- Количество слайдов: 19
WP 5 – OUR ROLE IN THE PROJECT (1) UJK will be WP 5 leader thus in charge of the quality control and monitoring. It will work closely with the coordinator and the regional coordinators in order to ensure the development of a high quality control and monitoring Strategy. Besides, it will participate in the collection of best practices in WP 1 and delivery of a Model for regional innovation systems as well as in the development of the content of the training programme together with other EU universities.
WP 5 – OUR ROLE IN THE PROJECT (2) As EU University, UJK will be a promoter of the dialogue with the society and during the mobility programme will receive staff from UZ and share with them their experience in the management of support services and in the delivery of Phd courses. In particular, it will engage in the task related to the internationalization activities under WP 3. Finally, we will support the coordinator in the management issues and disseminate the project results at local, regional and international level.
WP 5 (PARTNER 11) UJK (THE JAN KOCHANOWSKI UNIVERSITY Type of work package Title - Quality plan Title of work package - Quality Control and Monitoring Time of realization – start: 01 end: 36
WP 5: ROLE AND TASKS IN THE WORKPACKAGE As University from EU partner countries, it will mainly collect best practices on KT approach and regional innovation systems and will play a key role in the draw of the Model for Regional Innovation Systems together with UZ universities.
WP 5: TASK THAT WILL BE SUBCONTRACTED Subcontracted task: For the objective evaluation task will be put in the hands of external evaluator
WP 5: TITLE “QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING” Description: In order to contribute to the efficient project management, the WP leader, UJK will develop the Quality control and monitoring strategy (Task 5. 1). The strategy will concentrate on the Aims, Objectives and Outcomes necessary to deliver the project as well as a clear timeline for all participants to achieve. The strategy will then be discussed and agreed with all partners who will then produce individual work plans to reflect their work package and overall project responsibilities.
WP 5: TASK 5. 2. “QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING” Description: The Internal monitoring process will involve primary and secondary research methods, the analysis of information and data produced at the application stage and information gathered from partners throughout the project. In addition to ongoing communications, face-to-face interviews will be carried out with project partners. Target groups: all project partners Deliverable: other Delivery Date: 28. 02. 2014
WP 5: TASK 5. 3 EXTERNAL EVALUATOR Description: Right after the development of the Quality control and monitoring strategy, an external expert will be appointed for the summative evaluation of the project. The expert will be completely independent from the consortium and will approve the strategy. The external evaluation will concern all the aspects of the project and will require contribution from all the partners for the provision of information, material, etc. Target group: all project partners Deliverable: interim & final quality report Delivery Date: Nov 2016
WP 5: TASK 5. 4 INTER-TEMPUS COACHING Coaching activities are also envisaged in WP 5. It is planned that URAK & BETIHT will attend meetings with participants from other Tempus projects working in similar fields or towards a similar objective in order to share ideas, discuss complementatities and review activities. At least three inter-tempus meeting are planned to be held during the lifetime of the project, one in UZ and two in Europe.
WP 5: DELIVERABLES – OUTPUTS / OUTCOMES „QUALITY CONTROL MONITORING AND MANUAL” Deliverable number – 5. 1 Type or nature of deliverable - Other products Delivery Date: 28/02/2014 Dissemination level: Institution level Partner members for the smooth monitoring of the project activities (EU and UZ) Quality control monitoring and manual will accompany the strategy in order to give clear instructions that partners should follow for the efficient monitoring of the project.
WP 5: DELIVERABLES – OUTPUTS/OUTCOMES „INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTS” Deliverable number – 5. 2 Type or nature of deliverable - Report Delivery Date: 30/05/2014 Dissemination level: Institution level Partner members for the smooth monitoring of the project activities (EU and UZ). The internal monitoring will be based on a quarterly basis and will produce 8 reports in total. (M 6, M 10, M 14, M 18, M 22, M 24, M 30, M 36)
WP 5: DELIVERABLES „INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTS” Deliverable number – 5. 3 Type or nature of deliverable - Report Delivery Date: 29/05/2015 Dissemination level: Institution level EU institutions for monitoring of project activities and outcomes (EUPartner members for the smooth monitoring of the project activities (EU and UZ). The external evaluator will be asked to produce an interim and a final quality report. (An interim report covering the first 16 months will be presented during March 2015 to include insight and recommendations to support subsequent planning and operations. A final evaluation report will be presented during November 2016 covering the overall 3 year implementation of the project. )
WP 5: DELIVERABLES INTERN-TEMPUS COACHING MINUTES Deliverable number – 5. 4 Type or nature of deliverable - Report Delivery Date: 28/11/2014 Dissemination level: International level Partner members (EU and UZ) At least 3 Inter-Tempus coaching meeting are planned to be held during the lifetime of the project ( One in UZ and two in Europe)
CONSORTIUM PARTNERS INVOLVED LEAD PARTNER: PARTNER As WP leader, UJK will be in charge of developing a quality control and monitoring strategy to ensure a good monitoring of the project workplan and an effective ontime delivery of the outcomes and outputs. Besides, it will coordinate all MATc. HES partners in the process of internal monitoring while an external evaluator will be subcontracted to ensure an objective evaluation.
WP 5: RESOURCES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE WP (1) Partners involved Country Short name Cat. 1 2 Cat. 3 Cat. 4 Total P 11 - Leader Poland UJK 15 20 0 35 70 P 1 Bulgaria URAK 12 16 0 22 50 P 2 Uzbekistan BETIHT 10 8 0 17 35 P 3 UZ – Karshi KEEI 8 0 0 12 20 P 4 UZ – Namangan NEPI 8 0 0 12 20 P 5 UZ – Tashkent CCSTD 8 0 0 12 20 STAFF
WP 5: RESOURCES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE WP (2) Partners involved P 6 P 7 Country P 8 P 9 P 10 P 12 P 13 UZ – Bukhara Poland Spain UZ – Bukhara Short name CCIRU RDNCUB ECBIB ETDPS KTP ULPGC CE TOTAL: Cat. Total 1 2 3 4 8 0 0 12 20 5 0 0 7 12 8 5 15 8 8 118 0 0 10 0 0 54 0 0 12 12 12 7 15 12 0 175 20 12 40 20 20 359 STAFF
WP 5: RELATED ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS (1) Assumptions and risks: Risk management actions: Lower budget than was assumed in project application LOW RISK: step by step careful financial planning Public procurement delays LOW RISK: Constant project monitoring, close co-operation with project coordinator and project officer from the EU Agency Choosing the external evaluator in the public procurement process – choosing the best not cheapest contractor, low budget considering market prices in Poland MEDIUM RISK: Well prepared specification for choosing the best external evaluator, careful portfolio oriented recruitment process. Situating properly monitoring and evaluation actions LOW RISK: Situation monitoring measures change in a condition or a set of conditions or lack of change. Monitoring the situation of project activities and drawing conclusions about the impact. It also will include monitoring of the wider context, such as early warning monitoring (brief periodic reports), or monitoring of cultural differences, local law and policy problems, or institutional context.
THE JAN KOCHANOWSKI UNIVERSITY IN KIELCE Beyond above mentioned tasks and obligations we understand clearly that good communication is a key to success in any undertaking/project, so do not hesitate to contact us ! paulina. forma@ujk. edu. pl ana. kaminska@ujk. edu. pl anna. depczynska@ujk. edu. pl monika. mazurkiewicz@ujk. edu. pl THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION !