William the Сonqueror 1 10 -B class performed: Kara-Ivanov Vadim
King of England from 1066; of the House of Normandy. Since 1035 the Duke of Normandy. In 1066 landed in England smashing of Hastings army of Anglo-Saxon King Harold II, became King of England (_sm. Norman conquest of England in 1066). Established a direct vassal of the feudal lords of korolya. VILGELM I the Conqueror (William the Conqueror) (1027 ? , Falaise, Normandy - September 9, 1087, Rouen, France), the English king with 1066. There was a bastard son of the Duke of Normandy Robert II the Devil. In 1033, when Robert the Devil went to Palestine, William was recognized as his heir. At the news of the death of Robert (1035), Norman barons, led by relatives of the dead rebelled against William as illegitimate, and only the intervention of the French King Henry I, guardian Wilhelm, retained him prestol. Yunost Wilhelm passed in wars with its neighbors, as a result of which it is attached to his possessions Maine (1062) and part of the lands of Count of Anjou, as well as in the fight against the local barons, whom he managed to subdue. Particular attention is paid William Norman church: he led the spiritual cathedrals and with the help of the Prior Lanfranc School bek tried to raise the educational and moral level duhovenstva. Borba for the throne in 1051, he visited his cousin, King Edward the Confessor, and later claimed that the childless Edward during this meeting appointed him as his successor, even though such an appointment without the consent of uitenagemota was null and void.
In 1066, when Edward died and was succeeded by his brother in law, Harold II, Wilhelm said his claim to the English throne, referring to the relationship with Edward, his oral assignment, as well as the oath of Harold in case of death of Edward promote the election of William King. These claims supported Pope Alexander II; he excommunicated from the Church of Harold and William instructed to bring England into submission to papal authority. William gathered an army of knights and ordinary soldiers from Normandy, France and Italy of up to 60 thousand; his fleet sailed from the harbor of Saint-Valery (at the mouth of the Somme) and landed on the English coast on September 29, 1066. October 14, 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, he defeated the army of Harold II (_sm. Norman conquest of England) and declared himself king of England. Few cities in England gave him resistance. London proclaimed king of the last member of the Anglo-Saxon dynasty, Edgar etheling and preparing for defense. But on the side of Wilhelm became one after the other to move the feudal magnates. Then the citizens of London sent him a delegation led by Edgar himself, asking Wilhelm to take the crown. Attaching great importance to the legitimacy of his claim to the English throne, William I was crowned in Westminster as the legitimate heir of Edward, with all the usual ceremonies. Harold and his supporters were declared traitors; their lands were confiscated and distributed to associates Wilhelm. Defeat him in no small measure contributed to, in addition to numerous, well-trained and armed troops, constant strife and infighting among the Anglo-Saxon feudal lords. This helped William confiscate large part of their land.
Consolidation of power Distribution William I and his companions land positions later Anglo-Saxons in the 17 th century. , Has created theory of "Norman yoke", is widely used by the supporters of democratic reforms during the English Revolution. In the spring of 1067 William went to Normandy and England rebellion broke out, caused by violence Normans. Anglo-Saxons have helped some Welsh and Norman barons, William dissatisfied. Returning to England, he restored order and built a number of fortified castles, where to place the Norman garrisons. Anglo -Saxon uprising broke out, and then - in 1068, 1069, 1071; The latter supports the Scottish King Malcolm III. Wilhelm brutally suppressed them and actually reconquered the whole country. Confiscating land by local feudal lords, he distributed them to his attendants, thus creating a layer of Norman nobility, on which he relied in his direction. Great support he has provided tserkov. Vilgelm consolidated his power by entering into counties management officials, sheriffs, who were directly dependent on the king. Besides the usual oath of vassals their overlord, he introduced the pledge of allegiance to the king directly ("Salisbury oath"). As a result of joining the British possessions on the continent Wilhelm greatly expanded trade, a large widespread Fair. British cities were directly subordinate to the crown and brought large revenues to the treasury.
The situation of farmers in the reign of William I has deteriorated significantly, especially after the 1086 census ("Domesday Book"), who translated many free peasants into the category of villeins. Before his death, William had to wage war against the barons of Normandy and neighboring France. Circling the blazing ruins of the city of Manta taken them, Wilhelm was thrown from his horse and hurt yourself. He was brought to Rouen, where he died on September 9, 1087.