William Somerset Maugham (1874 -1965)
where his , n. 25, 1874 sh embassy, a Paris, on J to the Briti • Born in s solicitor ed by the father wa augham was orphan eared by a r M Somerset 8 years old. He was at 13 was s ime he wa le, a clergyman, and ntended for t i c aternal un School, Cambridge, urch. p s nt to king' eparation for the Ch ncle's se r u ford and p ite, he obtained his time. He Ox r a nting to w o to Heidelberg for spent 6 Wa ission to g ion of medicine and year perm e profess London hospital. A d, chose th ning at a e trai ums follow rote l years in Lambeth s years he w e ntern in th iced. For 10 as an i t never prac y in Paris. but he t d in pover and live
y y, Ladced, and a irst pl produ am's fssfully ugh cce In the. uthorlla 07 Mawas su a In 19 rick, as an the Vi • n in ough h Frede came knowettled nce, t as a be 30 s he s south of Fry. He w he 19 l arly sque in theravel wide 940 but s e aure inued to t Nazis in 1 54, on hi M e contto flee the e war. In 19 ade a s h rced d after th , he was m 61 he wa fo ne tur h birthday nour. In 19 Heidelberg ec. re iet ight nion of Ho senator ofin Nice on D e a Comp d honorarygham died es were rary. name rsity. Mau ham archiviversity Lib Unive 965. Maug e Yale Un 16, 1 lished in th estab
ong life, ing done l ughout a d as hav o ctive thrtill regarde • Produ ham is s , largely rly aug n the ea Of Human M i r, eat workical novel s popula of his gr graph a io s work w s because autob e. Though hi nemie g ndag reat many e portraits of livin d Bo had a g ntly malicious characters base he e re his appa(for example, th ugh Walpole inf people as Hardy and H use his view o pt a on Thom d Ale) and bece one of contem to Cakes any seemed to b nce. He repliedke humanittronizing tolera umanity was li or of paer charge that h is sympathies lt the latt also said that h e had never fe that; he ited and that htal emotions. were lim the fundamen some of
A good introduction to Maugham's works is The Maugham Reader (1952). Biographical and critical studies include Cyril Connolly, The Condemned Playground (1946); John Brophy, Somerset Maugham (1952); Karl G. Pfeiffer, W. Somerset Maugham: A Candid Portrait (1959); and Richard A. Cordell, Somerset Maugham: A Biographical and Critical Study (1961
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) From one of the twentieth century’s most enduringly popular fiction writers: the only hardcover edition of his short stories.
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