Скачать презентацию Work Group CALYPOD graphi Cs im Age ana Скачать презентацию Work Group CALYPOD graphi Cs im Age ana


  • Количество слайдов: 12

Work Group CALYPOD graphi. Cs im. Age ana. LYsis from Printed Old Document http: Work Group CALYPOD graphi. Cs im. Age ana. LYsis from Printed Old Document http: //calypod. free. fr calypod@ml. free. fr Presented by Mathieu Delalandre CESR Meeting CESR, Tours, France Tuesday, 13 th November 2007

General Presentation (1/3) • • Research Work Group of researchers, coming from different laboratories, General Presentation (1/3) • • Research Work Group of researchers, coming from different laboratories, teams and projects, working toward a common specific research topic. Topic of research Automatic processing of the graphical parts in old printed books (segmentation, pre-processing, matching, OCR, retrieval, …) ornamental letter figure headline • headline Objectives: 1. Information Management: to collect, centralize and broadcast information 2. Human Network: to put in relation people and to strengthen collaborations 3. Funding Support: to support the funding initiatives 4. Technological Transfers: to help in the development of “real-life” applications for the end-users 2

General Presentation (2/3) Busson Sébastien Baudrier Etienne Nicolier Frédéric Landré Jérôme Delalandre Mathieu Karatzas General Presentation (2/3) Busson Sébastien Baudrier Etienne Nicolier Frédéric Landré Jérôme Delalandre Mathieu Karatzas Dimosthenis Lladós Josep Nicolas Stéphane Ramos Oriol Petitjean Caroline Journet Nicholas Salmon Jean-Pierre Coustaty Mickael Brouard Thierry Ogier Jean-Marc Ramel Jean-Yves Sidere Nicolas 3

General Presentation (3/3) Calendar 2006 November December Online calypod@ml. free. fr GDR-ISIS “Jeune Chercheur” General Presentation (3/3) Calendar 2006 November December Online calypod@ml. free. fr GDR-ISIS “Jeune Chercheur” Application “SILCIL” January February March April 2007 May June July August September October November December Break period …. . 11 th June, 1 st Meeting (Paris) Starting date of Calypod Group 5 th July, opening of http: //calypod. free. fr 13 th July, 2 sd Meeting (La Rochelle) 6 th November, 3 rd Meeting (Paris) 13 th November, 4 th Meeting (Tours) 4 http: //calypod. free. fr 35 documents 20 weblinks 4 test databases 3 softwares 1 wiki August 144 Visits September 196 Visits October 334 Visits

Research Topics (1/7) • • • Digitalization checking Image Enhancement Wood Plug Tracking User Research Topics (1/7) • • • Digitalization checking Image Enhancement Wood Plug Tracking User Driven Visualization Letter Recognition Other Indexing Criteria 5

Research Topics (2/7) Digitalization Checking • • • Several image providers Several digitalization tools Research Topics (2/7) Digitalization Checking • • • Several image providers Several digitalization tools Long time process Human supervised Complex plate-form … 6

Research Topics (3/7) Image Enhancement Offset Skewing • Translation • Rotation & Scaling • Research Topics (3/7) Image Enhancement Offset Skewing • Translation • Rotation & Scaling • Denoising Degradation 7

Research Topics (4/7) Wood-Plug Tracking Vascosan 1555 Marnef 1576 1555 -1578 Printing house plug Research Topics (4/7) Wood-Plug Tracking Vascosan 1555 Marnef 1576 1555 -1578 Printing house plug exchange copy 1511 -1542 1531 -1548 1497 -1507 A tool to help in the dating of old books Need a pixel precision level that is a high complexity problem Copyright raises real-time retrieval problems DB DB query DB 8 query

Research Topics (5/7) User-Driven Visualization 9 Research Topics (5/7) User-Driven Visualization 9

Research Topics (6/7) Letter Recognition The letter type is a precious information to index Research Topics (6/7) Letter Recognition The letter type is a precious information to index the images Problematics Color (black, white) Font and Size (small, big, specific, …) Background (almost empty, riched graphics) To define an approach which: 1. deals with the color detection and the letter segentation 2. works without any previous knowledge (ie. one image one letter model) 10

Research Topics (7/7) Other Indexing Criteria 2 1 139 102 99 107 141 133 Research Topics (7/7) Other Indexing Criteria 2 1 139 102 99 107 141 133 125 2 2 1 [99 -107] 2 [108 -141] Frequency 125 1 Pattern rank 11

Thanks 12 Thanks 12