- Количество слайдов: 18
Wise King Solomon Chapter 11
David passes on the Kingdom • David had a lot of military success and left his son with a large and prosperous kingdom • David gives Solomon his last instructions – Follow all of God’s commands – Follow the Mosaic law – If you do this you will succeed 1
Solomon requests wisdom • 1 Kings 3: 5 -15 – God appeared to Solomon in a dream – God told Solomon he would give him anything he asked for – Solomon asked for wisdom to serve the people – v 12 “I will give you a heart so wise…I will also give you riches and glory” 2
International empire • Solomon creates an international empire • He married Pharaoh’s daughter and thus allied himself with Egypt 3
Solomon married the “world” • Solomon made marriage alliances • He married for political reasons to spread his reign • He had 700 wives and 300 concubines • In this way he extended the kingdom to the ends of the earth (the 4 th feature) – He fulfills the promise of David but not in the right way 4
Solomon’s draws the nations • When Solomon shares his wisdom with the world he is spreading the covenant • He is drawing people to Jerusalem or Zion – This fulfills Is 2: 3 (the 5 th feature) • All the nations are streaming toward Zion to be instructed in the ways 5
Queen of Sheba visits • 1 Kings 10 – The queen came to pick Solomon’s brain – She wanted to test his wisdom – When she sees his palace and learns of his wisdom she begins to praise the God of Israel 6
Solomon builds the temple • He built the architectural sign of God’s covenant – Fulfilled the 6 th feature of the Davidic Covenant • Solomon turned to King Hiram, King of Tyre for materials and craftsmen 7
Solomon builds the temple • The Temple was built by Gentiles or foreigners – This shows the universality of the covenant – It drew Gentiles to Jerusalem just like Isaiah 2 promised (5 th and 6 th feature) • Unlike the portable tabernacle, the Temple welcomed foreign worshippers – This fulfilled the covenant in that it called Gentiles to Jerusalem 8
Solomon prays • Solomon dedicated the temple • 1 Kings 8: 21 -43 – Solomon prayed for all the foreigners who would call upon God’s name – He prays that it will be a “house of prayer for all peoples” 9
The Ark is moved • Solomon has the Ark moved from the tent to the temple • 1 Kings 8: 19 -11 – The glory of the Lord filled the house 10
Solomon losing favor • Just as Samuel had warned Israel, with a King comes oppression and high taxes • He had to tax people to pay for the temple • Thousands were forced to build the temple • Solomon began losing favor because of the heavy taxing and forced labor 11
Deuteronomic Laws Broken • Solomon is not keeping the laws of Deuteronomy • Deut 17: 16 -17 1. Must not multiply horses (military) 2. Don’t multiply wives 3. Don’t multiply silver and gold 12
Solomon breaks the law 1. 1 Kings 10: 26 – Solomon collected chariots – This is symbolic of multiplying military power – He had 1, 400 chariots – 12, 000 charioteers 13
Solomon breaks the law 2. 1 Kings 11: 3 • • Solomon multiplied his wives They caused his heart to turn away from God and toward their god’s He built temples to their god’s “Solomon’s heart had turned to strange god’s” - 1 kings 11: 4 14
Solomon breaks the law 3. 1 kings 10: 14 • Solomon multiplies gold • Solomon’s received each year 666 gold talents 15
Threefold sin Eve: Greed Tree good for food All the kingdoms Lust Pleasing to the eye Stones to bread Pride Gaining wisdom Jump off the temple Genesis 3 Solomon: Christ: 1 Kings 11 Matthew 4 17
Solomon leads people away • By building all the temples to his wives foreign god’s he begins to lead everyone away from the True God • Israel’s kingdom will soon feel the pain of destruction 17