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WHO WE ARE • The Natural Gas and Energy Association of Oklahoma is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit membership association. NGEAO is comprised of upstream, midstream and downstream natural gas and energy companies, as well as corollary service companies who rely on Oklahoma’s natural gas and energy industry for existence. We are managed as a 100% volunteer organization, with each officer and board member donating their time, energy and talent to the organization’s cause.
WHAT WE DO • Provide educational classes and forums for the members, as well as monthly luncheons addressing relevant subjects of interest • Provide networking opportunities and a contact website where members can access information and contact each other • Inform our membership of pending legislation and FERC regulation affecting our industry
OUR MOTTO “Clearing a Path for Others to Follow” • Setting the standard for excellence in the energy industry • Providing quality educational programs • Mentoring and supporting students to keep our best talent here in the state • Members volunteering their time and talent to the organization and the community
NGEAO’s History • Originally formed in 1966 as the Natural Gas Men’s Association of Oklahoma • In 1983, the name was changed to the Natural Gas Association of Oklahoma to more accurately reflect its membership roster • In 2000, with increased interest in deregulation of the power industry, the name was changed again to the Natural Gas and Energy Association of Oklahoma • Today we are over 500 members strong and our membership directory now reads like a who’s who in the natural gas industry in Oklahoma
Continuing the Momentum NGEAO's Progress and Plans for 2009 • Increase educational focus with classes and events in 2009. • Support the energy programs of the University of Tulsa, University of Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State University and offer a mentoring program for students • Working with OERB to design a new certification program for natural gas schedulers and contracts personnel, providing curriculum assistance and recommending teachers • Provide a forum for members to discuss regulatory reporting changes for the energy industry (i. e. FERC form 552)
2009 Education Calendar to date • January 8, 2009: Dr. Jerry Nielsen, A presentation on the OSU Wind Turbine Technology Program • February 2 & 3, 2009: Natural Gas-Wellhead to Burnertip class in Tulsa • February 19, 2009: Mr. Mike Thompson, Chairman of the House Energy and Utility Regulation Committee, Presentation of Nuclear Energy Outlook in Oklahoma • March 2 & 3, 2009: Natural Gas-Wellhead to Burnertip class in Oklahoma City • March 12, 2009: Mr. Bobby Wegener, Secretary of Energy, State of Oklahoma, Discussion of proposed state energy legislation and an overview of the Oklahoma Biofuels Research Center • March 23, 2009: FERC form 552 Forum • May 14, 2009: Mr. Daniel Lippe, President of Petral Consulting Company giving a presentation on the NGL industry
Increased Attendance at NGEAO Luncheons Average attendance = 95 In 2004, The NGEAO began providing educational opportunities at the monthly luncheons which are now set up in a “lunch and learn” format with an informative speaker and current subject matter applicable to our industry. Since the meeting format was changed, we have seen a major increase in attendance. The luncheons alternate between Tulsa and Oklahoma City each month.
NGEAO Board of Directors • Past President Board Member– Jennifer Greenwell, Nadel & Gussman, Inc. • Board Members – – – Kristin Mackey, Walden Energy Bill Shanahan, Chaparral Energy Debbie Lessert, Chaparral Energy Mark Cahill, Linn Energy Theresa Whiteside, Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. Rusty Rains, OGE Enogex, Inc. Doug Callaway, Crawley Petroleum Travis Boevers, Carbon Economy Jennifer Mc. Diffett, Devon Energy Alyn Williams, Walden Energy Bill Ward, Superior Pipeline
2009 NGEAO Officers • President – Mary Beasley, Conoco. Phillips Company • 1 st Vice President – Josh Baskett, OGE Enogex, Inc. • 2 nd Vice President – Andrew Williams, Hickory Creek Ventures, LLC • Treasurer - Diana Cox, Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. • Secretary - Kim King, Cimarex Energy Company
Annual Conference Attendance Since 2004 when NGEAO began increasing the educational focus of the organization, the Annual Conference has seen an increase in attendance of 60%
NGEAO SPONSORSHIP Increased support from energy industry is illustrated by sponsorship dollars raised for the annual conference. Since 2004, we have experienced an increase of 230%
NGEAO SUPPORTS EDUCATION Increased sponsorship dollars has provided NGEAO with the opportunity to increase their donation to energy education programs by 500% since 2002. We support Tulsa University, Oklahoma State University and University of Oklahoma Energy programs
NGEAO Community Involvement Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and the Regional Food Bank of OK $1, 000 donation = $8, 000 of food 100% of the donation was derived through the sale of raffle tickets during holiday events
Other NGEAO Benchmarks and Highlights • Initiated a quarterly newsletter “The NGEAO Connection”, to help keep members informed and educated about the energy industry and the many events we organize • Implemented through the NGEAO website, an on-line registration for all events beginning in 2006 as well as membership renewals • Developed an NGEAO logo to assist with brand name recognition • Resurrected the NGEAO membership directory in 2006 • Established a NGEAO Learning Library • Introduced educational/affordable seminars and forums in 2005
NGEAO’s goals for 2009 • Recruit a webmaster with the expertise to focus on refining and growing the NGEAO website • Developing affordable education classes for our members in the areas of risk management and accounting. • Planning a curriculum to be used by the OERB’s Petrotech program for training natural gas schedulers and contract administrators. • Increase awareness of new emerging technologies that improve oil and gas production and/or help decrease our nation’s dependence on foreign oil.
NGEAO needs you! 1. Become an active member 2. Volunteer to serve 3. Recruit one new member 4. Participate in NGEAO’s success by attending the meetings and events when possible