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QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KOSOVO Dr. Ferdije Zhushi Etemi Kosovo Accreditation Agency
Some statistical data on HE in Kosovo 2. 2 million inhabitants Average of population: 24 years, the youngest population in Europe Each year about 25. 000 students complete secondary education about 20. 000 intends to continue their education in HEI Currently the inclusion in HE is about 25 %, which is still low in comparison with other European countries
ORGANIZATION OF HE SECTOR • • • 3 public Universities 17 private providers of HE 10 colleges 3 institutes 5 HE professional schools AUK 0 - the only private non profit university One branch of a foreign university (FEUL-SL)
Types of HEI in Republic of Kosovo 10 10 9 8 7 5 6 5 3 3 4 3 2 1 0 Universities colleges institutes HPSCH
Number of students in public sector of HE 58253 60000 46753 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 1500 0 University of Prishtina University of Mitrovica University of Prizren total
EA Bi ik a er 24 ed om F D 154 er m ai H P TP SH lli on 20 141 Q ci L G 386 em pu T LP lu vo ES 63 SH E LP 357 PE ni jila ud i 639 IS . G In st r B et e su m i es 764 Pj er ni v zn 595 U Bi y or ct 783 Vi BT U 1000 I 2000 KM ia ar da n IA 6000 D IL IR A M ST 5000 FA VE IIN R B- (20183 SH AA Number of students i Private HEI ) 5465 4875 4000 3060 3000 1445 1034 337 31 0
Total number of students in Republic of Kosovo 80000 78436 58253 70000 60000 50000 40000 20183 30000 20000 10000 0 Public HEI private HEI total
• • 78436 AUK about 700 students FEUL-22 students In total 79. 158 students
Legislation • Law on Higher education in Republic of Kosovo (2003/14) • AI for Establishing the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (2004) • AI for Licensing Pr. BHE (2004) • AI for Accreditation of HE in Kosovo(2009/1) • AI for accreditation of High professional and Technical schools (2010) • University and college statutes
Main activities in HE sector • the establishment of QA system and the QA framework • Kosovo Accreditation Agency • Compliance of the QA system with ESG-ENQA • Establishment of NQF
Fundamental changes in the educational system in Kosovo in last 11 years • Reconstruction of the education system in the country after the conflict in 1999 • Introduction of the Bologna reforms • The increase of the number of students and HE providers • The establishment and increase of the number of Private providers of HE • The delegation of the quality assurance responsibilities to National agency for QA-Kosovo Accreditation Agency, and HEI
• What is Quality Assurance? • Defined in higher education as systematic management and assessment procedures adopted by a higher education institution or system to monitor performance and to ensure achievement of quality outputs or improved quality - Harman and Meek (2000).
Internal QA system • Internal QA system-responsibility of the HEI itself • To ensure students and stakeholders that HEI : -operates with appropriate academic standards; -offers students learning opportunities of a good quality
External QA system Kosovo Accreditation agency Kosovo Accreditation Agency is a public agency responsible for the evaluation of quality at public and private institutions of higher education in Kosovo. It is founded by MEST in 2008 in accordance with the Law on Higher Education - LHE (2003/14) in Kosovo, as an Agency that practices independent professional activities which at the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in Kosovo guarantees quality of educational and scientific work. • Establishment and development of KAA was supported by Austrian government (KAIP project) • Contacts and cooperation with three Austrian bodies for QA and accreditation (AQA, ӦAR, FHR) and BAC
Mission • Through the accreditation process KAA supports development of the quality in HE institutions and in the same time assures the Kosovo society that the quality of teaching and learning is at the level of international standards. • KAA’s primary responsibilities are: • Accreditation and re-accreditation of public and private institutions of higher education and their study programs • Constant control of quality at the accredited institutions and their study programs • Inform public about the quality of HE institutions and their study programs
Aims • to promote, improve and develop the quality of the higher education sector • to create transparency and comparability in the interest of providers, students and the labour market • Integrate Kosovo higher education in EHEA
Structure • KAA consists from a professional-decision-making body National Council of Quality which has 6 local and 3 international members (USA, Austria and UK) • KKA office, the permanent administrative structure- Executive Director, Expert for evaluation and accreditation and two Administrative officers.
KAA’s activity • Determines accreditation criteria and standards and makes them public • In line with ESG for QA in HE • Organizes institutional and program accreditation process • Advises HEI for conducting self-evaluation and external review; • Selects international experts for Expert panels • Prepares Accreditation proposals on the basis of self evaluation, external review, accreditation criteria and benchmarking for the Accreditation Board( National Council of Quality) on application for accreditation • publishes accreditation results in Albanian and English (website) • Keeps the database of experts • Follows and researches developments in QA in HE in the country, Europe and international level
Accreditation standards Academic Freedom • Higher Education Institutions should be autonomous and should guarantee academic freedom. Their statutes and organizational structures should provide freedom in research (both in respect of submitting questions, theories and methods and also in disseminating research outcomes and its assessment) and freedom of teaching (in respect of diversity of content, methods of course delivery and freedom to express scientific and artistic opinions). • Scope and Diversity The institution should have a broad and diverse range of studies within one or more disciplines, which accord with the European concept for higher education. Disciplines can include traditional fields e. g. medicine, music, law or theology, and also other new combined courses with comparable breadth. • Research at the Institution The research should be undertaken at the institution. This determines the presence of a critical mass to the institutionalized production of knowledge and its contribution to teaching. • Teaching Staff • The institution should have at its disposal sufficient permanent academic, scientific and artistic staff, on full-time employment contracts which are valid for at least three years. This permanent teaching staff should be qualified or distinguished in arts and must cover at least 50% of the entire teaching load of a course of study and be qualified (via Ph. D. or artistic achievements). To provide the connection between research and teaching this permanent teaching staff should have at least three persons for each study course, and at least one of them should have the status of professor. This person should hold a higher scientific or artistic qualification.
• Procedures for selecting the teaching staff The institution’s procedure for selecting all its academic staff must be transparent, competitive and determined by quality. • Quality Assurance Institutions must have in place internal policies and procedures for quality assurance of their study programs and awards, Students outcomes and employment. • Study plans (detailed curricula) and examination regulations should meet all material, professional and formal requirements, and accord with international standards. Admission to studies must correspond with Kosovo’s rules and overall conditions for admission to higher education. • Facilities and equipment must provide adequate tools for studies in accordance with international standards. • Financing Support for the mid-term financing of the institution should be demonstrated through a detailed Business-Plan. • Development plan The institution must demonstrate how it will fulfil all of the above requirements in a development plan covering a period of three years.
Accreditation process • Ex-ante (preliminary)-one year institutional and program accreditation to new providers • Three year accreditation Procedure • Application-SER • Selection of experts • Site visit • Evaluation report (draft is sent to the institution for comments) • Accreditation decision • Approval from the minister • Publication of results • The right to Appeal • Improvement plan
Expert panels • International experts • Student involvement • Guidelines for experts and code of good practice for site visits based on the best practices in Europe • Two accreditation processes • 2009, 2010 • Institutional and program accreditation • About 100 international experts from Europe and region engaged in two-year processes( Austria, Germany, UK, Ireland, Slovenia, Finland, Swiss, Belgium, Bulgaria, Albania)
Number of Accredited Programs in Higher Education Institutions in Kosovo - Academic Year 2009/2010 (without UM
Number of Accredited Programs according to Degree
Number of Students according to the subjects in Private Institution of Higher Education
The Impact of accreditation process in QA in HEI • International expertise provided-benchmarking • The internal QA structures became compulsory to all HEI • LO approach for description of study programs and their units • Encouragement of internationalization and cooperation in teaching and research • Improvement of student services • Transparency and public information • Support for the development of professional education • Diversification of HE system • Increase number of internship and links to economy
Internationalization and cooperation • European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA) associate member (April 2011) • Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEEN) – full member • International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE, 1991) – in application stage
• KAA and accreditation process is seen as a powerful tool for quality enhancement and regulation of HE sector in Kosovo which brought back the public trust in the system.
NQH-HEQF • • 8 levels Three levels of HEQ Level 6 -bachelor (180 -240 ECTS) BA, BSc, Diploma Level 7 -Master(60 -120 ECTS) MA, MSc, MBA, Postgraduate Diploma…. Level 8 - Doctoral studies-Ph. D, Dr…. Definition of the LO for the 3 HEQ levels Standards for HE qualifications: academic standards by KAA and HEI, sectorial or professional standards by professional bodies
• Competences, knowledge, skills: confidence about the management of quality and the outcomes achieved.
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