- Количество слайдов: 59
Wilderness Wanderings & The Tabernacle “The World of the Bible”
Timeline: § § § § § Wilderness Wanderings Quail, Manna Mt. Sinai/10 Commands 12 Spies 40 Years Jericho 12 Tribes Judges David & Solomon
Great Sea (Mediterranean) Nile Delta Canaan Sinai Peninsula Egypt Red Sea NASA Photo © EBible. Teacher. com Mt. Sinai Traditional Route of the Exodus
§Timeline: § § § § § Wilderness Wanderings Quail, Manna Mt. Sinai/10 Commands 12 Spies 40 Years Jericho 12 Tribes Judges David & Solomon
§Discussion Question: § Why did God send them manna and quail in their wanderings?
Great Sea (Mediterranean) Nile Delta Quail/Manna Canaan Sinai Peninsula Egypt Mt. Sinai NASA Photo © EBible. Teacher. com Red Sea Traditional Route of the Exodus
§Discussion Question: § Why do you think that God generally didn’t want them to gather food for more than one day at a time?
§Timeline: § § § § § Wilderness Wanderings Quail, Manna Mt. Sinai/10 Command 12 Spies 40 Years Jericho 12 Tribes Judges David & Solomon
Great Sea (Mediterranean) Nile Delta Canaan Sinai Peninsula Egypt Mt. Sinai NASA Photo © EBible. Teacher. com Red Sea Traditional Route of the Exodus
Sinai Mountains People On Road
§Exodus 19: 12 § “ 12 Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, `Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. ” (NIV)
Discussion Question: § What did the Israelites do while Moses was receiving the 10 commandments?
Cow Goddess of Egypt. Perhaps the Hebrew People made something similar. Photo: Bible. Places. com
Discussion Question: § What were the 10 commandments?
The Ten Commandments § § § 1. No Other Gods. § 2. No Graven § Images. 3. Not Misuse § God’s Name. 4. Remember the § Sabbath Day. 5. Honor Father &§ 6. Thou Shalt Not Murder. 7. Not Commit Adultery. 8. Not Steal. 9. Not Give False Testimony. 10. Not Covet.
Discussion Question: What was the Tabernacle? §
Israelite Camp & Tabernacle Naphtali North Asher West Manasseh Dan Levites East Issachar Benjamin Zebulun Ephraim Tabernacle Judah Rueben Simeon Gad South
Tabernacle Courtyard Most Holy Place Laver Altar
Tabernacle Table of Shewbread Ark of the Covenant Most Holy Place Altar of Incense Menorah Holy Place Laver Bronze Altar
3 D Tabernacle § § Visit the 3 D virtual Tabernacle tour at: http: //www. fluvannacc. com/vrtab. html You can download a stand alone version from the same website that doesn’t require a live Internet connection.
Tabernacle § § Some of the following photos are pictures of the full sized tabernacle model located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas at “The Great Passion Play” facility. The facility includes a 4, 000 seat theatre along with a variety of displays including this tablernacle model. You can reach their web site at: http: //www. greatpassionplay. com/index. html The sketches are by Brent Kington.
Discussion Question: § Why were the courtyard walls made of linen rather than stone?
Tabernacle § Tabernacle angle
Tabernacle § Outer Linen Wall of Courtyard
Tabernacle § Entrance
DISCUSSION QUESTION § Why might Jewish decorations of the entrance be geometric rather than images of creatures?
Tabernacle § Bronze Altar
Discussion Question: What was the bronze altar used for? §
Tabernacle § Bronze Altar
Tabernacle § Bronze Altar
Tabernacle § Bronze Altar- Cut View
Tabernacle § Laver
Discussion Question: § Why would the priests wash before entering the Holy Place?
Tabernacle § Laver
Tabernacle § Tabernacle
§ Tabernacle from back
Tabernacle § Tabernacle Tent Coverings
Tabernacle § Holy Place
Tabernacle § Shewbread
Tabernacle § Table of Shewbread
Tabernacle § Altar of Incense
Tabernacle § Altar of Incense
Tabernacle § Menorah (Lampstand)
Tabernacle § Menorah (Lampstand)
Tabernacle § Menorah (Lampstand) from Roman conquest of Herod’s Temple
Tabernacle § High Priest
Tabernacle § Ark of the Covenant
Tabernacle § Ark of the Covenant
Tabernacle § § Holy of Holies Ark of the Covenant
Discussion Question: § Why might most of the items be gold overlay rather than solid gold?
Discussion Question: § What New Testament concepts might the Tabernacle represent?
Tabernacle Table of Shewbread Ark of the Covenant Most Holy Place Altar of Incense Menorah Holy Place Laver Bronze Altar
Tabernacle § For more information and photos visit: http: //www. ebibleteacher. com/3 DTabernacle. html
Timeline: § § § § § Wilderness Wanderings Quail, Manna Mt. Sinai/10 Commands 12 Spies 40 Years Jericho 12 Tribes Judges David & Solomon
Next Series The Bible World: “Old Testament Israel”
Bible Class Electronic Slide Shows SCRIPTURE/TOPIC: SERIES: “Wilderness Wanderings & the Tabernacle” NUMBER OF SLIDES: FILE NAMES: 57 Date: 2/17/2004 Bworld. txt & Bworld 03. ppt The World of the Bible CATEGORY: Copyrighted Sunday School Literature These electronic slide shows provided by Terry Taylor. Microsoft Power. Point (R) was used to create the show. Shows usually include discussion questions and may include illustrations, photographs, definitions, etc. Typically, teacher's notes in text files are included in the packages. You can download Microsoft’s free Power. Point viewer from www. microsoft. com on the Internet if needed. Contact me at TTAYLOR@MIDWEST. NET for more information or at 609 Country Club Ln Carterville, IL 62918. Email with suggestions, comments or for more information. This slide show is a type of Sunday School literature and is copyrighted in regards to slide layout, text and arrangement. You may modify for your own use but may not redistribute. Some fees were paid to develop this series. See other restrictions in regards to graphics and quotations below as required by agreements with graphics and text providers. RESTRICTIONS: “This product/publication includes images from Corel Mega. Gallery and Corel Gallery 1, 000 which are protected by the copyright laws of the U. S. Canada and elsewhere. Used under license. These images are for viewing purposes only and may not be saved or downloaded” No warranty or guarantee is implied. Some scripture quotations taken from: King James version or HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV) 1973, 1978 by the International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible publishers. Web Site: www. e. Bible. Teacher. com A variety of other electronic slideshows and software is available. ttaylor@midwest. net © 2004