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WMO Integrated Global Observing system (WIGOS) CBS OPAG-IOS ET on Surface-based Observations 1 st Session (Geneva, 9 -12 July 2013) Dr M. Ondráš Chief, WMO Observing Systems Division Observing and Information Systems Department
§ WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) § http: //www. wmo. int/pages/prog/www/wig os/index_en. html
Background Cg-XVI (May-June 2011): Ø Ø Decided to implement WIGOS - Res. 50 (Cg-XVI) Requests the regional associations: § To develop their regional WIGOS implementation plans; § To coordinate WIGOS implementation activities with the WIS in their operating plans and work programmes; § To promote capacity-building and outreach activities to assist Members in the implementation of WIGOS; Ø Requested TCs to: § Guide technical aspects of WIGOS implementation § Incorporate WIGOS in their operating plans § Provide technical guidance and advice to Members and RAs § Develop guidance for the design and evolution of WIGOS § Develop standards to support WIGOS § Update WMO Regulatory Material, (TR, WIGOS Manual, . . )
Background § § § EC-LXIII established ICG-WIGOS to coordinate implementation of WIGOS ICG-WIGOS established its working structure: § TT on WIGOS Implementation Plan (closed) § TT on WIGOS Regulatory Material (RS) § TT on WIGOS Metadata (BH) § TT on WIGOS Quality Management (…) Major outcomes: § WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan (WIP) § Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans (R-WIPs) § Outreach (TCs, RAs, Members, partners, …) § Structure of WIGOS sections in Tech. Regs and WIGOS Manual § Responsibilities of TC and RA § Widen scope of WIGOS component OSs (Hydrological OS) § Development of the Self-assessment checklist § Draft of CD and C&O strategies
Background TOR of TT-WRM: 1. To develop a high-level WIGOS Framework Architecture; 2. To review the relevant parts of WMO Technical Regulations (WMONo. 49) and other relevant regulatory material and make a proposal for WIGOS related regulatory material; 3. To develop the WIGOS regulatory material; 4. To propose mechanism for the update and maintenance of the WIGOS regulatory material; 5. To submit the draft WIGOS regulatory material to the ICG-WIGOS for its coordination with and reporting to EC and for its eventual recommendation for approval by Cg-XVII; 6. To coordinate regularly with ICG-WIGOS as needed and report at least annually to ICG-WIGOS on progress; 7. To complete its tasks by July 2015.
Background TOR of TT-WMD: 1. To identify the information that is needed to allow the majority of users to use WIGOS observations in appropriate contexts and in a defensible way; 2. To create the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard that allows the essential information to be exchanged unambiguously, regardless of the format used for the transfer; 3. To define a mechanism for maintaining the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard, including how metadata might be provided that is additional to the Core and coordinate with the ICG-WIGOS Task Team on Regulatory Material (TT-WRM) on any appropriate documentation as needed for WIGOS related Manual(s) and Guide(s); 4. To implement within the WIGOS Core Metadata Standard, and the WMO Core Metadata Profile, a standard method of providing users with an indication of the quality of the data, and to do so in a way that distinguishes with the quality management of the data (“quality of the observation”) and ensuring that the user is able to identify which applications the data are suitable for (“classification” of the observation”); 5. To coordinate regularly with the ICG-WIGOS as needed and report at least annually to the ICG-WIGOS on the progress; 6. To complete its tasks and hand over additional requirements to its successor (if required) in time for approval by Cg-17.
Background – WIGOS Component Observing Systems WMO INTEGRATED GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM (WIGOS) - improving synergy and enhancing capabilities of WMO observing systems and its partners 1. 2. 3. 4. Global Observing Systems (WWW/GOS) Ø RBSN, RBCN (>10, 000 stations, 1, 000 upperair) Ø AMDAR (39754/day) Ø Ship & Marine obs (30417/day) Ø Surface-based remote sensing Ø Meso-scale networks Ø Space-based component Observing component of Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Hydrological Observing System (incl. WHYCOS) Observing component of Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)
Background § EC-64 (June 2012): § Adopted WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan (WIP), version 1. 0, and requested: § § Members, RAs and TCs to organize their activities as to realize WIP CBS & CIMO to provide technical lead in WIGOS implementation ICG-WIGOS to keep WIP under regular review, monitor the progress, update WIP and report to Cg-17 EC-65 (May 2013): § Adopted the updated version of WIP version 2. 0 § Adopted Implementation Plan for the evolution of global observing systems (EGOS-IP): § Members and TCs should address the 115 actions listed in the Plan
Understanding WIGOS Plans Ø Ø WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan (WIP) : § Plan to develop practices & procedures to be documented in WIGOS Regulatory Material (such as Technical Regulations) § Provides guidance to Regions & Members to prepare their IPs Regional Implementation Plan(s) (R-WIP): § Responding to WIP § Includes Regional priorities § Provides further guidance to Members National Implementation Plan(s) (N-WIP): § Respond to WIP & R-WIP § Includes national priorities § Plan to implement improved functionalities of the existing observing systems based on practices described in the WMO Regulatory Material Agents for implementation: § WIP = TCs (in collaboration with RAs and Members) § R-WIP = RAs (in collaboration with TCs and Members) § N-WIP = Members (in collaboration with RAs and TCs)
WIGOS: A future observing framework for WMO World Weather Watch GOS GAW GCW Hydro OS WIGOS GCOS Partners Cosponsors GDPFS GTS WIS
What is WIGOS? § An over-arching framework for the coordination and evolution of WMO observing systems and the contributions of WMO to co-sponsored observing systems. § A WMO priority § WIGOS is not: § Replacing or taking-over the existing observing systems, which will continue to be 'owned' and operated by a diverse array of organizations, entities and, importantly, Members.
WIGOS Vision § § Coordinated, comprehensive, reliable and trusted observations for WMO Addressing, in a cost-effective and sustained manner, the evolving observing requirements of Members in delivering their weather, climate, water and related environmental services. Enhanced coordination of WMO observing systems with those of partner organizations for the benefit of society. WIGOS will build on the WWW 'role model'
To achieve the WIGOS Vision…. § WIGOS will implement a framework for enabling the integration, interoperability, optimized evolution and best-practice operation for § WMO observing systems, and § WMO’s contribution to co-sponsored systems. § WIGOS will use and exploit the WMO Information System (WIS) § To allow continuous and reliable access to an expanded set of environmental data and products, and associated metadata
What do we mean by integration? § § § Composite systems 'Network of networks’ Integration through: § § § § § Supporting diverse user needs Systems designed for efficiency & effectiveness NWP data assimilation Partnership & collaboration End-to-end service model Data policy, access and exchange Coordinated network operation & maintenance Practices and procedures Integration is NOT one-sizefits-all
What do we mean by interoperability? § Ability to access, combine or compare observations from one source or system with those from another § To achieve this, need: § § Metadata Standards Regulatory material Interoperability is key to turning observations into effective data, products and services that meet real user needs test footer
WIGOS will… § Result in increased information flow and knowledge, improved efficiency and enhanced services across all WMO Programmes. § Support and sustain the delivery of the other four priorities, especially: § Global Framework for Climate Services § Disaster Risk Reduction § Capacity Development § Support Members and deliver benefits at global, regional and national levels, but requires commitment at all those levels
WIGOS Framework: Key activity areas Observing system operation & maintenance Collaboration with cosponsors and partners To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems Data discovery, delivery & archival To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations Management of WIGOS Implementation Design, planning and optimised evolution Capacity Development To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS Communications and outreach Operational Information Resource Standards, interoperability & compatibility Quality Management
Why WIGOS – and why now? § Global environmental change agenda § Increased awareness of need to act § Value of evidence-based decision making § Scientific and technical advances § Numerical modelling and data assimilation § Greater capacity to access and use observations in decision making § Response to climate and natural disasters § Multi-sector, multi-hazard and multi-disciplinary § Ongoing resource pressures and accountability
Who is involved in WIGOS? Global WMO and Secretariat Other Regions Region Member S 1: NMHS Observing System S 2: NMHS Observing System P 1: Partner Observing System P 2: Partner Observing System etc Other Members Global Co-sponsors and Partners test footer 19
Who is involved in WIGOS? Global Users WMO and Secretariat Other Regions Region Users Member Users S 1: NMHS Observing System S 2: NMHS Observing System P 1: Partner Observing System P 2: Partner Observing System Member etc Other Members Global Co-sponsors and Partners test footer 20
In conclusion… § At its simplest, the WIGOS framework is about: § Documenting and implementing best practice in making and sharing observations § Coordination and collaboration for efficiency and effectiveness § Integration and interoperability in all senses § Delivering observations that meet user needs in a way they can use them § Empowering WMO and especially NMHSs § § to assume a national leadership role and to better serve their communities
WIGOS Framework Implementation – WIP v. 1. 0. 5 CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Background 2. Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 3. Project Management 4. Implementation 5. Resources 6. Risk Management 7. Outlook Annexes KEY ACTIVITY AREAS 1) Management of WIGOS implementation 2) Collaboration with WMO cosponsored observing systems 3) Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS COS 4) Observing System operation and maintenance 5) Quality Management 6) Standardization, system interoperability and data compatibility 7) The WIGOS Operational Information Resource 8) Data discovery, delivery and archival 9) Capacity development 10) Communications and outreach
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 1. Management of WIGOS Implementation ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop, revise and update WMO Regulatory Material (TR, WIGOS Manual & Guide) Cg-17 (2015) ICG-WIGOS (TT-WRM) Incorporate WIGOS into structures and procedures of TCs and RAs 2014 TCs RAs ICG-WIGOS Provide annual reports and recommendations to EC & Cg EC-65 EC-66 Cg-17 ICG-WIGOS Develop Regional WIGOS Impl. Plans 2012 -2013 RAs Develop National WIGOS Impl. Plans From 2013 Members
Prescriptive Regulations WMO Technical Regulations - Composition “Shall” and “Should” have specific (Vol 1 – 4) meaning TRs Manuals Descriptive Non. Regulations (Annex 1 – 8) Guides “Shall” and “Should” have ordinary meaning Other reference docs (e. g. , TR Manuals Vol II, WMO-No. 9, Guidelines, etc. ) • Basic SARPs (definitive) • Mostly requirement-driven • Approval by Congress (in principle) • Relatively Conservative • More detailed SARPs (procedures and specifications) • Mostly technology-driven • Approval delegated to EC • Relatively Dynamic • Procedures and practices • Implementation guidance • Explanations • Examples, good practice • Flexible updates
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 1. Management of WIGOS Implementation Tech. Regs WIGOS Guide &TM on Hydro Guide &TM on GOS Guide &TM on GCW Guide &TM on GAW Manual on GOS WIGOS Manual
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 2. Collaboration with the WMO co-sponsored Observing Systems and International Partners ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop guidance, mechanisms and procedures for engagement coordination and collaboration with partner organizations 2014 ICG-WIGOS Partners Develop Collaboration Framework for the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space (ACMS) 2015 CGMS, CEOS CBS, SAT Examine and recommend areas where closer regional cooperation and coordination would be beneficial 2015 RAs Establish closer collaboration at the national level, 2015 NMHS with other government agencies, and with potential external data providers ICG-WIGOS, Members RAs
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 3. Design, Planning and Optimized Evolution of WIGOS Component OSs Complete RRR practices, procedures, responsibilities and mechanisms for all systems and agreed app. areas 2014 CBS Other TCs Develop the ACMS focusing on GFCS 4 priorities 2015 CGMS, CEOS, CBS Using the RRR process, develop guidance regarding observing network design principles 2015 IPET-OSDE ICG-WIGOS, TCs Develop a concept of RBON to be applied by RAs 2015 onwards ICG-WIGOS, RAs Evolve and implement OSs in the Region following the technical guidance of TCs as represented in the EGOS-IP and other observation system implementation plans 2015 RAs Update the global RRR DB to take into account regional user requirements 2015 IPET-OSDE, RAs Migrate from the existing RBSN/RBCN into and integrated RBON 2015 onwards RAs, Members Contribute to the collective regional effort to evolve and implement observing systems following the EGOS-IP and other observation system implementation plans 2015 Members Define sub-Regional UR fro observations 2015 Members
WMO Rolling Review of Requirements Long-term vision Requirements of the GOS Critical Review Statements of guidance per application Implementation Plan for Evolution of the GOS All applications synthesis Recommendations for the observing system Monitoring surface/space observing capabilities and plans WMO Members’ Space Agencies and partner organizations’ Programmes
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 4. Observing Systems Operation and Maintenance ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop guidance, mechanisms and procedures for improved integration of observational data and products 2015 ICG-WIGOS Develop guidance for the process of sharing, between component observing systems, operational experiences, sharing of expertise and guidance for resourcing joint activities 2013 ICG-WIGOS
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 5. Quality Management ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop WIGOS Quality Management guidance, mechanism, practices and procedures 2015 ICG-WIGOS TCs Examination of current quality management practices being used by WMO observing programmes 2014 ICG-WIGOS
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 6. Standardization, System Interoperability and Data Compatibility ACTIVITY Develop guidance for WIGOS standards and document the implemented standards and recommended practices and procedures on instruments, methods of observations, data products, etc. Target for completion 2015 Responsibility TCs TT-WRM WIGOS PO
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 7. WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR) ACTIVITY Design and develop the WGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR) Target for completion 2015 Responsibility Secretariat in cooperation with Members Investigate the need for a database describing the 2013 Global Observations Products (Satellite Data, Weather Radar) CBS, SAT Survey WMO Members on what they could offer to support development and operations of WIR 2013 WIGOS PO (Members) Provide information required by WIR From 2013 Members
SORT Standardization of Observation Reference Tool BASIC INFORMATIO N • Benefits, Impacts • Communication and Outreach • Capacity Building • WIP, WDIS, CONOPS… • Data policies • Etc. . OSCAR Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool OSCAR/Distributed E. g. GAW, JCOMMOPS, Radar DB etc OSCAR/ Requiremen ts OSCAR/ Space Critical Revie w OSCAR/ Surface OSCAR User Interface WIGOS Web Portal Implementers of Observing Systems WIS Data users CPDB
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 8. Data Discovery, Delivery and Archival ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop WIGOS metadata standards, practices and procedures 2015 TCs ICG-WIGOS To develop a mechanism to assist Members in implementing WIGOS metadata standards, practices and procedures 2014 ICG-WIGOS
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 9. Capacity Development ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop a WIGOS Capacity Development strategy including education and training 2015 ICG-WIGOS ETR, RAs Assistance provided to WMO Members regarding WIGOS implementation 2015 WMO Secretariat (Members) Develop WIGOS related guidelines and training 2015 materials and other relevant documentation WIGOS-PO, TCs Mobilize resource for WIGOS implementation 2015 Assist Members in using WIR Tools for the design 2014 and management of national WIGOS obs. Networks Assist Members in implementing WIGOS metadata 2014 Members (WMO Secretariat) Members WMO Secretariat, Members
WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v. 1. 0. 5 Key Activity Areas for WIGOS Implementation 10. Communications and Outreach ACTIVITY Target for completion Responsibility Develop an effective communication, outreach, capacity development, and education strategy 2012 ICG-WIGOS Develop communication and outreach materials (see Annex 1 of WIP for suggestions) and make them available via the WIGOS Portal 2012 -2013 WIGOS-PO
Summary of proposed Tasks to ET/SBO § § To develop practices, procedures, guidelines for: § Composition of WIGOS (single purpose vs multipurpose) § Implementation of new systems § Networking (radars, profilers, etc) § Quality and quantity monitoring § WIGOS QM § Reporting frequency § Integration of data and products (e. g. , radars and rainfall data) § Data storage and archival § Metadata practices (collection, details relevant to CBS) § WIR (SORT, UR, capabilities of observing systems) § Sharing operational experience and expertise § WIGOS standards and best practices ( what is needed? ) Others: § Consider need for global Observational Products (radars) § Develop training material and guidelines for capacity development § Develop outreach material § Provide assistance to Members in WIGOS implementation (AWS)
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