floating collections in place for ease of return and ease on shipping costs Users place requests and know they will receive home delivery from a library OCLC has facilitated negotiated shipping costs with all major carriers
World. Cat Consortia Borrowing l First Concrete Step toward circulation interoperability and home delivery l Combines • • • World. Cat. org group patron interface VDX for staff interface and circulation interoperability Seamless integration with WCRS for out of group requesting Integrates first home delivery options Available next summer
For your consideration l l Do you know of libraries or groups currently offering home delivery? Have your patrons requested home delivery? Would you deliver items directly to your own patrons/to other libraries’ patrons? Would be comfortable charging patrons for this type of service?
Thank you!