• Количество слайдов: 14


TYPES OF WORD FORMATION MAIN TYPES MINOR TYPES 1. Derivation 2. Composition 3. Conversion TYPES OF WORD FORMATION MAIN TYPES MINOR TYPES 1. Derivation 2. Composition 3. Conversion 1. Shortening 2. Sound interchange 3. Stress interchange 4. Sound imitation 5. Abbreviation 6. Blending 7. Back-formation

TYPES OF WORD FORMATION MAIN TYPES MINOR TYPES 1. Derivation 2. Composition 3. Conversion TYPES OF WORD FORMATION MAIN TYPES MINOR TYPES 1. Derivation 2. Composition 3. Conversion 1. Shortening 2. Sound interchange 3. Stress interchange 4. Sound imitation 5. Abbreviation 6. Blending 7. Back-formation

MAIN TYPES DERIVATION COMPOSITION CONVERTIAN is a kind of wordformation when a new word MAIN TYPES DERIVATION COMPOSITION CONVERTIAN is a kind of wordformation when a new word is formed by adding a derivational morpheme (usually suffix or prefix) to the root. This type of wordbuilding, in which new words are produced by combining two or more stems is the process of coining a new word in a different part of speech without adding any derivative element, so that the basic form both of the original and derived words are homonymous Careful, lovely, helpless, overtime Disrespect, blackbird, shopwindow, sunflower, bedroom, tallboy A work-to work Pale(adj)- to pale A catch – to catch

SHORTENING dub-double, fridge, frig – refrigerator, vacvacuum cleaner, mike – microscope, trank – tranquilizer. SHORTENING dub-double, fridge, frig – refrigerator, vacvacuum cleaner, mike – microscope, trank – tranquilizer. Shortening may take any part of tranquilizer. a word usually a single syllable and throw away the rest: pram, lab, phone – telephone, plane – airplane, flu – influence. 1.

 Clipping (shortening) The shortening of words consists of the reduction of a word Clipping (shortening) The shortening of words consists of the reduction of a word to one of its parts, as a result of which the new form is used as an independent lexical unit. This type of word-formation is in English highly productive. a. Final clipping – the beginning of the prototype is ad, advert < advertisement, memo < memorandum, lab < laboratory, gym < gymnasium, vac < vacuum cleaner. b. Initial clipping – the final part is retained. E. g. chute < parachute, phone < telephone, copter < helicopter, plane < aeroplane. c. The middle is retained. E. g. Liz < Elizabeth , flu < influenza, tec < detective. d. The middle is left. E. g. fancy < fantasy, retained. E. g.

Minor Types of Word Building 1. SHORTENNING (CLIPPING) is a process of creating of Minor Types of Word Building 1. SHORTENNING (CLIPPING) is a process of creating of a new word by shortening of the original polysyllabic word (prototype). According to what part is cut off we distinguish: final – doc (doctor), initial – net (Internet) medial clipping – poli-sci (political science).

2. SOUND INTERCHANGE is an opposition in which words or word forms are differentiated 2. SOUND INTERCHANGE is an opposition in which words or word forms are differentiated due to an alteration in the phonemic composition of the root. The process is not active in the language at present, and oppositions survive in the vocabulary only as remnants of previous stages. food – feed, speak – speech, woman-women

Minor Types of Word Formation 3. STRESS INTERCHANGE Some otherwise homographic, mostly disyllabic nouns Minor Types of Word Formation 3. STRESS INTERCHANGE Some otherwise homographic, mostly disyllabic nouns and verbs of Romanic origin have a distinctive stress pattern. 'conduct n - ‘behaviour’ con'duct v - ‘to lead or guide (in a formal way)’ ADJ. VERBS 'absent – to ab'sent; 'frequent - to fre'quent; 'perfect – to per'fect; 'abstract – to ab'stract etc.

Minor Types of Word Formation 4. SOUND IMITATION is the naming of an action Minor Types of Word Formation 4. SOUND IMITATION is the naming of an action or thing by a more or less exact reproduction of a sound associated with it. bubble or splash - the sound of water clink, tinkle- the noise of metallic things buzz, croak, crow, moo, mew, neigh, purr, roarsounds produced by animals, birds and insects giggle, murmur, whisper - sounds produced by human beings in the process of communication or in expressing their feelings etc.

Minor Types of Word Formation 5. ABBREVIATION is the process and the result of Minor Types of Word Formation 5. ABBREVIATION is the process and the result of forming a word out of the initial elements (letters, morphemes) of a word combination.

Types of abbreviation 1) Acronym is a written form which reads as an ordinary Types of abbreviation 1) Acronym is a written form which reads as an ordinary English word NATO — the North Atlantic Treaty Organization laser - light amplification by stimulated emission radiation 2) Initial abbreviation with the alphabetical reading, i. e. pronounced as a series of letters. B. B. C. ['bi: 'si: ] — the British Broadcasting Corporation 3) Shortened form of a written word or phrase used in a text in place of the whole for economy of space and effort. In oral speech the unabbreviated words are pronounced govt for government, wd for word N. Y. for New York State 4) Latin abbreviations which sometimes are not read as Latin words but substituted by their English equivalents. e. g. (Lat exempli gratia) - for example;

Minor Types of Word Formation 6. BLENDING - is combining parts of two words Minor Types of Word Formation 6. BLENDING - is combining parts of two words to form one. - refer words consisting of shortened parts of two derivational bases: the first constituent part of a blend represents a base whose final part is curtailed, the second part of it is made of a base whose initial part is missing. smog = sm(oke) + (f)og. brunch = breakfast + lunch dancercise = dance + exercise.

Minor Types of Word Formation 7. BACK-FORMATION Minor Types of Word Formation 7. BACK-FORMATION