- Количество слайдов: 16
Aims of the evening To provide an informal opportunity to meet each other, introduce the new school year and answer any queries you may have
Year 3 • Teacher – Mrs Bidder (Mon & Tue) Mrs Lewis (Wed, Thu & Fri) • Teaching Assistants – Mrs Hannett and Mrs Young
Curriculum • Creative approach to teaching curriculum – strong, meaningful links across the curriculum, use of visits, visitors and experts • Mathematics and English • Teaching children how to become more independent, successful learners • Give children more ownership of their learning – targets, on-going informal assessments
This year’s Curriculum Focus Units: History (Autumn 1) looking at crime & punishment throughout history. Focussing on Medieval Britain & Robin Hood Day (TBA). Information will go out shortly. RE/Art – Christmas, Science/DT – fossils (museum visit), Geography - Russia
Reading • Reading is taught in school on a daily basis through Guided Reading, Shared Reading and Individual Reading in English and in other subjects • Home Reading Books are used in school most days, but children should have the opportunity to practise daily at home with other books, magazines, recipes etc…too. Please record in home-learning diary each time your child reads at home. • Regular home reading is crucial and does make a difference. Reading incentive scheme for all children
Ongoing Assessments • Progress is tracked for every individual child on a termly basis in mathematics, reading and writing. This helps us to monitor progress throughout the year and adapt teaching and support where needed. • Support programmes are used to support small groups of children throughout the school as and when needed
Homework in Year 3 Homework will be given out on Fridays and should be handed in on the following Thursday. Children should do as much as they can without it causing any distress. Come back to it over the week, if your child is struggling. Then leave it altogether and speak to the teacher. If they still can’t do it. They’ll never get in trouble for not doing their homework if they have had a good try at it. Please feel free to comment at the bottom of their homework.
Behaviour • • • High expectations of behaviour Golden Time & other rewards Bubble Time & other sanctions Individual incidents dealt with separately Importance of school and home working together • Remember, there are two sides to every story
P. E. • P. E. is on Mondays and Thursdays • Sports kit (including pumps) must be in school all of the time. Please take home on a Friday and return on Monday if washing them. • Please ensure kits fit properly (mainly pumps can be a problem) and are labelled. • Long hair needs to be tied back and earrings either taken out or covered.
SRE (Sex & Relationship Education) in Year 3 Autumn 2 - My changing feelings & self respect. Spring 2 - Birth of a baby, looking after baby. Good and bad secrets. Summer 2 - My changing body, hygiene & differences.
Health and Safety • Please ensure long hair is tied back • Only prescribed medicine to be administered in school, a signed form or letter must be completed • Please attend to head-lice immediately •
Drinks & Snacks • School Water Bottle on sale priced £ 1. 00. These are to be kept at the sink where children can access them. Please do bring a drinks bottle for your child as this classroom gets very hot. • Healthy snacks only • Tuck Shop will be on every day when children can buy hea toast/teacakes. Fair Trade Fridays 60 p
Questions/Concerns • Please do get in contact if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year • Please make the teacher your first port of call about most issues. • Parents Evening - November, March - targets • July - End of yearly report & consultation evening
Parent helpers? ? ?