Who`s Who in IT. Dasha Pavlova
MAIN POINTS • Introduction • What is IT? • IT specialties
Introduction Our life is impossible without any information, and therefore IT everywhere with us. We are actively using computer programs, Internet and other technologies. But who creates all this? That's what I want to tell you.
What is IT? IT (information technology) is a set scientific and technical demesne of knowledge that are study and practice methods for creating, processing, storage, protection and transmission of information through computer technology
IT specialties IT is not only the use of a computer and the use of ready-made programs. There are many IT professions. Here a few:
Programmer - it specialists which has been developing algorithms and programs based on mathematical models.
Tester - a specialist who is testing software for quality control software product
Specialists create system of protection for enterprises, protect the local network from virus attacks or cracking hackers. They prevent the leakage of sensitive information, deception of data and incompetence (malice) own employees.
System analyst System Analyst is a specialist who oversees the development of a new software product. He collects the requirements for it, state a problem of development and testing. And at the end of the project, he explains the rules of the users and solves the problems operation of information system.
Outsourcer a specialist to ensure stable and effective work computers. He consults for the acquisition of needed computer equipment. He delivers, installs and configures; provides. timely support in case of any glitches or problems.
Web-designer is a specialist to create a layout of sites, banners, internet cards, which will be subsequently posted on the Internet. Web page - this information design, so the basic requirements for it are visual appeal and intuitive interface for the user.
Moderator is a specialist, which is responsible for adding new items to the pages, answers questions from users, management forum, theme support, removal of obscene and abusive messages, blocking and deleting users for breaking the rules