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Workshop on “Standardized IPTV Applications” (Geneva, 25 October 2011 ) Introduction of DRPC Digital Rights Permission Code Naoto Ichimaru DENTSU INC.
Who we are. Dentsu is the largest single Ad agency in the world, and 5 th group in the world. Strong relationships with a lot of Japanese Clients, Media, Contents Providers, Communication Carriers and government. World Top 10 Advertising Agencies Agency 2009 Revenue (M$) 1 Dentsu 2, 335 2 Mc. Cann Ericson Worldwide 1, 419 3 BBDO Worldwide 1, 141 4 DDB Worldwide 1, 110 5 JWT 1, 066 6 TBWA worldwide 1, 023 7 Hakuhodo 956 8 Y&R 932 9 Publicis 875 Leo Burnett Worldwide 777 10
What is DRPC? – Formed with 4 sets of information Holder ID Content ID Identifies content holders/content rights holder Identifies the type of content created or used User ID Identifies the content users . Narrow Digital Rights Permission Code An encoded technical language which makes devices read the information of; (1)Purpose of use (ex. business, public, education) (2) Usage format (ex. restricted streaming, downloading, copying) (3) Usage period, expiration, usage count control (4) Territory (ex. within Japan) These components are collectively called as “Digital Rights Permission Code”
What is DRPC? – It provides 6 functions DRPC Content Rights Holders (Aggregator/Contents producer) Distributors 1. Contents Registration (numbering IDs) X% Holder ID (A Y% Holder ID (B Request to use Contents ID ♪ 2. Usage Conditions Setting (Issue Permission Code) Set of Permission Code ♪ Contents. ID User ID Holder ID N-Permission Holder ID (C 6. Profit Sharing Z% 5. Report of usage Total Usage Data Users User ID ♪ 3. Delivery/ Charge (Based on N-Permission Code) 4. Receive Usage Results / Log Data Collect Usage Fee Log Data ♪ ♪
Cooperation on DRPC and other protection technologies Illegal Usage Detection Technology Content Protection Technology DRM Technologies IEC 62227 DRPC ITU RII Various Digital Watermarking Technology Fingerprint Technology Illegal Usage Detection Crawling Service Affiliations can also be made with NTT data, Attributor, Media. DNA® (Vobile, U. S. ), etc. l. Strong content protection l. Various usage of rights permission l. Rapid and accurate detection of illegal usages. l. Specify illegal users and take legislative actions
Use case of DRPC : Illegal Usage Detection/Deletion Content Delivery PF Get ID Embed IEC 62227 (digital watermarking) Authorized purchase Net Sale Portal site ID Code DRPCCode Generate Fingerprint FP-DB ID Numbering Server IEC 62227 Server Patrol / Detect illegal Usage (identified by Both fingerprint and. IEC 62227) Fingerprint Server Detecting Operators File Sharing websites IEC 62227 Platform Law Firm Request to delete / Legal Remedy Video hosting websites
IPTV VOD Service using CM points n New Advertizing model based on “Loyalty points”, using IPTV’s interactivity n DRPC, an international framework, is used for content management Vo. D Service VOD Service Portal Loyalty-points Service Select a CM to view the CM Synopsis of the Content - Confirm DRPC Acquiring content with the CM Loyalty points
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