Скачать презентацию Workshop 15 5 2004 Kuopio 2 nd International Скачать презентацию Workshop 15 5 2004 Kuopio 2 nd International


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Workshop 15. 5. 2004 Kuopio 2 nd International Conference on Repository Libraries Workshop 15. 5. 2004 Kuopio 2 nd International Conference on Repository Libraries

Brave new repository (short term) • • • high tech robotic 24/7 end-user initiated Brave new repository (short term) • • • high tech robotic 24/7 end-user initiated digital delivery universal content located in Norway

Culture sans frontieres (medium term) • culture exchange between nations • 1 stop shop Culture sans frontieres (medium term) • culture exchange between nations • 1 stop shop • to keep and make it accessible the more precious of each culture • supported by UNESCO • located in Paris and

Information (free) for all (long term) • • • social inclusion promote FAIFE (IFLA Information (free) for all (long term) • • • social inclusion promote FAIFE (IFLA core programme) information literacy partnership with existing libraries located in the Hague and Bangkok

Federated repository (short term) • identify current repository holdings • execute retention agreements • Federated repository (short term) • identify current repository holdings • execute retention agreements • identify prospective collections

Evolutionary repository (medium term) • support print libraries • Services – preserve information artefacts Evolutionary repository (medium term) • support print libraries • Services – preserve information artefacts – deliver digitally – retain digital version to build digital content on the fly

Icebox repository (long term) • Move a copy of all information media to a Icebox repository (long term) • Move a copy of all information media to a secure location in Iceland (appropriate temperature & humidity) • governed by an international agency (IFLA? , UNESCO? )

World of today + 3 yrs • hard copy + digital delivery • uneven World of today + 3 yrs • hard copy + digital delivery • uneven delivery because of political, geographic obstacles • copy right and licensing obstacles • world wide union catalogue of repositories (access portal) • libraries are end-users • limited delivery to individual end-users if possible

Utopia • • Uniform international digital delivery to end-user role of library • tax Utopia • • Uniform international digital delivery to end-user role of library • tax supported (free) • specialized repositories (responsibility)

U niversal R epository L ibrary • Digital Delivery 24/7 directly to end-user • U niversal R epository L ibrary • Digital Delivery 24/7 directly to end-user • Information for free (supported or minimal charges) • Performance and retention public agreements • Strong local support of regional repositories in close partnerships • Repositories focusing on existing strengths with multilingual approaches • Virtual Union catalogue linking repository catalogues • Develop local support to bridge into URL • International focal points