Women’s Rights Poster by Women in Nigeria Cartoon

Women’s Rights

Poster by Women in Nigeria

Cartoon from India ISIS Women in Action 1/88

Women’s rights in Islam Spiritual Aspect Social Aspect

Social Aspect As a child and adolescent

As a Child

Social Aspect As a Wife

Social Aspect As a Mother

"Paradise is at the feet of mothers."

2 examples of Struggling Who?

Caroline Norton 1808-1877 England

Unfair wedding of Caroline Norton

Kishida Toshiko 1863-1891 Japan

Japanese women were lumped together with mental incompetents and minors


“Women in Every Country” The First International Congress of Women’s Rights Paris, 1878

1975 World Conference on Women Mexico City, June 19-July 2, 1975

Mexico City, June 19-July 2, 1975

1980 World Conference on Women Copenhagen, July 14-30, 1980

Copenhagen, July 14-30, 1980

1985 World Conference on Women Nairobi, Kenya, July 15-26, 1985

Nairobi, Kenya, July 15-26, 1985

1995 World Conference on Women Beijing, China, September 4-15, 1995

Beijing, China, September 4-15, 1995

Thank you!

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