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WIPO-INSME Training program on the role of intellectual property in raising finance by small and medium-sized enterprises Innovation tools to finance innovative SMEs Geneva, 12. 07. 2006 Christian SAUBLENS EBAN
1. Foreword v There is an asymmetry of information between entrepreneurs and investors; v It’s not only a question of access to money but also a question of life cycle of a company and about … sales and market penetration; v Investment readiness is needed; v All money is not the same;
Financial Supply Chain Prerequisites Banks Guaranties Leasing Factoring Loans on trust Pre-seed Loans for inventors Reimbursable advance payments University spin off Proof of concept Own resources FFF Tools Infrastructure: business angels networks, incubators, etc. Grants Micro-credits Other public support SME profitability BA Corporate Venturing Seed capital Advice: investment readiness, tutorship FFF : Family, Friends, Founders BA : Business angels VC : Venture capital IPO : Initial Public Offering Mezzanine VC Expertise: professional fund managers IPO
The paradox of access to finance v Banks v Venture Capitalists v Stock Exchange Have money But argue that there aren’t enough good projects What is a good project? A project which is not perceived as risky for an investor
Trial to analyse the equity paradox Supply: Is there enough money available for seed and early equity? Demand: § Are entrepreneurs aware of investors aspirations/ expectations (asymmetric information; all money is not the same)? § Are entrepreneurs ready to receive equity finance (Investment readiness)? § Are entrepreneurs proposals/ideas really innovative for investors?
Venture capital in Europe 3878 3273 Source: EVCA
EBAN statistical sample shows: v N° of active angels in the EBAN sample: 12. 775 v N° of projects received: 9. 500 v N° of deals done: 580 v Size of deals: 25. 000 to 250. 000 € v Average size: 75. 000 €
New trends v B. A. & B. A. N. co-funding vehicles v Proof of concept loans/grants v Repayable advance v Mezzanine v University spin out/off funds v Pipeline research revenue v Non-financial tools
2. Segmentation of the market v v v Start-up phase First financial round Subsequent financial round Initial and unorthodox sources Public Support Debt finance N. B: v Indirect supports v Integrated actions
Start-up Phase v Seed capital fund v Loans without interest and/or guarantee v University and research centres spin off funds v Micro-credit v Public or parapublic funds for creation or innovation v Public grants v Reimbursable loans v Proof of concept
First Financial Round v Business Angels v Seed capital fund v Banks loans/Overdraft v Guarantee funds v Public or parapublic investment funds v Regional Public venture capital v Public grants v Corporate venturing
Subsequent financial round v Private venture capital v Bank Loans v Share subscription bonus v Mezzanine OTHER TYPES v Leasing v Factoring
Initial an unorthodox ways v Entrepreneurs savings v FFF v Profit reinvestments v Second mortgage v Personal credit cards v Customer advance v Delay of payments v Premises sharing v Employing relatives at below market salaries
Debt finance v Bank credits: § Short term § Long term § Unsecured § Micro v Commercial debt (papers) Public/semi public loans Bonds v v
Public finance v Grants v Reimbursable advances v guarantees
3. Sources of finance All money is not the same! v Business angels (informal risk capital): private individuals investing part of their personal assets in businesses and contributing their managerial skills and experience. v Business Angels Networks (BANs): regional platforms that match business angels with businessmen. v Buyouts: existing investors’ shares in a business are bought by the latter’s own management team (MBO-Management Buy Out) or by another management team supported by a venture capital fund. v Corporate venturing: venture capital supplied by existing companies for the purpose of financing innovative businesses set up by their own personnel or active in industries considered to be of strategic importance.
v Development or expansion capital: financing provided for the growth and expansion of a company, which may or may not break even or trade profitably. Capital may be used to: finance increased production capacity; market or product development; provide additional working capital. v Early-stage finance/Start-up: funds invested downstream of research and development, in businesses that need additional finance to start marketing their products and services. v Equity: Ownership interest in a company, represented by the shares issued to investors. v Expansion: growth, bridging or restructuring capital. v Factoring: a technique whereby SMEs sell invoices to specialised firms. v Financial package: a combination of various sources of finance.
v Grants: subsidies paid - without an obligation to refund – by public authorities to companies investing in a region for the purpose of facilitating their establishment or expansion. v Leasing: hire/purchase of capital goods. v Loans and debt: the main sources of funding for SMEs. v Mezzanine: intermediate layer of financing products (between equity and debt). Interest rates are often quite high. v Proof of concept: fund provided by public bodies to a research team in order to assess the viability of a new enterprise. v Quasi-equity investment instruments: instruments whose return for the holder (investor/lender) is predominantly based on the profits or losses of the underlying target company, are unsecured in the event of default and/or can be convertible into ordinary equity.
v Replacement capital (also called secondary purchase): purchase of existing shares in a company from another private equity investment organisation or from another shareholder or shareholders – an investor buys another’s stake. v Risk capital: equity and quasi-equity financing to companies during their early-growth stages (seed, start-up and expansion phase) in the hope of a return on investment (ROI) that is both large and speedy, on a par with the level of risk taken. It includes: informal investment by business angels; venture capital; alternative stock markets specialised in SMEs and highgrowth companies.
v Seed capital: capital required for the purpose of financing projects upstream of product or service marketing. Seed capital is often essential for hi-tech projects in order to allow businesses to study, research and develop prototypes of the products that later come to constitute heir core business. v Start-up capital: financing provided to companies for product development and initial marketing. Companies may be in the process of being set up or may already exist, but have not sold their product or service commercially and are not yet generating a profit. v Venture capital: assets temporarily invested as stock by specialised firms expecting return on investment that is both fast and very substantial, i. e. commensurate with the level of risk. Such specialised investors play a role during both startup and development.
4. Priorities for equity and loan providers Equity providers Eligibility Criteria Family, Friends and Fools o Business angels or informal investors and Spin-off corporate venturing o o o o Banks o o Personal relationship based on trust Meeting or matching of individual entrepreneurs with business angels Atmosphere of trust between individuals Credible business plan in the eyes of the Business Angel Good management Fiscal incentives Market knowledge of the entrepreneur Availability of exit route Return on investment (capital gain) Availability of guarantees Perceived ability to repay the loan Company track record Rating
Repayable short-term loans o o o Venture capital and Financial corporate venturing o o o Public funding o o Guarantees o Innovative nature of business projects Business plan quality Management team Business plan credibility Business plan with patent technology Track record (over previous years) Ability to grow fast and deliver quick ROI Management team quality New jobs Investment in productive tools Stamina as well as technical and financial skills/abilities
Loans on trust o o Seed capital funds o o o Corporate venturing o o o Business plan credibility Readiness to cooperate with a tutor Business plan quality Perception of the innovative nature of the project Intellectual property High growth potential Government tax policies Innovative nature of the project in relation to the company’s core business Industry-specific usefulness of the project, in particular from a technological standpoint Business plan quality Good management Tax incentives
Institutional investors o o o Proof of concept o o Business plan Proprietary technology (IP) High growth Good management Tax incentives from government Innovativeness Entrepreneurial spirit Team IPR – Valorisation of research results
New capital markets o o o o Viability and consolidation At least three years in existence Positive results at least once within twelve months prior to application More than € 1. 5 million in shareholder’s equity Ability to publish quarterly results Public recommendation by analyst Positive media attention Government tax policies Capable and experienced management team Prominent Board Experienced team of financial, legal and underwriter advisers New business concept Large market share Record of high growth or high growth potential
Examples of new trends
Proof of concept AIM: helping innovative enterprises to develop their products or services until their introduction to the market. Average of amount provided: 40 to 400. 000 € Mixture of grants and equity
v Pre-commercial support to university § To prove “market potential” for research idea/invention v Delivery format § Up to £ 200 k per award (max 2 years) § University team includes academics and commercialisation practitioners § University owns IP generated § Only pre-commercial activity permitted § £ 28 m spent to date v Programme performance to date § 85 projects completed § 400 jobs created to date § 17 companies formed § 22 licensing deals § £ 22 m investment into companies Funded in part with ERDF support from the EU Source: Scottish Enterprise
Mezzanine AIM: combination of subordinated loans or participating loans and equity. The loans might be either reimbursed or transformed in shares at a given moment. Average size of deals: at regional level: 100. 000 to 350. 000 € in Wales (UK) up to 2. 225. 000 € in Berlin (D) at private equity level: N° of deals in Europe: 20 to 50. 000 € ± 100/year
University spin out/off funds AIM: to support universities staff & students to start their own businesses. Good tool to support the commercialisation of research results. Size of funds: in Belgium between 5 and 15 mio €.
All money is not the same Start-ups are funded from different sources Ex. 1: Super. Sonic Imagine (F) creation date: 2005 n° of staff members: 15 founder investment: 50. 000 € 1 st Round: VC (Auriga Partners) = 500. 000 € Sponsorship from: - National awards = 450. 000 € - Regional grants = 550. 000 € 2 nd Round: 4 investors = 10. 000 € - Crédit agricole Private Equity - Auriga Partners - NB 6 I Ventures - Bio. Am
Ex. 2: Meilleur. Mobile. com Creation: 2004 Turnover: 1 mio € 1 st Round: Founder + BAs 2 nd. Round: Grants from Regional Innovation Agency 3 rd Round: Loan on trust 4 th Round: Loan on trust 5 th Round: V. C. (Galileo Partners) 220. 000 € 50. 000 € 20. 000 € 1. 000 € (March 2006)
Non-financial tools Investment readiness schemes Aim: improve the quality of Business plan and business presentation in order to attract the attention of potential investors (B. A. – V. C. – …) v Content: - business plan review knowledge of funding sources understanding timing and amounts to be expected needs & expectations of the various potential investors how to submit a business proposal. BA academy Aim: helping potential B. A. to become active angels v Content: - enterprise evaluation - taxation - exit route
Research to Revenue - Pipeline Investment/co-investment Success in marketplace National High Growth Start Up Unit Enterprise Fellowship Proof of concept l ia erc m Com l ia erc m Idea/Invention based on research output m -co Pre Source: Scottish Enterprise
For more information Christian SAUBLENS EBAN Avenue des Arts 12 Bte 7 1210 BRUSSELS – BELGIUM www. eban. org - info@eban. org