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Working with an Association Management Company (AMC) Idoia Rodés Torróntegui Michele Sanvictores 11 th Working with an Association Management Company (AMC) Idoia Rodés Torróntegui Michele Sanvictores 11 th ICCRM Seville, Spain 7 -9 July 2005 www. iccaworld. com

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings • MCI’s AMC structure 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

About us: Idoia Rodés, CMM • Spanish Belgium since 1996 • UB: Masters in About us: Idoia Rodés, CMM • Spanish Belgium since 1996 • UB: Masters in Economics • 94 -95: Meeting Planner • 97 -2000: Meeting Planner (Brussels) • Since 2000 : MCI (Medical Assoc. ) (Madrid) (Medical Assoc. ) Focus Associations Meeting Management Managing 15 Staff in Conference Division (35 meetings annually) 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

About us: Michele Sanvictores • American Belgium since 2000 • Education: Degrees in Finance About us: Michele Sanvictores • American Belgium since 2000 • Education: Degrees in Finance and Marketing • 1994 -1999: Marketing & Communications in Corporate Sector • 1999 -2002: Marketing & Communications in Association Sector • 2002 -Present: Business Development & Special Projects in Association Sector • With MCI since April 2003 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Quick Overview of Basics Definition of an Association: Two or more entities with a Quick Overview of Basics Definition of an Association: Two or more entities with a shared objective Types of Associations: a) Leisure b) Cause-oriented c) Business d) Virtual 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

The “Business” Association Trade Associations: Company Members, Represent Interest of an Industry Activities: a) The “Business” Association Trade Associations: Company Members, Represent Interest of an Industry Activities: a) Lobby b) Standards Setting c) Promotion d) Education 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

The “Business” Association Professional Associations: Individual Members, Represent interest of people or profession Activities: The “Business” Association Professional Associations: Individual Members, Represent interest of people or profession Activities: a) Education b) Certification c) Networking Other Professional Groups: User Groups, Federations 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

What is an AMC • A firm of skilled professionals – Provides management expertise, What is an AMC • A firm of skilled professionals – Provides management expertise, cost-effective services and flexible solutions – Provides centralised office • Several types of AMCs – Specialty focus (only healthcare, only technical) – Different management models – Administrative vs Strategic – Allocation of Resources/Dept Structures – MCI’s focus: strategy and added value 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

MCI Structure Mktg & PR Comms Content Membership/ Certification Design Sales Print Prod. Government MCI Structure Mktg & PR Comms Content Membership/ Certification Design Sales Print Prod. Government Affairs Community Finance/ Systems Executive Web/ e-solutions Mktg. & Comm Assn Mgmt Regist. & Housing Program Mgt. Facilities Accounting Exhibition Events PCO Conference MD Talent Strategy IT

AMC and/vs. PCO AMC goes beyond PCO characteristics: • Long term perspective • Integrate AMC and/vs. PCO AMC goes beyond PCO characteristics: • Long term perspective • Integrate Conference in other Association activities • Active involvement in Programme Development • Finances through accounts of the clients • Values: – Pro-activity (you are the client) – Transparency – Integrity „What is good for the Client is good for us“ 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Merger of Large AMC and Large PCO Why: • Access to more potential clients Merger of Large AMC and Large PCO Why: • Access to more potential clients • Enhanced internal systems • Cross-fertilisation of resources • Increased Buying Power • Build long term relationships Proof of Success: • Clients only looking for combined AMC/PCO solution • Depth of resources • New contracts signed 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Client use of AMC and PCO services ISN: International Society of Nephrology • 8000+ Client use of AMC and PCO services ISN: International Society of Nephrology • 8000+ members • 3 types of events ¾ Forefronts in Nephrology ¾ Bench-to-Bedside ¾ WCN • AMC: MCI Brussels office • PCO: MCI Geneva office 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

How the AMC works for ISN: International Society of Nephrology AMC Marcom Dir. Executive How the AMC works for ISN: International Society of Nephrology AMC Marcom Dir. Executive Director Forefronts (AMC) 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Conf Dir. Bench to Bedside World Congress (AMC) (AMC+ PCO)

Sampling of Clients 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Sampling of Clients 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

The conference activity within an AMC Who We Are A team of 15 staff The conference activity within an AMC Who We Are A team of 15 staff organising conferences (35/year) for our associations all over the world

The conference activity within an AMC Areas of Expertise Programme Management Registration Management Conference The conference activity within an AMC Areas of Expertise Programme Management Registration Management Conference Management (Logistics & Finances) Strategic Analysis

The conference activity within an AMC Our Drive We understand conferences are a tool The conference activity within an AMC Our Drive We understand conferences are a tool for associations to help them follow their vision and achieve their mission. Conferences are part of the association’s life cycle.

The conference activity within an AMC Our Added Value – Cross-fertilisation – Strategic Advice The conference activity within an AMC Our Added Value – Cross-fertilisation – Strategic Advice – Long-Term Relationships – Buying Power – High Experience Working with Volunteers

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

How does this relate to suppliers? Model 1 Associations Conferences & Congresses Suppliers CVB, How does this relate to suppliers? Model 1 Associations Conferences & Congresses Suppliers CVB, Hotels, Convention centres, PCOs, DMCs 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

How does this relate to suppliers? Model 2 AMC Conferences & Congresses Suppliers CVB, How does this relate to suppliers? Model 2 AMC Conferences & Congresses Suppliers CVB, Hotels, Convention centres, PCOs, DMCs 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

How does this relate to suppliers? Differences between Model 1 & 2: • Professional How does this relate to suppliers? Differences between Model 1 & 2: • Professional staff vs volunteers • Efficiency: getting the right questions and answers • Long-term view • Multiplying leads 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Case studies 2 clients: ESCP and ASME • MCI manages these 2 clients. • Case studies 2 clients: ESCP and ASME • MCI manages these 2 clients. • Purpose of the exercise is for you to think what is the best approach to sell your destination/property. • Each table will look at one case study. • At the end of the exercise a spokesperson will summarise their discussion. • Brief presentation on the 2 clients follows (copy on your table) 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Case studies About ESCP: European Society of Clinical Pharmacy • 1000 members from all Case studies About ESCP: European Society of Clinical Pharmacy • 1000 members from all over Europe • 2 events/year (Spring Conference and Annual Symposium in the fall) • Goals of their conferences: educational, networking and internal business (GA) • Past conferences specified on the sheet • Meeting specs on the sheet 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Case studies About ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers • 120, 000 members worldwide Case studies About ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers • 120, 000 members worldwide • 50 events/year; 15 in Europe • Goals of their conferences: educational and networking • Past conferences specified on the sheet • Meeting specs on the sheet 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

 • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an • Agenda 1 About Idoia Rodés & Michele Sanvictores 2 What is an AMC? • Types of AMCs, clients, meetings 3 The conference activity within an AMC 4 How does this relate to suppliers? 5 2 case studies 6 Lessons learnt: from basics to understanding the supply chain 7 Q&A 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Lessons learnt It is all about common sense you will think…. Demographics Accessibility Rotation Lessons learnt It is all about common sense you will think…. Demographics Accessibility Rotation Research Relationship building (pre, on-site, post) …but reality shows it is not always the case. 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Lessons learnt Trends 1. Conferences = a key source of non-dues revenue 2. Sophistication Lessons learnt Trends 1. Conferences = a key source of non-dues revenue 2. Sophistication of sponsorship model 3. Bid process is changing 4. Centralisation 5. Conferences are a strategic tool for associations 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Lessons learnt The ideal relationship 1. Know your prospect 2. Keep the momentum 3. Lessons learnt The ideal relationship 1. Know your prospect 2. Keep the momentum 3. Lobby locally (but follow the right procedure) 4. Focus on your strengths but acknowledge your weaknesses 5. Smart selling 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Typical Client Congresses Sector: Business Solutions Europe, Asia and Latin America (600+ pax) Sector: Typical Client Congresses Sector: Business Solutions Europe, Asia and Latin America (600+ pax) Sector: Transportation Worldwide (600 -850) Sector: Healthcare Regional Congresses (1, 500 pax) Worldwide Congresses (4, 500 pax) Sector: Healthcare EMEA Congresses (2, 500 -3, 000 pax) 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005

Q&A Thank you Idoia Rodés-Torróntegui Michele Sanvictores 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 idoia. rodes@mci-group. Q&A Thank you Idoia Rodés-Torróntegui Michele Sanvictores 11 th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 idoia. rodes@mci-group. com michele. sanvictores@mci-group. com