Womеn of war Выполнила ученица 8 «б» класса

Womеn of war Выполнила ученица 8 «б» класса Егорова Ирина МКОУ Брединская СОШ №97 Учитель: Баннова Людмила Васильевна

Bochkareva Tatiana was born on 27 May, 1923 in the village of Red Tadym Mordovsky SSR. She grew up in a large family. Sooner left without a mother.

When the war started, she went to serve as a cook on the boat "Gorelenko". Barge delivered bombs on warships. About the war years Tatiana says tearfully. She recalls how the sailors shared a piece of bread with those who worked on the barge. The brother Kuzma was killed at the front, the other members of the family died of starvation, only Tatiana survived.

After the war, she decided to go to the Urals. She worked in "Chelyabisk-40." For military and labor achievements, she was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For labor valor", diplomas and valuable gifts.

Information was taken from the personal archive

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