Скачать презентацию Word-formation Part 1 prefixes Negative prefixes Il- Скачать презентацию Word-formation Part 1 prefixes Negative prefixes Il-

5. Prefixes.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 8

Word-formation Part 1: prefixes Word-formation Part 1: prefixes

Negative prefixes Il- Ir- In- First of all Прежде всего Im- Un- Moreover/Furthermore Более Negative prefixes Il- Ir- In- First of all Прежде всего Im- Un- Moreover/Furthermore Более того From time to time Время от времени Negative prefixes Dis. De. Non- AAnti- In other words Другими словами Only verbs It seems that Кажется, что In a nutshell Короче говоря

Un- & In. Creates opposite meaning. For instance Например Un- Main negative prefix for Un- & In. Creates opposite meaning. For instance Например Un- Main negative prefix for majority of words Unknown Unable Unfriend!!! In- Mostly before words starts with ac-/ad-/c- Inaccurate Incredible Indefinite Im- Before words starts with p-/m- Impossible Immoral Il- Before words starts with l- Illegal Illogical It makes sense to (say) Имеет смысл (сказать) Ir- Before words starts with r- Irrational Irregular Besides Кроме того As to/as for Что касается And so on/And so forth И так далее Above all Прежде всего

Other negative prefixes No rules in word-formation One way or another Так или иначе Other negative prefixes No rules in word-formation One way or another Так или иначе Dis- Deprived of feature (Лишённый) Dishonest Disagree Disability De- Cancel the action Deactivate Decode A- Latin words Asymmetry Apolitical Anti- Directed oppose to something Antiterrorism Antithesis Therefore Поэтому Non- Never having the feature Nonexistent Nonmetallic By the way Кстати To be more precise Точнее говоря It goes without saying Само собой разумеется To cut a long story short Короче говоря

Prefix for mistakes & repeat Mis. Used for actions with errors Re. Used for Prefix for mistakes & repeat Mis. Used for actions with errors Re. Used for actions needed to be done again Misspell Redo Misunderstand Resell Mislead (ввести в заблуждение) Restructure Misinterpret Re-export One way or another Так или иначе As to/as for Что касается And so on/And so forth И так далее To cut a long story short Короче говоря It makes sense to (say) Имеет смысл (сказать) Besides Кроме того

Pre-/Post- & Over-/-Ultra/-Under For instance Например Pre- Before Pre-war Prehistoric Post- After Postposition Post-war Pre-/Post- & Over-/-Ultra/-Under For instance Например Pre- Before Pre-war Prehistoric Post- After Postposition Post-war To be more precise Точнее говоря From time to time Время от времени Above all Прежде всего Over. Ultra- Too much Overestimate Overpay Ultra-short Under- Not enough Underestimate Underpay Therefore Поэтому In a nutshell Короче говоря

Ex-, Sub-, Counter-, Inter/Intra Creates opposite meaning. For instance Например The one before now Ex-, Sub-, Counter-, Inter/Intra Creates opposite meaning. For instance Например The one before now Ex-wife Ex-president Sub- Under Subparagraph Subterraneous (подземный) Co- Together Cooperate Coexistence Counter- Against Countermeasure Counterattack It seems that Кажется, что Inter. Intra- Between Inside International Intracellular Besides Кроме того Ex- First of all Прежде всего And so on/And so forth И так далее Therefore Поэтому

Ability prefix Enact Enable Encourage ENEntrap Enslave Launch the action Ability prefix Enact Enable Encourage ENEntrap Enslave Launch the action