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Working Together for Tourism Growth and Development A Private Sector Perspective Parliamentary Portfolio Committee’s Tourism Summit Ms Mmatšatši Marobe Old Assembly Chamber, Parliament 28 th February 2011
Table of Contents üIntroductions & Insights üAbout the Tourism Business Council of SA üThe Cinderella Industry & Past Achievements üThe State of the Industry üOur Priorities as a sector üApproach to Development, Growth & Transformation üThe Challenges üPossible Solutions üConclusions
Overview of Travel & Tourism q. Travel & tourism is a sector encompassing transport, accommodation, catering, recreation and services for visitors q One of the world’s highest priority industries and employers, and the world’s leading growth sectors. q. One of the fastest growing economic sectors globally q. A sector whose business volume equals or even surpasses oil exports, food products and or automobiles q. A sector that has become a major player in international commerce q. A sector that has become a main source of income for many developing countries q. Last four years have seen T&T Economy GDP increase at an average annual rate of 4. 0% in real terms, faster than the overall global economy. And over the same period, T&T has created more than 34 million new jobs.
PRIVATE SECTOR LANDSCAPE u South Africa’s Travel and Tourism industry is made up of a combination of large corporations and SMMEs. u These businesses operate in different facets of the industry, which can be broadly divided into: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transport – Land, Air and Sea Hospitality – Accommodation and Food & Beverages MICE – Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events Tourist Attractions – attractive destinations which tourist visit for business and leisure u These key industry players, all play an important role in the delivery of a ‘unique South African experience’ to local and international tourists.
ABOUT THE TBCSA u TBCSA is the umbrella organisation for the private sector in the travel and tourism industry u Mandate of been the VOICE of private sector within the industry and be a conduit with the public sector u Formed in 1996 to form a unified platform for the private sector to engage with the public sector and other stakeholders to develop and grow the industry u Managed by a Management Board with automatic seats for all key tourism associations and elected business representatives u Over the years, TBCSA has played a pivotal role in tackling macro-economic issues faced by the Sector, which include: – Transformation in Tourism – Tourism Marketing – Skills Development and – Quality Assurance
TBCSA MEMBERSHIP u TBCSA is made up of fee paying members from key Travel and Tourism sectoral associations and leading businesses. u The Key sectoral associations are al lmembers of the TBCSA and form the backbone of the Management Board u Individual leading businesses have the option of joining the directly or through their sector Association u Members also comes from non-tourism businesses operating within the sector such as research agencies and financial institutions u Membership support also from Corporates operating outside the sector as they recognise the value of tourism to the economy Crown Members:
KEY MILESTONES ü TOMSA Levy for funding for SA Tourism marketing efforts ü Tourism BEE Scorecard - transforming the to be inclusive ü Public Private Partnerships establishing key organisations: Ø Tourism Enterprise Programme – SMME development Ø Tourism Grading Council of South Africa for quality assurance Ø TECSA – Transformation and Employment Equity ü Tourism Safety Initiative (SATSA) ü Hospitality Investment Conference Africa (HICA) ü Invelo Tourism Awards (Fedhasa)
ABOUT TOMSA ü TOMSA (Tourism Marketing Levy South Africa) is a Section 21 entity established in 1998 to provide additional marketing funding to SA Tourism to promote destination South Africa ü The funds are obtained through a voluntary levy on tourism services rendered to the tourist, and are collected monthly ü The agreed levy is charged onto the visitor and not taken from the tourism business unless specified ü TOMSA has grown from collecting R 11. 4 million in 1999 with 50 collectors, to collecting in excess of R 80 million in 2009. ü In 2010, TOMSA transferred approximately R 93 million to SA Tourism between January and December ü Relationship is regulated through a signed MOU and quarterly meetings
The State of the Industry v The Effect of the FIFA Soccer World Cup: ü 2002 the accommodation sector began preparations to host the FIFA Soccer World Cup on the belief that SA will win the 2006 bid ü SA lost the 2006 bid to Germany; ü FIFA award SA with the rights to host the 2010 SWC in May 2004; ü Between 2004 and 2010, more hotels built with more rooms including guest houses and B&Bs; ü Capacity added in the transport sector – rental vehicles& coaches; ü Tour operator block bookings & forward bookings with prepayments; ü Unrealised uptake of packages and occupancy levels for some;
State of the Industry v The Effect of the Global Economic recession: - üEconomic recession affecting worldwide travel in 2008; üRecession hits SA towards end 2008 initially excluding travel; üInternational arrivals slows down mid 2009 lead by EU, UK & USA; üDomestic travel slowing down late 2009 with corporate travel leading; üLocal leisure travel slowing during the SWC – no effective strategy by industry to respond; üCorporate travel shuts down during the SWC and struggles to recover afterwards, with government leading üSA consumer shelving their travel plans & bankrupt;
The State of the Industry v Local Business Developments: ü Slow reaction to the global economic recession – adjusting rates; ü Strength of the local currency; ü Airline prices unusually high leading to Soccer World Cup; ü Cost pressure – electricity tariffs, labour, rates & taxes, fuel costs; ü New regulations such as AARTO, bad road conditions, VISA regime, . . . ; ü Perception of inflated accommodation prices leading to Soccer World Cup.
Some Home Truths – lets face the facts üMissed opportunities during 2010 FIFA Soccer Cup; üInflexibility of some establishments, e. g. unable to get a sandwich @ 11 pm during 2010 Soccer Cup; ü Failure to learn lessons from competitors and newer hotels and other operators; ü Rigid adherence to set rates and tariffs in the sector; üHow does SA pricing compare with competitors in Africa and elsewhere üIn Africa, e. g. Kenya, Morocco and Egypt. üLong haul competitors, further from Europe, e. g. Australia and Thailand; üIs SA getting ROI on marketing spend?
Approach to Development ü Public Private Partnership in developing and growing the sector ü What can be Achieved” üJob Creation – travel and tourism remain one of key sectors for job creation üLittle education required to be employed in the sector üKey sector for skills transfer and on-the-job training üEntrepreneurship Development
Approach to Growth ü Committed focus from top government leadership ü Incentives and special dispensations to promote growth in the sector such as üInvestment Promotion incentives üMarketing and Channel Access packages üYouth Employment Subsidies
Approach to Transformation ü Committed to BBBE policy and programme ü Broader view of Transformation: ü Human Resources Development – training & skills transfer ü Enterprise Development & Support ü Social Investment ü Job Creation & Poverty Alleviation ü Mainstreaming travel and tourism as a sector: ü Statistics and data ü Registration ü Leadership ü Changing the Way Business is done: ü Innovating the SA offering – packaging & value for money ü Growing Domestic travel ü New Markets regionally & internationally
Challenges Facing the Sector üAirlift and Air Access into South Africa üSkills Development – the role of SETAs üSafety and Security – of tourists and our people üLocal Government Role in Tourism – service delivery üService Excellence – grading & culture of customer focus üMarketing & Promotion üCost of doing business
Challenges Facing the Sector üInfrastructure Support e. g. roads, signage, water & electricity supply üResponsible Tourism - integrity of our biodiversity üLand Claims and their speedy resolution üTransformation – role of TECSA and relationship with private sector ü Prioritisation of Tourism within Government/Cabinet üKnowledge and Information – mainstreaming tourism
Possible Solutions ü Air Access – tough decisions on State Airline; linked tourism and aviation policy; and YD implementation üPeople Movement – SADC visa regime; flexible VISA requirements in key source markets üInvestment Promotion – incentives for hotels in small scale segments & rural areas/towns; subsidies in transport & marketing spend üSkills Development – responsive SETA; incentives; üCost of Doing Business – legislative harmonisation between National, Reginal and Local governments üIntegrated planning btw Public and Private sector üSkills Transfer & Leadership Development – creating jobs