Скачать презентацию Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Display Campaign Richard Скачать презентацию Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Display Campaign Richard


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Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Display Campaign Richard Macphail – National Energy Services Ian Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Display Campaign Richard Macphail – National Energy Services Ian Turner – Energie Cites

Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Richard Macphail – National Energy Services Workshop 2 Home Information Packs Richard Macphail – National Energy Services

New Factors • Four New Factors • The European Directive on the Energy Performance New Factors • Four New Factors • The European Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) – To be transposed into UK law by January 2006 • The Energy White Paper 2003 – Major update of Building Regulations in 2005 – Aspirational 60% CO 2 reduction targets to 2050 • Sustainable and Secure Buildings Act 2005 – A private member’s bill • The need to adapt building practice to the impact of climate change

Energy Certification • What we know, understand can measure, we can begin to change Energy Certification • What we know, understand can measure, we can begin to change

Energy Certification Energy Certification

UK implementation Ø Ø Building Regulations and energy efficiency policy are devolved responsibilities Separate UK implementation Ø Ø Building Regulations and energy efficiency policy are devolved responsibilities Separate implementation in: – England Wales – Scotland – Northern Ireland Ø Focus on situation in England Wales

EPC rating bands Rating Ø Band 1 to 20 G F E D C EPC rating bands Rating Ø Band 1 to 20 G F E D C B A 21 to 38 39 to 54 55 to 68 69 to 80 81 to 91 92 or more

The residential sector Ø New build housing (“constructed”) ØOwner occupied housing (“sold”) ØPrivate & The residential sector Ø New build housing (“constructed”) ØOwner occupied housing (“sold”) ØPrivate & social housing (“rented”)

Part L 1 A Key Features • 20% reduction in emissions – Compared with Part L 1 A Key Features • 20% reduction in emissions – Compared with Part L 1 (2002) • Single compliance method – Elemental Method – Target U Value Method – Carbon Index Method X • Whole-house carbon dioxide emissions target – Space heating + water heating + lighting – Extensive design freedom with the target

Five Criteria 1. DER ≤ TER 2. Design Limits (longstops) 3. Limits on Summer Five Criteria 1. DER ≤ TER 2. Design Limits (longstops) 3. Limits on Summer Overheating 4. Consistent Performance (e. g. Air leakage) 5. Operating Manuals for Users

Air leakage (m 3/hm 2 @ 50 Pa) Air leakage rates 18 16 14 Air leakage (m 3/hm 2 @ 50 Pa) Air leakage rates 18 16 14 range 9 – 16. 5 average 12 m 3/h/m 2 12 10 2005 B Regs proposal 7 m 3/h/m 2 8 6 4 2 0 Typical UK houses UK 2002 houses UK good timber masonry frame Canadian Swedish R 2000 Code 1977

Accredited Experts Ø Article 10 of the EPBD – Certificates must be prepared in Accredited Experts Ø Article 10 of the EPBD – Certificates must be prepared in an independent manner by suitably qualified and/or accredited experts Ø Authorised SAP Assessors Ø ODPM have named FAERO Ltd as the competent persons scheme for calculating CO 2 figures Ø Home Information Packs – 1 June 2007

Authorised SAP Assessors • Individuals are authorised if: • They use approved software • Authorised SAP Assessors • Individuals are authorised if: • They use approved software • Participate in a quality assurance scheme that ensures quality standard is attained • +/- 5 SAP points in 95% of cases • Based on carbon in future?

The residential sector Ø New build housing (“constructed”) ØOwner ØPrivate occupied housing (“sold”) & The residential sector Ø New build housing (“constructed”) ØOwner ØPrivate occupied housing (“sold”) & social housing (“rented”)

Housing - “Sold” Ø 1. 3 million transactions in England Wales Ø Home Information Housing - “Sold” Ø 1. 3 million transactions in England Wales Ø Home Information Packs (Sellers’ Packs) Ø Part 5 of the Housing Act (2003) Pack will be mandatory whenever a home is put on the market for sale Ø Will contain a Home Condition Report – which will include an Energy Report Ø

Housing - “Sold” Ø 7, 500 to 10, 000 Home Inspectors Ø Home Inspector’s Housing - “Sold” Ø 7, 500 to 10, 000 Home Inspectors Ø Home Inspector’s VRQ Ø Reduced Data SAP (RDSAP) methodology Ø Quality assurance framework Ø Home Info Pack mandatory from June 2007

Home Inspector Qualification Ø Aim to establish specific qualification for producing quality assured RDSAP Home Inspector Qualification Ø Aim to establish specific qualification for producing quality assured RDSAP energy report – Qualification to be accepted as meeting requirements of HI NOS – Alternatively could satisfy requirements of HI NOS through some other route Ø Ø Only Home Inspectors will be able to deliver EPC’s as part of the HCR Expected to also allow individuals to provide energy reports in rental sector

The residential sector Ø Owner occupied housing (“sold”) Ø New build housing (“constructed”) Ø The residential sector Ø Owner occupied housing (“sold”) Ø New build housing (“constructed”) Ø Private & social housing (“rented”)

Housing - “Rented” Ø Private and social landlords Details are being prepared, but ODPM Housing - “Rented” Ø Private and social landlords Details are being prepared, but ODPM have said that “implementation will be simple, cost effective and not easy to evade” Ø Ø 2 possible implementation methods identified: European Communities Act 1972 New statutory provisions for renting

Housing - “Rented” Methodology ØNot implemented until 2008 (? ) ØAnalogous to the “Sold” Housing - “Rented” Methodology ØNot implemented until 2008 (? ) ØAnalogous to the “Sold” sector Ø Reduced Data SAP (RDSAP) methodology Ø Quality assurance framework Ø Qualified/accredited experts - Competent persons scheme

www. nher. co. uk richard@nesltd. co. uk www. nher. co. uk richard@nesltd. co. uk

The Display™ Campaign - Municipal Buildings as Shining Examples Ian Turner – Energie-Cités The Display™ Campaign - Municipal Buildings as Shining Examples Ian Turner – Energie-Cités

1. 2. 3. 4. What is Display™? Why the Campaign? What are the benefits 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Display™? Why the Campaign? What are the benefits of joining? How can one join?

1. What is Display™? 1. What is Display™?

The European Display™ Campaign is a voluntary scheme designed by energy experts from 20 The European Display™ Campaign is a voluntary scheme designed by energy experts from 20 European towns and cities Helsinki Newcastle Cork County Leicester Odense Malmö Utrecht Milton Keynes Charleroi. Frankfurt Rennes Lausanne Graz Rochefort Modena Sevilla Almada Lubochna Brasov Samakov

Display™ consists of 2 main aspects A. The Poster B. Building data Display™ consists of 2 main aspects A. The Poster B. Building data

A. The Poster A. The Poster

Display™ Classification Primary energy consumption in k. Wh/m 2/year How to progress towards class Display™ Classification Primary energy consumption in k. Wh/m 2/year How to progress towards class A Local authority logo and contact details GHG emissions (CO 2 equivalents) in kg/m 2/year Water consumption in l/m 2/year Distribution of energy sources in %

B. Building data B. Building data

2. Why the Campaign? 2. Why the Campaign?

Objectives • Accelerate the implementation of the Building Directive in municipal buildings via a Objectives • Accelerate the implementation of the Building Directive in municipal buildings via a bottom up approach • Encourage municipalities to improve their building performance towards Class A • Stimulate communication and awareness raising campaigns at local authority level

Energy is not a very sexy subject GJ KWh/m 2/yr M 3 • • Energy is not a very sexy subject GJ KWh/m 2/yr M 3 • • Invisible Complicated Dangerous Concerns technicians Tons CO 2 Despite the fact that everyone relies on kg/k. Wh it, energy remains a subject M 2 incomprehensible to common people

The Display™ Campaign results • 24 countries represented • 160 local authorities partaking • The Display™ Campaign results • 24 countries represented • 160 local authorities partaking • 3014 buildings auto labelled • 20 millions EU citizens • 5 Consortium partners • 4 Public associated partners • 3 Private associated partners • 21 Relay Cities

3. What are the benefits of joining? 3. What are the benefits of joining?

A. Potential financial benefits • A municipality of 100, 000 inhabitants spends € 1. A. Potential financial benefits • A municipality of 100, 000 inhabitants spends € 1. 5 m and more for the energy requirements of its public buildings. • By reducing – by only 1%, savings of € 15, 000 – by 10%, it saves € 150, 000! • More than 10% is achievable

B. Excellent communication tool • Aimed at the public and political representatives • Developed B. Excellent communication tool • Aimed at the public and political representatives • Developed by municipalities for municipalities Bridging the gap between Europe and its citizens

4. How can one join? 4. How can one join?

www. display-campaign. org www. display-campaign. org

4 simple steps 1. Download charter and sign 2 copies by a legal representative 4 simple steps 1. Download charter and sign 2 copies by a legal representative 2. Send to Energie-Cités 3. Pay inscription (1000 Euros for first year and 200 every year after that) 4. Fill in online registration

You get – The communication handbook – Unlimited access to enter as many buildings You get – The communication handbook – Unlimited access to enter as many buildings as you wish – Statistical analysis of buildings progress – An e-newsletter every 4 months – Online assistance and users’ guide – Access to a European network

The Display™ Campaign allows: • Technical information to be more accessible to the public The Display™ Campaign allows: • Technical information to be more accessible to the public via an administrative obligation (EPBD) • European citizens to be more involved and aware about energy issues

Thank you for your time • For more information please do not hesitate to Thank you for your time • For more information please do not hesitate to contact your Display Relay Cities - Leicester, Bristol and Milton Keynes • More information is available at: www. display-campaign. org Or iturner@energie-cites. org